
An Average Guy In A Shinobi World

作者: anotherfan
連載中 · 1.1M ビュー
  • 46 章
  • 4.0
    84 レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

An Average Salary man in the modern day earth live a monotonous and boring life, despite being financially stable, and having great personality. He stayed single for the rest of his life, due to being indecisive with his life decisions. The only highlights of his colorless life are his work accomplishments and hobbies. Join him in his adventure where he got mistakenly reincarnated in the Naruto world with memories in tact and swears this time to try harder. Note/disclaimer: The photo used in my cover is not my property it is own by Con Couture, due to my non-existing art skills I can't make my own cover. Also Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release. Warning: I only know basic things in English grammar... if it's when to use comma and such, I have very little knowledge. So, if you are extremely picky with grammar this is not a very good novel for you to read. Since this just might gave you a headache, I'm very open to being corrected though if you have time. To be fair with my readers, I'm trying to improve but don't expect dramatic changes in a short time. Also, the novel's pace is very slow. So, don't expect ultra-power ups out of nowhere with no explanation.



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

Well, this story has a major problem and may push many people away: the writing style. Instead of writing = "Hey honey how are you?" Father asked = The author wrote = Father: Hey honey how are you? = If you can look past this, then try it, and make your own opinion.


This Fan fiction has a good idea behind it. I have seen many time travel Fanfics but not many where one of us gets transmigrated. World background: It's basically Naruto universe can't get any Better. 5 STARS Character Design: The MC is good, just needs a bit more background info and depth. Besides that it's fine. So 4 stars Story Development: It has only 2 chapters until now...., kinda hard to say but the 1st 2 chapters are good, not wasting to much time in our universe. so 4 stars Stability of Updates: Until now 2 chapters cannot judge, so 3 stars Writing Quality: The Chapters do have a bunch of grammar and spelling mistakes. If the Author reads his own chapters slowly it might remove most mistakes. so 3 stars


More chapter More more more more more more more more make more chapters. Good excitement , background , plots and suspense for result. Keep it up author.


Great writing so far with a nice gentle progression of strength and slowly expanding the world . This lets you eagerly anticipate the story and guess where it could be going and not a set easily predictable route or rush to the top.


The genius of this series is it's originality. rather than the MC getting pushed along by, sidelined, or overshadowing characters/the original plot. We have a relatively realistic MC that has his own story and struggle that affects and influences the original plot and the konoha 12. The author rather than messing directly with Konoha 12 genin teams decided to create new characters or use and develop lesser known characters that i can see being important later on without downgrading any roles. The author even takes his time to develop original missions that seem like the canon ones. highly recommended




want more want more want more want more want more want more want more want more want more want more want more want more i really nead moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... thank you another fan


This is so good more chapter please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the MC Grow is very good not OP and Hardworking i just love it man !!!!!!!!!!!! so more chapter please !!!!!!!!!!


Dude, love your story and I honestly think that your skills are good enough to write your own story. Your only real problem would be that your writing format honestly sucks. But, that can easily be fixed so don't worry about it too much. I really wish you can finish it to the end of at least Naruto Shippuden though. Keep up the good work. Believe it! :-)


Look i understand this is the way you like to write your story but i dont like reading my stories like this. I cant get over it. So im gonna leave. Have a good time writing this and good luck.


Don't mess it up my friend. you are writing very well👍👍 We want more chapters. I like this story because un like other characters mc is growing slowly and he haw his own style.I want to know where end's up in the final.


I just picked this book up yesterday and am already caught up. It reads really well, the characters are well thought out and all of the original characters are unique, and the author does a good job staying true to personalities of the cannon characters.


Just want to say that this novel is worth to read . .............. Please any mooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee update of this novel pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........................


Just as the title say our MC is and average guy with no overpowered strength like kekai genkai, sharingan etc. and no powerful clan to back him up but still with effort he stand in front of all and kicks ass plus the process of training the step it takes and the concept on which it develops power level is well thought out and not easily achieved the story develops step by step and you get to enjoy MC growth and leave expecting for more for one i can't wait to see how it develops in the futurre


My main issue with this story would have to be the terrible editing, it just doesn't seem like anybody has gone to any effort to check your sentence structure. My second issue with the series is you gave this story a basis in reincarnation, but aside from maturity the main character has to hide all the time anyway, you've almost completely discarded the subject, he hasn't brought much of anything with him from his previous life, you could just as well cut the whole thing out. I think the third and final literary sin is that you've completely hijacked somebody else's fictional world, and by sticking so close to the original story, you're basically retelling somebody else's story in third person from a different perspective. I consider that almost plagiarism. I'd consider scrapping this story unless you can come up with new characters and the resolve to tell your own story.


i really love this fan fiction please do continue this and would love it even more when our mc creats purple lighting and teach it kakashi.


Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty gooPretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good d Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good Pretty good


Honestly this is pretty good but the development and the fact that it's dropped is making this pretty bad This story simply doesn't work with the little amount of chapters out, a slow paced story obviously needs more chapters to fill but this simply don't have enough chapter and the writing is pretty weird, any school in the last 50 or so years taught you how to use "" so I don't understand where people get the idea that using anything but that is a good idea


It is a well written fanfiction. The mc is an average person that gets reincarnated into Naruto world. He gets the gift of great chakra control. The problem with this novel is the lack of character growth, whether it is personal or strength wise. There is no conflict in this story meaning that there's no oppurtunity for mc to grow as a person. There are a few minor questions he ponders, such as if he should befriend naruto characters or will it affect their growth to save the world etc. Furthermore, his abilities are just chakra control, and even that, he sucks at until he trains that ability up, however he trains hard and is number one student in the academy during the time he stays there. But he himself admits that the only reason that is, is because he started his training earlier. He befriends people that are more of a genius than he is and it gets annoying after a while. I personally like it when a main characters strength is well balanced and isn't too OP. However the mc should still be amongst the top among his peers, which he is but it feels like all he does is train 18 hours a day just to be slightly better than sasuke and then admit that sasuke and Naruto will sooner or later surpass him. Mc even admits that alot of the people are more talented than him and his future path is basically limited. All these factors make it hard for me as a reader to consider mc and an actual mc. When one says that one doesn't want op mc, that means overall in that specific world. for example, luffy is op, but only among his peers, his overall strength in one piece is quite weak considering the adminerals and yoko. This is the flaw of the story, since it feels like all his training barely matters when people who doesn't train as hard can surpass him easily. But the story was still enjoyable to read, and quite different than I'm used to.


Come on bro still waiting for the next chapter i its a good novel but the updates are slow ill give you all my powerstone everyday just update more


