
Chapter 13: Kamar-Taj

Getting off the train I made my way through the streets of the city until I reached my destination.

The New York Sanctum.

Standing outside of it I inhaled and exhaled several times to calm my nerves.

Namely since I have no idea how the Ancient One will react to my very existence.

After all, I'm an anomaly.

A person, well soul, that is not supposed to be here.

Yet I am.

Sure the Ancient One could think nothing of me, but as a bit of a pragmatist and with my meta-knowledge of the Ancient One from the film's I just can't seem to get rid of this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

Even so I want to learn magic and this is the best place to do it.

So there's nothing left for me to do but move forward.

"Let's do this." I muttered to myself.

I then walked up to the entrance of the New York Sanctum and got ready to knock on the door.

Only for the doors to swing open, as if by magic.

Pun intended.

Once the doors were fully opened I found myself face-to-face with the master of the New York Sanctum from the film's.

Daniel Drumm.

"Greetings Mr. Maxwell. If you would please follow me, the Ancient One is expecting you." Drumm spoke.

As soon as he finished the feeling of dread I had been feeling multiplied exponentially.

Even so I knew running was a bad idea, so I steeled myself as best as I could and forced myself to walk forward and entered the New York Sanctum.

The moment I did so the doors shut closed behind me and I heard them lock.

'No turning back now.'


Following master Drumm he led me to an open space within the sanctum.

He then used his Sling Ring to open a portal.

Once he did so he motioned for me to step through it.

So I did so.

The second I appeared on the other side I found myself in one of the many spacious courtyards of Kamar-Taj.

Which let me tell you, looks so much more beautiful in real-life than in the movies.

As I looked around and examined the stronghold/training ground of the Master of the Mystic Arts I saw the portal Drumm open close.

Then I immediately found myself face-to-face with Karl Mordo.

Looking at him I immediately began thinking how to prevent his fall to the dark side. Since the man is strong, and we could use him in the battles that are coming. After all, this world doesn't need him becoming like his comic book counterpart like he did after the first Doctor Strange film. In my opinion that would just be a waste.

"Hello. I am Karl Mordo." Karl. spoke.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Roman Maxwell." I said.

"A pleasure young Roman. Now if you'll please follow me. The one who wishes to meet you awaits your arrival." Karl spoke.

"Of course." I said.

When I did so Karl started walking, and I followed him.

Working to mentally prepare myself to meet the Ancient One.


Karl moved through the halls of Kamar-Taj with no hesitation in his steps. 

Me following right behind him.

It didn't take the two of us long to reach our destination. A set of double-doors.

"We have arrived." Karl said. He then gently pushed opened the doors. Turning to face me after he did so. "Proceed."

I nodded at his words. "Thank you." I said.

I then stepped through my second set of ancient-looking double doors of the day.

Then just like last time the moment after I did so and was completely on the other side the doors closed shut and locked themselves.

But I ignored this, and instead focused all my attention on the person sitting at the table in the middle of the room in front of me.

The Ancient One.

[Insert image of Ancient One here]

Looking at me, she smiled. "Ah Mr. Maxwell. A pleasure to finally meet you. Please, take a seat. We have much to discuss." Ancient One spoke.

"Yes, we do." I replied.

I then walked up to the only other seat at the table and sat down. Placing my bag on the floor as I did so.

"Tea?" The Ancient One asked. Since there's a couple of tea cups and a tea pot on the table.

"Please." I said.

Once I did so the Ancient One poured me a cup of tea and then slid it over to me. Picking it up off its saucer I took a sip, and was surprised at how good it was.

In my previous life I never liked tea, and the only reason I didn't refuse the Ancient One is because I didn't want to be rude. I didn't expect to like the tea that was offered but it turns out I do.

Which makes me think I should give tea another look.

"I see it is too your liking." Ancient One said, a knowing smile on her face.

"Yes, it is. But I'm sure you already knew that beforehand." I said.

Since I definitely wouldn't put it past the Ancient One to use the powers of the Eye of Agamotto to troll people.

I know I would if I had the power.

"Who can say for sure." The Ancient One mused.

I smirked at her words. But it only lasted for a second before I put a serious expression on my face. "So, while this is fun I think it's time we get down to business."

"Yes, I suppose it is." The Ancient One replied.

"Alright then. So you obviously knew I was coming, and what I am here for." I spoke.

"Yes, on both accounts Mr. Maxwell." Ancient One said. Taking a sip of her tea after she did so. "However what I did not expect was that the anomaly I was shown by the Eye would be nothing more than a young boy. How very interesting."

"Oh, am I really that interesting?" I questioned.

"Indeed you are." Ancient One replied. "Especially since I cannot see your future with the Eyes powers. You are in every sense of the word a wild card. I have no idea what the future holds in store for you, or you it." She explained to me.

As the Ancient One did so I didn't really know what to make of her words.

On the one hand I am glad she hasn't deemed me a threat and tried to get rid of me, but on the other hand the fact that she can't see my future using the eyes powers leaves me with so many more questions than answers.

Then again the future is what you make of it, so...I guess I'll just have to carve out my own path.


I'm been doing it so far and it's been working so I see no reason to mess with a good thing.

"I see." I replied. "Well thanks for that bit of information. Now onto my most important question, will you allow me to study the ways of magic here at Kamar-Taj?"

"Yes, of course." The Ancient One replied.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Yes." She replied. Smiling a bit as she did so. "Although I cannot see your future my instincts are telling me you are no threat. Even with all the powers at my disposal those are the one thing that rarely fail me. So in this case I will once again choose to follow them. And on that note, welcome to Kamar-Taj. Home of the Master of the Mystic Arts. I hope your time here amongst us will be fruitful Roman Maxwell."

"I'm sure it will be. Of that I have no doubt." I replied to the Ancient One.

Happy, because my journey to magic has finally begun.
