
An Undead Hero in Another World

Axidriel was just a street thief, until he was stopped by some teenagers on a train, trying to rob them. A bright light appears, and everyone is summoned to another world. However, unlike the other three, Axidriel receives a power on the way to this world. The power to control all darkness, in its physical form And so, instead of being a hero and defeating the Demon King, he just walks away, and decides he's going to live life the way he wants to, with this newfound power. (Please join our discord server! he is half dead,but if more people enter, I guarantee it will become a good place for the community https://discord.gg/gnF3Gfx9KY (unfortunately the link is not clickable...I suggest copying it))

Lorde_X_Demon · ファンタジー
45 Chs

(29) The Train

-The princess has been kidnapped!


-Oh, I see... good night.

I try to close the door, but the guard holds it, stopping me as she continues talking.

-Please, only you can save her with your strange powers!

-Listen here girl, do I look like a plumber? Save the princess yourself.

We were pushing the door towards each other, she trying to open it and me trying to close it.

Obviously I could close it whenever I wanted with my strength, but I don't want to do damage by breaking the door. After all, the owner of the inn took care of Winnie for me.

-Ok listen, there are many things in your world that the kingdom made, I can get them if I save the princess!

-Really? What things?


-I don't like sweets.


-Didn't you hear me?


I open the door abruptly, making the guard fall to the ground.

-We need to save the Chihuahua!