
River skirmish

Reku watched with a cruel smile on his face as his orcs untied the ropes used to bound their captives.

Apparently, freeing the captives and letting them run into the arms of their fellow Traku orcs who were currently bathing in the river is a part of their plan.

In addition, the captive orcs were gagged with a thick cloth so as to prevent them from calling out to the Trakus and revealing Reku's position while they were still in the middle of untying the ropes.

They can only gaze at Reku and his band of orcs with confusion and a sens of relief.

'Why are they freeing us? is this some kind of scheme devised by this meathead leader of theirs?' was the only thought on the former captives head, nevertheless they didn't protest and resist as they were freed from their captivity.

I mean, what kind of a masochist idiot doesn't want himself to be freed from such captivity.

Though they can move their bodies freely after their bonds came off, they could not very well speak since they were still forbidden to remove the gag on their mouths without Reku's permission.

After all of them were finally untied, Reku approached the group of former captives with a smile on his face.

"Go embrace your fellow clanmates, you're free now." After hearing Reku's words, without hesitation, all of the former captives, the cubs included immediately made a run towards the river where the Traku orcs were bathing.

As they sprinted towards the safety of the Traku orc's arms, they tried to yell and warn them that there were orcs lying in wait for them behind the treeline, but due to the gags on their mouth, they were only able to produce muffling noises.

Realizing the gags were still on their mouth, the former captives began to remove it, by the time it already came off, it is already too late.

The Traku orcs had already spotted them and began to close in towards them.

"You must... prepare." one of the female orcs said between heavy breaths as one of the Traku warriors slowly approach her.

But when the orc was just about to reach a few feet away from her, a spear was suddenly lunged on his chest.

He was able to produce a small deep growl of pain before eventually falling on the ground below, dead.

Upon seeing this, the female orc screamed in panic before eventually falling on her knees as she watched with terror as the approaching Traku warriors were hit and pierced by spears that seemingly flew behind the former captives back.

As dozens fell from the rain of spears thrown at them, one of the Traku warriors managed to survive by raising his shield upwards and deflecting an incoming blunt spear, thus saving his life.

Realizing they were baited by these orcs, he couldn't help but glare with fury at one of the orc cubs who was frozen in shock in front of him.

"You..." he muttered in fury as he slowly approach the cub, axe in hand.

The cub could only stare at the approaching Traku warrior with both fear and shock.

Gritting his teeth with fury, the Traku warrior raised his axe high on the air, ready to strike the cub down, only for him to get tackled by one of the female orcs who was luckily nearby to watch the scene unfold.

"Don't you dare strike my cub, he's a fellow Traku like you!" clearly, the female orc seems to be the cub's mother due to her deep affection and care towards the orc cub who was now crying on the ground below.

"You betrayed us!" the Traku orc yelled as he tried to wrestle the female orc off from him.

"It's all a big misunderstanding!" the female orc responded as she now started clawing at the pinned down Traku warrior below her.

Unbeknownst to them, Reku and his band of orcs have already shown themselves from the treeline and are now preparing to charge at the Traku warriors who were still recovering from the barrage of spears thrown at them.

The female and cub orcs meanwhile have already scattered and made their way towards the brushes nearby to watch the battle that is about to occur right now.

But there was one thing certain, whoever wins the battle gets to own them.

Female orcs have long grown accustomed to this kind of system where they were always treated as property, whether acquired as a gift or a bride loot from a defeated clan or tribe, thus they are starting to have no qualms if Reku and his band of orcs were to own them should the Trakus be defeated in the battle.

Though they favor the Trakus and has more loyalty towards them, it's only going to be a matter of time before Reku bends their will should he ever win the battle today.

As Reku observed the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but smile before giving the order to charge.

"Charge!" and just like that, 40 orcs descended upon the confused Traku warriors who were still in the middle of getting their bearings together.

"Raagh!" every orcs under Reku's command unleashed a loud shrieking battle cry, causing the Traku warriors to turn their attention towards them in a panicked state.

Before long, Reku and his band of orcs had already closed the distance between them and the Trakus by only a few meters apart.

By this time, the Trakus had already regained their composure and decrease the panic among their ranks, causing them to form a shield wall and finally meet and face their rivals with courage and bravery.

But what they didn't expect was the moment Reku and his band of orcs collided against them, it was like a wave of water rushing towards a frail wall made up of sand.

In a single swing, Reku managed to tore his way through the shieldwall and slice the Traku warriors in front of him in multiple pieces, thus creating a breach in the wall formation where the rest of the orcs followed after Reku inside the gap.

The sound of steels clashing against one another and cries of pain quickly permeates through the air while blood flowed from the orc corpses lying on the ground below.

As Reku went on a berserk, killing every Traku warriors in his path, he suddenly stumbled upon a scene where a certain Traku warrior was choking a female orc using both of his hands.

Clearly half a minute had already passed since the female orc's face was now clear blue, complete with large veins popping up all across her ugly features.

Upon seeing this, Reku wasted no time and immediately pounced on the Traku warrior with his sword.

'How did they get through the wall formation so easily?!' was the last thought the Traku warrior managed to think of before Reku's sword pierced his chest, denying him any ability to speak before he slumped on the ground below, dead.

Afterwards, Reku turned his gaze towards the female orc that was currently in the middle in a fit of deep coughing.

Before Reku could even approach her, a roar was suddenly heard behind him.

Turning his head around to find where the noise came from, he was only met with the sight of a single Traku warrior charging towards him, axe on both hands.

But it was no average orc you commonly see everywhere, this Traku warrior has the same size and height as Reku.

"Now then..." Reku muttered as he prepared to brace against the incoming impact.

"Waargh!" the Traku warrior roared in fury as he raised both of his axes before bringing it down unto Reku.

Reku saw his movements and immediately parried it using his sword before countering by swinging his sword towards the Traku warrior several times.

Though he managed to make a few cuts here and there, the Traku warrior seems to be okay at handling both of his axes as he clumsily dodged and blocked every blow with slight difficulty.

Reku, who grows irritated at each passing second, decided to feint an opening which luckily worked as the Traku warrior swung his axe from his left hand towards Reku's vulnerable side, only for Reku to side step and bring his axe down towards the Traku's warrior left arm, chopping it in the process.

The Traku warrior immediately roared in pain as he clutched his bleeding arm which now seemed to lack it's upper part where the palm and the fingers were originally positioned.

As Reku watched the Traku warrior drop his only axe from his right hand as he clutched his bleeding wound, he immediately took advantage of this and quickly lunged towards the wounded orc.

"Now die!" Reku yelled before he brought his sword unto the Traku warrior's neck, decapitating his head in the process.

'Same size, different skills.' Reku thought before moving his gaze towards his surroundings.

By now, the Trakus had already witnessed their strongest warrior die in the hands of Reku himself and is now on the verge of routing.

Not only that, their casualty rate is rapidly rising as Reku's band of orcs increased their ferocity, killing many Trakus in the process.

Well, it's only going to be a matter of time before the entire Traku band to break ranks and flee from the battlefield.





