
Fighting with a half-baked plan 1

While planning for their counter-attack towards their enemies, Rei thought about how much he spent to procure all the weapons he took out today. Rei's family sure is rich but there's a limit to their wealth as well, if he burns this amount of money for every C-rank missions he'll definitely ran out of funds, even with his mother's help they'll surely go bankrupt soon.

The first thing he has to work on after finishing this mission would be to give his mother ideas on how to make their business much more successful than it already is. Aside from that once this terrible situation is cleaned up, Rei has to give his uncle ideas and trading schemes as well.

Maybe at some point he could create a business that would involve Yashina village's products and their clothing products to trade all over the land of fire, resulting to maximizing the potential of their family's business at the same time involve the hidden leaf with its security. With all these ideas Rei could practically solve his money problem and boost hidden leaf's economy.

In this world money would not give you absolute power because there are ultimate existence like god like ninjas, but it will somehow give you power enough to protect yourself. Furthermore; it could be used to develop weapons, equipment, and tools to strengthen ninjas to better deal with any kind of situation. While Rei was thinking about all the possibilities money could provide him, Mokichi suddenly gave him a snappy pat at the back of his head which woke him up from all the thinking he has been doing.

Mokichi: Oy, son! what are you doing? -he said with a smile since he saw he son blanking out rarely.

Rei: I just thought of something... -he said while looking awkward.

Keiji: I hope you don't blank out later when we are fighting.

Hayama: Don't worry about him, Rei's extremely good in combat.

Rei: Hahaha... I'll just do my best later.

After everyone finished up making their plans that is by far doesn't look like one at all, Rei tried to suggest crazy things like traps and such to make things easier for them. But the group rebut him that they wouldn't have time to set all those up and the more time passes the more the civilians would have to suffer, which what they have been trying to end at all cost.

Rei thought about why they couldn't plan meticulously to prevent such mistakes from happening but with the time they have they could only make a general outline of what they should do, is what his father told him. At the end of the of plan they decided to split into two groups the first one which was Mokichi's team composing of himself, Keiji, and Yoichi while the second team is Hayama's team.

Rei wanted to stop them from doing something reckless, since charging in recklessly in his opinion was just asking to be killed but everyone was so optimistic about their current situation and plans. Now Rei's wondering if his father is really an anbu and if his teacher is really a jonin because of coming up with such a half-baked plan.

Rei: Are you serious with this plan, dad? -he asked looking confused at his decision.

Mokichi: Hmmnn, besides what could possibly go wrong Rei, Reinforcement are coming as well.

Rei: I just think that having to suffer a little bit more is worth it, if there's a sure plan that would be executed.

Mokichi: That's not a bad argument but we have to do this fast since our opponent might consolidate their strength.

The plan is now about to commence with Hayama's team responsible for the white-haired twins and the brown-haired man. Those three are compose of two chunin class and a jonin class presumably base on Hayama's judgement, which was quite appropriate to fight with Hayama's team members. The two genin disagreed first since they argued that they couldn't possibly fight against chunins, but then they remembered about their crazy teammate who doesn't looked like a genin one bit when fighting.

On the other hand, Mokichi's team would handle the leader of this tyrannical bandits. Rei only hopes that nothing goes wrong but with his sort of curse, he wonders what kind of crappy things would happen. so he readies whatever weapons he has or trump card that he could employ to quickly end the battles he would face. Since in this world the longer fight goes the crazier the events turn out to be.

Also, the reason why Rei really wanted to make an elaborate plan is because most of his weapons ended up with the guards of his uncle's estate to better deal with those bandit thugs, while the others ended up with his cousin Yoichi then teammates Ayaka and Seiji. It is quite frustrating that what ended up with him are just exploding shurikens and kunais among the things he took out, but with such a paranoid mind like Rei, he of course keeps a few things in secret.

Morning came just when they were planning to execute the plan the coming night, the bandits already surrounded the village threatening to invade. Left with no choice everyone except for the children took up weapons to defend their homes, meanwhile every able-bodied man of the Hatano household went out ready to defend their village fully armed with the boost of Rei's weaponry. Now equipped with advance weapons the guards of the Hatano household man the walls and entrances with confidence and courage of a tiger.

Bandit archers aim their arrows towards the guardsmen on top of the city walls, the men responded with raising their makeshift wooden shields to save themselves. A few seconds later the shields are being worn down by the amount of arrows that are getting stuck with their makeshift shields. The bandits don't look like an untrained group since they actually took their turns in a uniformed manner and looking like a well-trained army. The hail of arrows continued and the charging of bandits bringing makeshift ladders, ropes, and physically fit bandits who could possibly scale the village's walls charge through looking to penetrate their defenses.

