
Chapter 19

But, before he could finish, Annette enthusiastically darts over to Snow, and, throws her arms around her; pulling Snow into her, and, lovingly embraces the now bewildered ‘trespassing rogue’. Snow’s thinking … I haven’t even accepted her son as my mate. … Please don’t tell me that she’s already accepted me as her daughter-in-law.

Annette keeps hold of her embrace on Snow; and, softly whispers in her ear, “Thank you, for saving Rose.”

Instantly; Snow is relieved … this wasn’t a ‘welcome to the family; daughter-in-law’ hug; it was simply a thank you hug. “You’re welcome … but; there’ really no need to thank me. I just did what I needed to do. That’s all.”

And, after hearing Snow’s humbly, modest response; Annette pulls Snow in even closer, and, holds her in a firmer, and, more loving embrace. Suddenly; Snow is overwhelmed by a wave of warmth inundating, and, surging throughout her entire body … a feeling that, though not entirely the same, is similar to that she would experience while hugging Amanda … and, tears start to trickle from the corners of her eyes; as she starts thinking about how much she’s missing her sister. Between missing the loving embrace of her sister, and, feeling an instant connection from the warmth of Annette’s embrace; Snow tightens her own embrace on Jake’s mom, and, without even thinking about it, as if on auto-pilot, Snow starts to affectionately nuzzle her nose into the crook of Annette’s neck, and, intuitively takes a few sniffs of her scent in … like she use to do with her sister. Snow thinks … Jake’s mom smells like vanilla and lilacs. I like that.

Snow suddenly ‘snaps out of it and comes to her senses’; and, immediately starts to apologize, “I sorry, mam; I didn’t mean …”

Annette abruptly, but gently, places her index and middle fingers over Snow’s lips. “Shh. … First; it’s not ‘mam’ … call me Annette … for now …” She gives Snow a genteel smile, looks over to Jake; then, back at Snow, still smiling. “… We’ll decide on whether it will be ‘Mom’ or ‘Mother’ later.”

That remark would have rattled Snow; but, she’s still enjoying the loving warmth she’s feeling off of Jake’s mom while in her presence. Annette continues …

“And; second …” She tenderly takes hold of Snow’s hands, leans into to her; and, softly whispers in her ear, “… it’s okay.”

With that being said, before she pulls back from Snow; Annette leans in closer, and, takes in a sniff of Snow’s scent … both surprising, and, pleasing Snow. Jake’s mom leans back, smiles, and, while looking directly into Snow’s eyes, she simply tells her …

“Apples and cinnamon.” Then; she let’s go of Snow’s hand, and, returns over to where her husband and Jake are standing.

Contradictory to the tears that are once again starting to trickle from the corners of her eyes, a beaming smile starts expanding across Snow’s face; as a lump forms in her throat, and, there’s a slight twinging pang in heart … though there’s a warm sensation emanating from it … as she recalls in her mind how Amanda use to tell her the same thing … that she smelled like apples and cinnamon to her, too. … And, to her; Amanda smelled like honeysuckle and mint.

Charles saunters up beside her; and quips, “Honey … it’s okay to laugh … and, it’s okay to cry … but, do both together; and, people are going to think that you’re crazy.” He pulls out a light magenta, handkerchief from his suit pocket, and, gives it to her. “Now … wipe those tears from your pretty little face; and, scoot on over there, and, say hello to your future father-in-law.”

Snow sharply faces him; bearing furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes. He grins. “See … now making that face will only make ugly. … So, open your eyes wide and bright; raise them eyebrows up as high as they’ll go; put on your prettiest little smile; and, go meet with him.” He quickly wavers his hands out in front of him in sort of a ‘shooing’ motion; and, pretends to ‘sweep’ Snow away. “Go on. Shoo. Shoo.”

Against her better judgement, Snow follows Charles’ flamboyant hand signals, and, heads on over to greet Jake’s father; thinking … What am I getting myself into now? Why in the world am I doing this?”

When she reaches them; Jake once again starts to introduce Snow, “Dad; this is …” And; he’s cut off again.

Harold austerely looks at her. “… Snow. Correct?” She nods; and, he continues, “You’ve made quite the stir here in our territory … and, in such a short amount of time, at that.”

Snow has no idea what the driving force is behind making her think what she feels she wants to say … and; she knows she probably shouldn’t say it … but; she says it nonetheless …

“Well; you know what they say … if you’re going to do something; you might as well do it right.”

There’s an immediate, awkwardly uncomfortable … and, in addition for her, unnerving … silence befalling on the group; and, Snow thinks … Why in the world did I go and say that? … I must have spent too much time around Rose. Then she thinks … Well; on the up side … if Jake’s father disapproves of me; maybe that will change Jake’s about taking me as his mate.

As soon as the awkwardness passes; Jake’s father picks up the conversation from where he left off …

“I hear you took on four male rogues all by yourself, yesterday?” Snow nods; and, he continues, “And; you defeated them?”

This time, Snow just shrugs her shoulders; and, a grin starts to emerge on Jake’s father’s countenance. He turns to Jake, and, heartily chortles …

“Well, son; if you felt like you had to go on out and choose a rogue to be your mate … you sure as hell picked the right one with this one over here!”

A befuddled look falls upon Snow’s face; and, she thinks … Wait … don’t tell me he’s actually okay with me being his son’s mate? … Crap!

When Harold stops laughing, he looks back over at Snow, and, rubs his chin between his thumb and index finger; as an ambiguously connoting grin emerges. “This ought to be interesting.”

Jake assures his father, “It’ll be fine. I am this pack’s Alpha, after all.”

“True.” His father sagely reminds him, “But, even an Alpha himself must adhere to the pack’s edict; if he’s going to lead by example, and, wants to retain every member’s respect and loyalty.” He looks at Snow; then, back at Jake. “I don’t know how the Elders will react when they hear about your decision to make Snow your mate … making a rogue this pack’s Luna. … I just don’t know.”