
Week 12: Unveiling the Truth

You: "Before we reach the hospital, could you share more about this world? There's still so much I want to understand."

Kore, with a gentle smile: "Of course. Knowledge is a gateway to empowerment. Firstly, allow me to reveal my true name. I am known as Kore, a name bestowed upon me by the creator. However, you may recognize me better as Persephone. Although the tales of me being entwined with the god of the underworld hold some truth, the reality is far more nuanced. He has never forced me into anything against my will."

Kore's explanation provides a glimpse into her identity, dispelling misconceptions while retaining an air of mystery surrounding her true nature. With newfound clarity, you continue your journey, eager for more insights.

Kore: "As we walk, I want to draw your attention to the diverse plant life in this realm. Each plant carries a specific significance. Here, a simple rule governs edibility. Black signifies danger and potential toxicity. Red denotes spiciness, while yellow evokes sourness. Green reflects bitterness, while blue represents hydration. Orange indicates sweetness, and brown, akin to chocolate in your world, ranges from bitter to sweet. Purple denotes medicinal properties, and the rare gold possesses miraculous healing abilities. Any other color indicates an edible but unremarkable taste, similar to unflavored cough syrup."

As Kore imparts her knowledge, you begin to grasp the intricacies of this world's flora, their hues serving as a visual language of taste and effect.

Kore: "Moreover, you may have noticed the coexistence of various humanoid species in this realm. While racism exists, as it does within any society, it is relatively mild compared to what you experienced in your world. Harmony prevails among the diverse humanoid communities, except for instances where racism or greed disrupts the balance."

As you walk, your attention is abruptly drawn to a scuffle unfolding before you. Kore guides your gaze toward the disturbing scene, explaining its underlying cause.

Kore: "Regrettably, this is a rare example of extreme racism fueled by the acceptance of slavery in this world. Some individuals hold the misguided belief that certain species should be relegated to servitude. However, such acts are strictly forbidden and heavily frowned upon."

Guards swiftly intervene, resolving the conflict and apprehending the aggressor, exemplifying the consequences for such prejudiced actions.

Kore: "Witnessing the swift response to this injustice reinforces the prevailing stance against racism in this realm."

With the incident resolved, you continue your journey, turning the corner to find the hospital standing before you. The sight of its imposing structure signals the culmination of your quest to uncover its mysteries. The anticipation heightens as you step closer, prepared to embark on the next chapter of your journey.