
An Euphoric Ride

Every chapter is going to showcase a new story with new characters. Some stories might be intriguing, some might be mysterious, while others may explore the world of supernaturals. Surely, it’s going to be an euphoric ride for the reader.

Aalisha · ファンタジー
1 Chs

My Fling, A Hitman

Stella's POV

There I lied in his warm embrace. Our nude bodies pinned against each other's. Sweat beads trailed down my warm skin as I took deep breaths to tame my pounding heart after the long blissful night.

"Why are you crying? Is something wrong?" Blake asked, noticing the tears running down my eyes.

"S-someone i-s t-trying to k-kill me," I forced the words out of my mouth, closing my eyes as I buried my face in his hard inked chest.

"Who's trying to kill you?" I heard him question, his voice as cold as ice, holding absolutely no curiosity or remorse but rather a hint of mockery.

"My ex husband, Leon Johnson, hired a hitman to kill me," I answered, hastily wiping the wetness off of my cheeks.

"Why exactly?" His heavy voice reached my ears.

Sighing, I began explaining to him. "Well since we hadn't signed the prenup before our marriage. Now that we're divorced, I own half of his wealth and the rights to his company. Which is why he's hellbent on getting rid of me to get back what he lost," I finished, biting my lower lip as I looked up to gaze in his hazel eyes.

"How do you know Leon has hired a hitman?" He inquired.

"His secretary, who's also an old friend of mine, told me she overheard him talking about it with the hitman on the phone," I breathed.

"So are you scared of the hitman?" Blake queried.

Smearing a grin across my face, I clenched his slender neck between my palms. "Not exactly…the man had three chances to kill me. First at the library, then in the parking lot, even in my own house. Yet he missed every time. Whatever it may have been. The hitman is extremely lazy and sucks at his job," I laughed, palming my mouth as I tried suppressing my laughter.

"Four…the hitman had four chances," Blake smirked sinisterly, deepening his voice to such an extent that it sent shivers down my spine. That deep voice, it sounded so familiar…like the hitman's.

I felt myself drowning in shock and terror as the reality dawned upon me.

Blake was the…hitman, my heart began jumping up and down in terror as my mind buzzed with the thought. This entire time, I had been running to Blake, thinking of him as my safe haven. Yet, he was the real culprit…the person I should've been running away from.

"You had asked me earlier what I do for a living, Stella," His dark voice reached my ears while his large tattooed palms trailed up my neck, curling around it.

"Well, this is it…I am a hitman," He finished, tightening his grip around my neck.

The end