
Arriving at Camp

Scratching. Scratching was an overpowering sound, it came from the door of the house our protagonist, Mira, was currently in. Mira was a twelve year old girl with white hair and gray eyes. She had tan skin like her mother. Speaking of Mira's mother, she was currently franticly looking through the house for something. She had told Mira that she was getting something that her father left for her. Mira was currently staring at the door in worry, while wearing tight blue jeans with white sneakers and a black t-shirt. She had a black backpack on with some supplies for when she leaves.

Mira had instructions to leave through the backyard the second her mom came back. She was supposed to go to a camp of some sort.

Suddenly, two things happened, her mom came running down with a bronze necklace that had a bronze clock with a scythe over it. The other thing that happened was the door got broken down. Standing in the door way was 3 black dogs that look like they just came up from hell. Mira's mom yelled for her to run, stating she would buy her time. Mira, not wanting to leave her mother, hesitated to leave her there. Her mom yelled at her to do it once more, this time with Mira moving. She began running across the lawn. She began climbing the fence only to hear a scream from her mother. She looked to see her mother get trampled whilst 1 dog stayed behind, the other two kept charging. Mira didn't want to see what she knew was coming so she quickly dropped on the outside of her house and ran like her life depended on it, which it did.

Mira had been running for 10 minutes straight. She was currently pissed because she was still being followed by the dogs. Suddenly, she got the instinctual feeling to hold her chain. As she de so, it began to form a bronze scythe. The dogs caught up to her while she was doing this. Mira, deciding to lean into her instincts, began to twirl the scythe like she had been doing so for years. The dogs charged only for Mira to twirl our of the way and slash down with her scythe. This left a massive cut on the first dog. The second, rearing into an attack, began to swipe at Mira. Mira simply block the claw with the edge of her handle. Mira kicked the dog away and held out the scythe while it was flying away. The dog flew through the scythe when flying backwards from the kick. The dog ended up disintegrating into golden dust.

The first fog was back for more. The dog charged Mira once more only for Mira to roll to the side and swipe her scythe in an X motion. The dog exploded into dust. Mira's scythe began to turn back into a necklace. She put it around her neck. Mira sat down and looked at her hands wondering if they were still her own. She had always been an athletic girl but she had never thought she would be-able to wield a weapon so well.

Mira's mother had always made her study greek mythology, she was always told it would play a big role in Mira's future. She had always thought it was idiotic to study mythology but after fighting what she recognized as hellhounds, she realized her mother was right. She also wondered why she had been attacked by those things.

Mira opened her backpack to find the supplies she had packed, but also a note that she never placed there. She assumed her mother had placed it there and decided to read it.

'Mira, theres a safe haven for people like you. When I say people like you I mean Demi-Gods. Your father never told me which god he was, just some things that I would need to know to help you. I want you to go to the Long Island Sound. There will be a camp there for you. It's called Camp Half-Blood. Please hurry, more and more monsters will come after you. The camp can protect you from things like that.

Love, Mom'

Mira, after reading the note, didn't know what to think. She decided that she would just not think. She would make her way to the Long Island Sound. Search for the camp and hopefully find out which god was her parent. So, with that in mind, Mira got up from the ground and began her long walk to the Long Island Sound.


It had been a week since she had left home. Mira was currently walking up a hill after seeing the camp in the distance. She had been constantly fighting monsters on her way here. Over her week she had begun the think of all the greek gods and their divinities. She had thought and thought, but she couldn't find a single god who wielded a scythe. She began to assume it was a minor god she had yet to study.

Anyways, Mira was making her way up the hill until she stopped at a pine tree and looked at the entire camp. The camp was bustling with people, some were shooting bows, other sword fighting, she even saw a few people just sitting around reading. She entered the camp only to be met with a centaur. The centaur introduced himself as Chiron, the teacher of many famous heros. The centaur took her to a blonde girl with gray eyes like her's, she introduced herself as Annabeth and that she was apparently Athena's daughter. Chiron told them that Annabeth was supposed to show her around camp. Mira began to speak,

"Soo, where should we begin?"

"Let's head to the cabins first"

Annabeth lead Mira towards the cabins. She began to speak that there was a cabin for each Olympian. Mira then asked the question of what if someone wasn't a child of Olympus. Annabeth simply paused and didn't answer. Annabeth showed her all the cabins, pausing at the Hermes cabin to tell Mira that that is where she would be staying until she was claimed by her parent. Mira simply nodded and the tour continued.

Mira was taken to the dining pavillion, the arena, the archery range, the armory, the forest, and the big house. Once the tour was over Mira asked when dinner would be and Annabeth said that she would know. After that less than helpful answer to her question Annabeth went on to explain that they would be having capture the flag today and that Mira would be on her team.

Out of nowhere a person appeared and they introduced themselves as Luke. Luke asked for a spar against the 'new-blood' to which Mira simply said why not. Luke tried to bring them to the armory but Mira stated that her father left her a weapon before going Houdini with the family. Luke simply nodded before bringing them to the arena.

Luke stood on one side of the arena with his sword drawn. The camp, hearing that Luke would be fighting the newest member of the camp, began to filter into arena seats. Mira didn't even spare the filled seats a glance as she drew her scythe. Once she drew her scythe, the camp broke out into hushed voices of gossip. Mira simply made a 'come at me' gesture towards Luke.

Luke, seeing this simply charged towards Mira. Luke slashed at Mira to which she parried with her scythe. Mira jumped back and twirled her scythe before charging at Luke. Mira twisted just before she was about the slash down on Luke. The twirl made her get behind Luke and get a clean cut on his back. He stumbled forward and recovered before Mira could do anymore. Luke grimaced before charging once more. Mira blocked his slash with the end of her handle and pushed Luke backwards. As Luke was once again hit back, Mira sliced Luke's front this time making him unable to fight any longer because of bloodloss. An Apollo camper came up and gave him some ambrosia and nectar while the crowd cheered for Mira's victory.

Suddenly, all the cheering halted. Sitting above Mira was a holographic circle. Inside of the circle, there was a clock with a scythe cutting it in half along with grassing fields in the backround.

Mira had been claimed. She was the daughter of Kronos, King of the Titans, God of Time.
