
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 14 : Attack on Titan (5)

Armin had finally managed to make Eren wake up from the situation.

Eren carried the huge stone and blocked the hole in the wall.

When Armin was trying to get Eren out of the Titans body.

Riko came there and chopped the hands of Eren.

Armin who was holding Eren fell backwards at the hands of the Titan. Just than a Titan tried to catch Armin and Eren. A person in the unifrom of Survey Crops killed it.

The person was Levy Arckmen. He looked at Mikasa and Armin who was holding Eren and said,"Kids, Do you know what is going on here ?"

The cannons were fired for a whole day to kill the Titans gathered near the walls.

Those that remained after the firing of the cannons were killed by Survey Crops.

Two titans with the height of 4 and 7 meters were catched at the Battle.

208 soldiers were killed or were not found and among them was David who was now looking at the situation inside the wall.

David said to himself,"Looks like the show has ended. I think now I should complete my mission isn't it system."

[Mission : Find the origin of the Titans power.]

[Rewards : Shadow Realm and enchance the power of Titan Camp.]

David than looke at another one of his daily lottery.

[Shadow Cultivation Book]

[You are the ruler of legions of shadow and you are so much of loser yourself.

Take this and make yourself stronger.]

Althought it was the time of the biggest win over Titans by humans but a large number of soldiers were sacrificed by this incident.

Reiner who was finally freed from the chaos from the battle searched for his friend Berthol who was already taken away by David.

Reiner thought that there was something wrong about the situation but decided to find the founding titan. He was also shocked to see the apperance of Attack Titan inside the walls.

Eren who had now been taken into prison was now awake and infron of him were two people The Commander of Survey Crops Ervin and Levy.

After some talk with Eren both Ervin and Levy go outside the dungeon/prison.

Eren was included into being a memeber of Survey Crops.

David who had left the walls was now in a bif forest. Although the forest like the same place where Ymir the first Titan had gotten her power from a parasite which was somewhere here.

He looked at a jelly like substance and touched it. A notification suddenly appeared infront of him.

[Residual of Titan Parasaite]

[Congralution to the host for getting clue to finding the power of Titans.]

David looked confused and asked system,"What clue did I find system?"

[The origin of Titans can be found after meeting all the Titans by host.]

[The system will analyse the origin itself.]

David was now so much angry and said to system,"What system? If I had to meet the power holders of Titans. I would have been happy to stay inside the walls instead of being here in the wild."

Due to the outbrust of David some Titans nearby started to come near his location.

David who saw a perfect sandbangs for testing appear he used the shadow powers that he learnt to use from the daily lottery.

He jumped high in the sky and started to punch the Titans.

The sound of bones being broken can be heard if people were nearby.

After having his anger gone. David used shadow powers to devour the Titan and which will make his body stronger.

All the other Titans faced the same fate.

Eren who was taken to judge was finally handed to Survey Crops.

Eren was taken into Levy Squad which had elites of elites in killing Titans and assisting in killing Titans.

Eren and others were now heading towards a big castle in the middle of the forest.

Eren and others after reaching their destination had to now clean up the whole castle.

At night in dinning table

All the Levy Squad were now eating and talking about the descion of Commander Ervin to gather new members in Survey Crops.

Just than a figure in dark long seelve coat appaeared in the room.

Eren who saw the figure called the word Brother David in his mind.

The figure was instantly attacked by Levy but he was easily overpowered by David in few moves both in terms of power and skill.

Other members aslo wanted to act but David said,"If I were you I would proably sit in my seat instead of making my heads roll in the ground."

The memenbers of Levy Squad was confused but they saw that a group of people in ninja clothes were carying a sword and they were already pointing their sword tip right at their heart.

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