
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 15 : Attack on Titan (6)

David tha looked at Levy who was now on the ground,"Oh ! The strongest Survey Crops Captian is now defeated so easily."

Levy said,"Who are you ?"

David released Levy and sat in the chairs at dinning table and looked at the table and unsummoned the Sombra Ninjas.

Than he saw Eren who was looking at him in shock.

David without answering Levy's question. He said,"Eren How are you doing? Hope you liked your new found powers."

Eren wanted ask may questions but when heard that David knew about his powers.

Eren asked hurriedly,"Brother David Do you know about my power ?"

David replied while getting some founds from morden age inside his inventory which he unlocked,"Of course I also know about the others who have held your power previously."

Levy and others were shocked to see David bringing out food fom thin air and even more so when he spoke.

David than said,"Let's eat while I tell you a story."

A knock whas heard at the the door.

Hanji had came who saw a extra person was here.

David than looked at her and said,"Come sit Miss Hanji. Let me tell you all the story."

Although she could fell something odd about the situation she sat down.

David than started to tell them the story which involved about Origin of Titans, Ymir Fritz and the Curse of Ymir, The Great Titan War and the Split of Powers, The Founding Titan's Will and the Walls.

After finishing both the story and dinner, David started to clean his mouth when Hanji asked,"So there are humans outside the wall and there is a whole continent of people there and we are one of the descendents who have been brainwashed to forget that place to live here without participating in war."

David smiled and said,"Exactly, Those Titans where the ones who had been send to this place to find the powerholder of Founding Titan."

Levy aslo participate in the conversation,"So that who's side are you in than. I have heard from Eren about you but he didn't told me that you were this strong and what about those people who were present sometime ago."

All the other squad memebers could only listen to their conversation between the three as they were still digesting the huge amount of information about the whole origin of Titans and Humans.

David smiled and said,"I am just a person who wanted to visit this land and came here. I could have just ended the war between the Titans and humans with my overhelming force of Legions of soldiers but let them solve it themselves."

Levy said ,"So you are in netural situation."

David said,"What do you think than I am doing. I have got the power to fight with both Titans and Humans at the same time and easily kill them all."

Levy looked deep into the eyes of David and said,"I see I hope what you said is true otherwise it will be more workload for me to be in a fight with you."

Levy was concerned about the whole situation and the whole conversation but Hanji was in a whole new world.

She was mumbling things like she will experiment with the Titan powerholders and other Titan related things.

Eren was in deep shock about the infromation that he got.

After calming down his emotions he said to David,"Brother David, What has happened to my Father?"

David said without changing his emotions,"Oh! You eat your father. After he turned you into you a ordinary Titan. Now you have got the power of two Titans. One is Attack Titan and another is Founding Titan."

Eren was shocked to learn the truth but Hanji asked to David,"Shouldn't Eren have only one power of Titans. Where did he got another one from ?"

David replied,"Well befor being eaten by Eren. Eren's father had already eaten the other powerholder of Founding Titan."

After sometime talking David stood up asked Levy,"Hey there must be some empty rooms in here right ? I want one to sleep."

Levy says,"There is one up at the top of the castle which hadn't been used for a long time. You can clean and stay there."

David started to walk out of the room and said without looking back,"Hey I will also be going to join your Survey Crops help me arrange it."

Levy stared at the back of David for a while and also went to his room's direction. Before going he said to Petra,"Go and talk about this situation to Commander Erwin."

Petra replied hurriedly,"Yes, Captian Levy I will go immediatly and talk with him about this matter."

Hanji looked at the Eren who was in a sttate of shock. Hanji started to console him.

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