
always you in my heart

作者: Priyu444
Realistic Fiction
連載中 · 298 ビュー
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What is always you in my heart

WebNovel で公開されている、Priyu444 の作者が書いた always you in my heart の小説を読んでください。...



The Second Circle

The world's greatest mage, Yuli Weyfall, has lived a life subservient to his King and best friend, Vance Law. Spending 257 years of his life in hellish battlefields, he had always strived to help Vance conquer the first circle of the realm of the unknown. Finally standing at the edge of the first circle, they arrive at an ancient door and are met with a small red individual who calls himself the Great Imp. The Great Imp offers Vance an opportunity to obtain greater power, and the ability to cross over to the second circle- but at the price of his greatest ally's life. Yuli promptly died when Vance agreed, with the most nonchalant "sure" Yuli had ever heard in his entire life. He was sent straight to hell, dragged away by a laughing Imp and horrified by the easy betrayal of his best friend. On the way to hell, the Great Imp gives a different offer to Yuli. A chance at revenge. But as Yuli showed reluctance to take revenge on the person he saw as the ideal hero and his best friend, the Great Imp showed him what type of man Vance truly was by showing past memories of Vance's life. The side of Vance that Yuli had not seen was vile, wicked and manipulative. He was even shown the moment when Vance decided to put on a persona of a great friend to fool Yuli into thinking he was truly a friend. It was all artificial and planned by Vance from the very start, only a few days after they had first met. And Yuli was a fool to not see it for nearly two and a half centuries. The Great Imp offered once more the chance for Yuli to take revenge and take control of his life from the start. Yuli accepted. The Great Imp snapped his fingers and Yuli is sent back in time to a place and moment so familiar and important to him. The place where he met Vance for the first time. At the grand tournament of the Kings.

SquishiestBii · ファンタジー

Sincerenly, Rain

Pesawat melambung tinggi di atas awan. Aku hanya bisa menahan rasa sedih di dadaku. Aku meninggalkan orang yang aku pikir miliku selamanya, kita seharusnya berjanji untuk membuatnya hubungan ini bekerja, untuk membuat jarak jauh bisa kami atasi, tetapi ketika aku melihat ke luar jendela ke kota yang memudar di bawah, aku tidak dapat menghilangkan perasaan bahwa ini adalah akhir. Aku tidak tahu apa yang menungguku di belahan dunia lain tetapi sedikit yang aku tahu, perjalananku baru saja dimulai. Ketika aku memasuki kehidupan baruku di luar negeri, aku mendapati diriku terlempar ke dalam angin puyuh pengalaman baru dan orang-orang baru. Aku mencoba membenamkan diri dalam budaya dan memanfaatkan waktuku di sana. Namun di tengah semua hiruk pikuk, pada suatu malam yang sangat hujan, aku bertemu dengannya. Dia tidak seperti siapa pun yang pernah aku temui sebelumnya, dengan semangat berapi-api dan jiwa petualangnya. Mau tidak mau aku tertarik padanya, dan sebelum aku menyadarinya, aku jatuh cinta padanya dengan cara yang tidak pernah kubayangkan. Tapi bagaimana aku bisa move on dan mencintai seseorang yang baru, ketika hatiku masih milik orang lain? Rasa bersalah membebaniku saat aku berjuang untuk mendamaikan masa lalu dan masa kiniku, tetapi ketika aku menjelajahi jalan-jalan asing di negeri asing ini dengannya, aku merasa bahwa inilah tempat yang seharusnya aku tuju, bahwa cinta baru ini sepadan dengan risikonya. Ini adalah awal dari perjalanan yang tak terduga, perjalanan cinta, patah hati, dan penemuan diri. Itu adalah perjalanan yang akan membawa aku lebih jauh dari yang pernah aku bayangkan, dan yang akan mengubah aku selamanya…

deLluvia · 都市
14 Chs

#Beauty In Eyes Of Beholder

#Freya Coleman = FEMALE LEAD #Leon Russell = MALE LEAD TROOP=PLUTO, ORANGE FREYAS COMRADES # MEMBER OF PLUTO AND ORANGE AGE CODE Alex DeLuca 31 (Tiger) #highest military authority #captain of ‘ORANGE’ Aster Coleman 24 (Earth) #cousin of Freya/sniper Collin Russell 26 (fire) #assistant/sniper #cousin of Leon Russell Samuel Aras. 26 (wind) #family friend of Coleman #friend to Elle Coleman Gabriel Volker 27 (ice) #hacker #childhood friend of Freya and Coleman @FAMILY OF FREYA@ Marco Coleman #grandpa 89 #retired commissioner general & businessman Dominic Coleman #father 57 #businessman Sara Coleman #mother 49 #musician Elle Coleman #brother. 26 #businessman Suzan Coleman Changed from Costa #adopted sister. 22 #Inheriting Sara Coleman business FREYAS FRIEND Raphe (unknown) #protector and brother of Freya #same organization Maria Willow #Acting C.E.O OF ‘R a F I a Corp and R a F I a Tech’ #friend of Freya, same organization. 24 FAMILY OF LEON George Russell #grandpa. 91 #friend of Marco Coleman #ex-mafia leader businessman Collin Russell #cousin of Leon 26 #comrade of Freya LEON RUSSELL’S BUSINESS AND MAFIA MEMBERS Andrew Volker #assistant/friend 31 #right hand of Leon #older brother of Gabriel Volker (comrade of Freya) Noel Sullivan #left hand of Leon. 32 #friend /advisor/hacker Some characters will be added later. The age I may have written incorrectly please neglect that part. Its a chemistry attraction and revenge kind of novel with a strong characters where the female lead is a high ranking official secret soldier and the male lead with high posing lead of dark king in mafia and a cold king in the business world in the country.. Due to a fatal accident they find themselves in lead to lead .. plz be sure to read my novel. And theres a suspence with thriller in the story be tuned to webnovel And be AWARE TO VOTE!?

oouh · 一般的
29 Chs

The First Wizard: Advent of the Arcane

In the mystical world of Aerden, where monsters, divines, and demons roam freely, a new path is emerging—the path of the Wizards. A Priest of Hadrian who seeks truths beyond the limits of his faith. Frustrated by the secrecy of the established Faiths, he decides to break free from his tethers and embark on a quest to unravel the esoteric nature of Mana, the mystical energy that courses through the land. In his pursuit of truth, he joins forces with Alana, a remarkable young woman who embodies the essence of the unwavering spirit—a princess, sailor, and warrior all in one. Together, they venture into the unknown, driven by a shared obsession to uncover the mysteries of Aerden. Their journey is not without its challenges. As personalities clash and obsessions entwine, the priest and Alana forge an extraordinary bond that challenges the hidden powers of Aerden. Along the way, they encounter friends and foes, face perilous trials, and delve deeper into the secrets of their world. I invite you to immerse yourself in a captivating narrative filled with twists and turns, as our protagonists navigate a maddening journey of revelations upon revelations. Prepare to be spellbound as you follow these companions on their unforgettable quest—a journey that will forever change the fate of Aerden and the destiny of its inhabitants. This is a story of enlightenment through a land of hidden truths and harsh realities. This is the story of Godrick, "The First Wizard."

Jaxobel_Hernandez · ファンタジー
12 Chs


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