
Amanda Is Beautiful Man

Amanda is a spoiled woman, the daughter of a big businessman who was forced to run away from home and change her appearance to be Adam, a beautiful man for refusing an arranged marriage with a boy son of his father's business friend. But on the run, Amanda is faced with two choices of the mate or the helper?? Arya is a young man whom he secretly likes and admires, but it turns out to be the person who will be paired with him. Dirga is his new friend while in disguise. Who is secretly captivated by the charm of Adam alias Amanda. Two men who think themselves to be abnormal because they are captivated by the charm of a beautiful man.. to whom will Amanda's heart be anchored??

Lely_Cutez · 都市
5 Chs


On a quiet night with the sound of the wind accompanying the swinging twigs and dancing leaves, overcast clouds and the sound of lightning signaling that rain will soon fall, drop by drop of water falling from the sky delivers someone who runs in a hurry.

'prok prok prok' the sound of footsteps swaying alternately accompanied the gasping breath.

"Looks like it's quite far... hah hah hah" his breath roared like an ambulance without a hitch, sweat adorned the temples of a girl with long hair in a ponytail, cheeks flushed red from running far enough, a red leather backpack filled with crowded and looks heavy.

"Where's the rain again.. where should I go now?" said Amanda. A slim girl with clean skin, a sharp nose, the owner of beautiful brown eyes with natural eyelashes that are very thick like wearing anti-hurricane eyelashes.

Memories of the fight with his father echoed in his mind. "I already said I don't want an arranged marriage, this is not the time for father.. I want to live a normal life like my other friends finish college, look for work, have a boyfriend. Marry of my own choice with someone else. who I love" said Amanda in frustration as she stomped one foot on the floor hoping that her father would melt.

"Your college is almost finished, you just have to wait for graduation, why are you looking for a job, your father owns a company, you just say you want a position which is all your right dear...and for your boyfriend, you can date Arya after marriage," said Bima, the head of the Danudirja family. strict father.

"But I don't know and I don't love him, dad.." Amanda said pitifully.



Amanda arrived in front of a row of shops that had started to close, she looked at one of the shophouses painted light blue with glass in front of it, the owner turned off his shop and was about to lock the outside door.

"Wait .. don't close it first" said Amanda blocking the owner.

"Can I help you??" replied the owner of the shop. Apparently this shop is a beauty salon.

"I want to cut my hair, can you not close it first??"

"Okay, please come in," said the 33-year-old woman. The lights were turned on again showing several large mirrors and chairs in front of the glass, there was also a trolley with various combs and all salon equipment in general neatly arranged.

"Please, let me wash her hair first, Miss" Ajeng the salon owner led Amanda to the hair wash, telling her to sit back there. After washing her hair with soft and fragrant shampoo and conditioner, Amanda moved to the chair in front of the mirror.

"How do you want to cut your hair?"

"Short," said Amanda.

" How short, sis? Shoulder or above the shoulder? Or do you want a BCL style model that is currently popular?

"Very short."

"Do you want a policewoman-style model?"

"I...want to be like that." Amanda pointed out a poster of a certain hair dye brand with a model of a Korean artist who once played a Gu Jun pyo in a very famous korean drama.. Yes, he is Lee Min Ho.

"Seriously?? Are you don't love you're long hair?"

"Seriously miss .." Amanda said steadying her heart to remove the beautiful hair that had been in her care for years. This was the only way so she could hide from the pursuit of her father's men.

combs and pins began to perch on top of her head, when the first hair began to fall from her head did not feel a drop of tears fell from her beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry, mom," said Manda in her heart. She's remember when her mother always combed Amanda's hair when she was going to school. And her father always refused when Amanda wanted to cut her hair a little or when she wanted to change models.

little by little Amanda's beautiful hair began to be trimmed leaving short hair like men's hair. Amanda's face became different from beautiful to handsome like a kpop artist.

"Wow.. how come you're so handsome.. really like lee min ho." exclaimed Ms. Ajeng who couldn't help but see the difference in Amanda's face.

"Hehehe." Amanda just forced a smile.

