
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · ファンタジー
57 Chs

Vampire Outcast (1)

Jeffery stared closely, not wanting to miss a thing. Trevor finally sat up straight, the sadness in his eyes could not be hidden. He raised his head to the sky and then his glowing red eyes became visible to Jeffery.

He did not have to think too much to figure out he had been turned. Trevor was a vampire now and he did not look happy about it.

Jeffrey continued observing the situation. Trevor let out a scream before letting out a cynical laugh. "Why? I'm just an orphaned boy, did you have to take that away from me"

Following his words thunderstruck and it started raining heavily, it was like the sky was trying to express his pain.

Jeffrey felt more intrigued by the second, now he just wanted to enjoy his comic and not think of the flaws.

Trevor stood up and the scene changed, Jeffrey appeared in a small cottage. Trevor was eating...bread it seemed but then a middle-aged lady suddenly appeared.

It wasn't too farfetched to say she appeared out of nowhere because Jeffrey had not seen her walk through the door.

"Who are you?" Trevor's voice was cold, he wasn't even started by the lady's sudden appearance.

"Poor child, you've suffered a lot, let me take care of the rest," the old lady said in a sad tone.

Trevor frowned before finally turning to look at the woman. "You've not answered my question"

The old lady ignored that and continued. "Amelia told me what she did. She was stupid but don't let that stop you from discovering who you truly are"

Trevor was silent. Until a month ago he had blamed Amelia for his predicament but he just stopped thinking about it after a while or it might have been the simply forgot it. He wasn't a fool to believe this vampire lady cared about him but she was remaining taut-lipped about her purpose and was maybe trying to mislead him.

Trevor was sure it might have had something to do with his discoveries recently. His knowledge about vampires was limited but he still knew enough to tell he was different, he wasn't sure by how much but he was.

At first, he thought he wouldn't be able to survive without blood but he was surprised normal food still tasted delicious in his mouth.

It was common knowledge that vampires could eat human food, their digestive system won't cut it but he ate rice like he normally did and even started believing that he might still be human.

That thought didn't linger as his red eyes and fangs were evident signs of not being human, even his extra pale skin couldn't be ignored. He most certainly wasn't human and he wasn't sure about being a vampire either.

The woman's words made him consider two possibilities, either the vampire knew what he was or was also curious but either way, he also wanted to find out but didn't want to look desperate.

"Does that mean I'm not a vampire?" Trevor probed.

"Don't do that child. I can hear your heartbeat from where I stand, every fluctuation is registered" the woman chuckled. "Vampires don't have hearts"

Trevor had no change in expression, he had been caught and decided to drop the act. "Where will take me"

The lady smirked at his sudden change. "Now we're talking. Pirrn mansion"

"I don't want to see Amelia"

"You have no choice lad, you should know your place don't make demands"

Trevor said nothing, he had only been trying to gauge his importance and even though the woman rejected him, he could still roughly estimate how much his value was.

Jeffrey stood spectating, he would have been confused again but fortunately, all of Trevor's thoughts were laid bare to him helping his understanding expand.

After the conversation, the vampire led Trevor to the Pirrn mansion, and the short time it took helped him straighten his thoughts Jeffrey understood a bit more through his thinking.

Amelia was from a main branch of the Pirrn family, Trevor knew nothing else that was important about her but the Pirrn family was popular among humans and vampires with different emotions as the base of their popularity.

The humans were terrified of anything related to the Pirrn while the vampires held nothing but respect for their kind.

Trevor had no idea why humans fears them so much as an orphan, he was even lucky to have heard about them and when he started dating Amelia he had foolish thought she was a poor girl.

Trevor shook his head after they arrived at the gate of the Pirrn mansion. While he observed his surroundings, Jeffrey noticed something odd.

'The scene doesn't skip anymore, why' but he had no time to concentrate on his thoughts since he did not want to miss anything.

The woman vampire further led Trevor into the mansion and the two male vampires standing guard stepped aside.

"Make yourself comfortable, this will be your home from now on," the woman vampire said before leading him up the stairs.

Trevor frowned slightly, though he had been expecting something like that, he did not expect her to be so straightforward about it.

The Lady continued to lead him before entering a large room. Every before entering, Trevor could tell there were a lot of Vampires behind the door, he could smell them.

"You did not take long at all Brenda," a middle-aged vampire lady said sarcastically. Brenda seemed to be the name of the vampire who brought him here.

Trevor looked around and counted about fourteen vampires standing in the room. Only one caught his attention, it wasn't his fault though, he never knew vampires could be so short...

"Continue staring boy and I'll make you blind"

Trevor immediately retracted his gaze, something about the vampire felt off but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

The other vampires turned to him each of their gazes intense as if trying to see his soul. Still, he did not falter and even looked back at some.

"Okay enough, bring the tester," the short vampire said again. The others retracted their gaze and Trevor realized that he might have already angered an important figure.

'Just my luck' he cursed inwardly before thinking of what the tester was.