Seeing the overwhelming advantage of the bandits, Hayama urge Rei to come with him to give their forces that window time to retaliate. Rei took out a scroll that stores massive amount of water which he quickly releases, Hayama quickly cooperate with him. The two then used Water release and Wind release to combine and create a giant water tornado to sweep their enemies away.

The bandits though didn't let the tornado decimate every one of them, the brown-haired man cooperated with the twins and use an earth release to absorb the water from the tornado. But the sheer strength of the cooperation technique of Rei and Hayama surpasses what the trio's jutsu could absorb and resist.

The reason for their failed defense attempt is because Rei actually turned the water with his control into High-pressured and High-density water, and with the help of Hayama's wind release it gave the velocity to destroy everything in its path. The bandit group could only cooperate together and release an earth release to shield themselves from the destructive tornado.

When the bandits finally stopped that tornado they actually release a sigh of relief, but what they didn't know is that this is the time where things gets nasty. The guardsmen of Hatano household finally was able to deploy the weapons given by Rei, these are no joke range weaponry since they release spears, javelins, shurikens, and kunais like an automatic weapon in the 21st century of earth with some even attached with explosive tags. The battle continued with the results still left in question since the bandit group could use group ninjutsu.

Mokichi's group finally made their move towards their target leaving Hayama and his team to defend Yashina village and to deal with those three leading bandits. Meanwhile Hayama and the genins are looking for an opportunity to strike the leading figures, which came when they saw that the leaders are trying to flee when the battle was going against their favor.

Hayama quickly lead the three genins to shadow those three who lead the ambush against them but what they didn't expect was that those three were expecting them to follow and set a few traps for them. Ambush are really a bandit's forte, since what resulted from shadowing the three bandits is being surrounded with more bandits plus the white-haired twins and the brown-haired man.

Brown Haired: Looks like we're continuing were we left off?

Hayama: It seems to be looking that way...

Rei: This is the reason why I don't like going through things without a detailed plan. -he said looking annoyed.

Keiji: Seriously Rei stop complaining we have to fight...

Ayaka: I have to agree this time... but I can't let those people suffer more.

White haired teen: Don't worry you guys will be dead after this anyway.

Other teen with white hair: that's right!

Feeling the danger of the trio in front of him with the addition of being outnumbered, Rei decided to set his bracers into normal so that he could fight at his maximum physical ability. Rei took out his chakra blade, a dagger that was given to him by his father which is now fairly short, slim, curved blade made of steel that conducts chakra better is held by a grip wrapped in lavish, onyx sting ray leather.

The sharp, dual-edged blade makes this the ideal weapon if you're looking to slice, dice, stab and jab your enemies. The blade has a spiked, curved cross guard, which makes sure the blade is both balanced and capable of protecting the owner's hands against any sliding sword. The cross-guard has an elegant cross on each side, with a ring pommel identical to a kunai's.

Rei and his father decided to name this dagger/blade "Oath keeper" to remind Rei of his resolve as a ninja whenever he uses it.

To make a statement that they weren't easy opponents, Rei used "body flicker" to close in on their enemy bandits and weaved through while slashing their throats easily like slicing a butter with a hot knife. Hayama made his moves as well, using his raw speed he killed countless bandits with his katana.

But the leading bandits wouldn't let them slaughter each one of their lackeys without a fight, the brown-haired man quickly took on Hayama to stop him from his slaughter while the white-haired twins made their moves against Rei.

The two genin's wouldn't let themselves be left out either, Ayaka quickly took out a huge katar like weapon with holes in them to serve as the exit point of needles. Ayaka then pressed the trigger and hit bandits with countless needles making them a human porcupine.

On the other hand, Seiji took out the artillery he got from Rei and released hail of exploding javelins towards their enemies. The battle continued and tides are against the favor of the bandits because of the weaponry Rei provided. Sounds of metal clashing are being produce everywhere, be it deflecting or clashing of attacks. Rei on the other hand has been probing the actual skill level of the twins he is fighting with.

Ayaka: Can you handle them Seiji?

Seiji: I think so, I still got a lot of weapon besides I have better kenjutsu than them. -he said resolutely.

Ayaka: Then I have to go help Rei, he's fighting one against two.

Seiji: Go ahead then, I got this.

Ayaka quickly dashed towards Rei's fight area intending to help him.

Rei: Why are you here? -confused since he thinks that he could handle the two just fine.

Ayaka: I'm here to help "genius". -she said quite sarcastically.

Rei: Can Seiji handle those bandits on his own? -he said while parrying the twin's attacks.

Ayaka: Don't underestimate him, he's still a ninja you know. -she said while throwing a dozen of shurikens.

Rei is quite happy to receive help from his teammate but he worries more for Seiji, since the guy is the weakest of the three of them. Who knows what might happen to that guy while facing a group of bandits, though lackeys they are still a threat. Even if they are ninjas they don't have that terrifying power of deflecting knives with their bodies, they'll still die when stabbed in the right spot.