Amanda was ready to leave the salon, taking off all her female attributes from her earrings, necklace and cherry print jacket, storing them neatly in a backpack, giving Ms. Ajeng the money and going to the exit.

"Miss, if someone is looking for me, I'll just say that you've never seen me," Amanda asked Ms. Ajeng, and she replied with a nod and an astonished expression.

"It turns out that fresh short hair is also easy again" Amanda said calming her own heart. "Now where do I have to go??" he walked further away from where he came from, after a few minutes of walking she saw the night bus going to B town was waiting for passengers to enter. Amanda seemed to think for a moment and steadied her feet entering the bus door.


amanda got into the bus that went to B city , looking for an empty place, she chose to sit near the glass so she could see the view of the sparkling lights of the capital in the middle of the night. Someone sitting beside her was a tall, well-built young man with a typical Indonesian face with thick eyebrows and sharp nose. a bit cubby but still looks handsome.

"Where do you get off bro??" said the young man.

'Broo?? am I called bro? My disguise was successful,' Amanda thought, happy because her efforts were not in vain.

"I got off at Bandung city, to a village." said Amanda by imitating a male voice.

"Me too, I'll be picked up later at the terminal."

"You don't have to bro, I'll bother you again."

"Just relax, so you can save money on costs."

"Okay, thanks in advance bro." Amanda hopes this guy is a good person. Because she feels that Amanda is a guy too. Amanda is a little safe at least no one is teasing her as a beautiful girl.

The long journey made the passengers choose to sleep as well as Amanda and the young man beside her.


-At Danudirja's residence-

"Manda... wake up honey, have breakfast first, mama make your favorite fried rice..!!" Ani's screams filled the room..

"Maybe she's still sleeping, Mom, maybe last night I cried a lot after fighting with my father because I was forced to marry." Adit commented while glancing at his father who was sipping his coffee. Without Bima realizing it, his son Aditya caught his fight with his eldest daughter last night.

"Maybe dad is too strict with amanda so she's cranky.." said ani interceding. "Let me come to her room, maybe she's not in the mood to meet her dad." Ani went upstairs to Amanda's room.

'knock knock'

"Manda honey, open it, dear.. have breakfast first..!!"

"Mandaa, don't be angry, please.."

Suddenly, Mr. Ujang the gardener ran into the house in a hurry. He met his master who was enjoying breakfast. "Excuse me, sir."

"So what?" said the master calmly.

"Window..so-and-so-rope..so-and-so sir, miss..." Ujang was confused about where to start because he was a little shocked to see the rope hanging from upstairs to be exact from Amanda's room.

"Dad..Amanda doesn't want to open her room..there's no answer either.." ani shouted from upstairs.

Mr.Bima immediately stood up and went upstairs, followed by Aditya and Adinda who were curious about what had happened.

Mr. Bima tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside. "miss Asih, please get the spare key to Manda's room." His orders to his household asisstant.

A moment later the door managed to open, just the window was opened. The cellphone and car keys were placed on the study table beside a pile of neatly lined books, on the table there was a small note that read "I'm sorry Mom, Manda is not ready to fulfill Father's wishes.". Ani who read it immediately went limp and fainted instantly. Mr. Bima tried to wake his wife. Meanwhile Aditya and Dinda could only stare as they said in unison. "Our sister disappeared??"


The bus has arrived at the destination city, footsteps are starting to come out of the bus door, Amanda and a handsome young man also seem to come out. The cold and cool air begins to feel much different from the capital which is very full of pollution.

"While waiting for my car to pick us up, let's have coffee first."

"Umm, I don't like drinking coffee, but I'm hungry, we can stop by the shop there." Amanda is used to breakfast, especially favorite fried rice made by her mom.

"I think this good."

"is there any fried rice here" Amanda's ask.

"Yes, what do you drink, boy?" said the shop owner.

"Just warm tea, because it's cold here."

"Then we ordered 2 fried rice, ma'am, add a cup of coffee for me," said the young man who also ordered food.

"Okey.. What dream did I have last night? this morning a Korean artist has visited." said the mother happily