
All Strings Attached![hiatus]

作者: Scourgie
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 51.3K ビュー
  • 40 章
  • 4.8
    11 レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is All Strings Attached![hiatus]

WebNovel で公開されている、Scourgie の作者が書いた All Strings Attached![hiatus] の小説を読んでください。In a world where kingdoms are distinguished by flowers, the Gardenia Kingdom was known for being powerful and dangerous. Ruled by a cruel king that grew powerful by the day. Exploiting the resources o...


In a world where kingdoms are distinguished by flowers, the Gardenia Kingdom was known for being powerful and dangerous. Ruled by a cruel king that grew powerful by the day. Exploiting the resources of weaker kingdoms without mercy until they were dry. Even within the royal family, Princess Arika was not safe from his iron grasp. After her sudden passing at a young age, the king reincarnated her into a new body. A life-like doll that perfectly resembled her sister. “Arika Purcell. Your sole purpose in this life is to take the role of your older sister, Sibylla. Find a suitable prince for her to marry. Once your duty is fulfilled, and she is healthy, you will live not a second longer.” Her name, face, and sense of identity were to be replaced with Sibylla's. But what never changed was her sense of justice. After a botched incident in the forest, Arika was face-to-face with another victim of her father’s control. An ebony male with a strong build, emerald eyes like that of a dragon, and a passionate desire for change. “My name is Sin-Vira, prince of the Snapdragon kingdom. The plan was to kidnap you, Sibylla, and hold you hostage until your father agreed to release the miners and dismiss his soldiers. We want peace, but we're barely holding ourselves together." Arika knew from the day she was reborn she wouldn’t obey her father’s duty. Why would she if she wouldn’t be spared from Death's cold embrace once more? It would be her first and final defiance she would happily take to her grave. "Currently, I am in search of a prince to marry. If we were to marry, you would have grounds to refuse his demands to exploit the mines if you see the work isn't justified to benefit both kingdoms." Arika was ordered to keep her identity a secret, known only to those in the castle. But as Arika grows closer to the prince, she struggles between continuing the lie till the end or confesses to Sin-Vira she isn’t who she really claims to be…

6 タグ

L'Enfant Du Sang

In a dystopian world where vampires and witches reign, Mazigh emerges as a figure of mysterious powers and menace. Possessing an ethereal beauty that captivates all who cross his path, Mazigh navigates the treacherous landscape of Neo Orleans, a baroque metropolis shrouded in darkness and mystery. Neo Orleans is the capital of Purgatorio, one of the 3 continents of this planet. Purgatorio, Paradiso, and Inferno. Within its hallowed halls, a prestigious Witch University trains the gifted students of various zodiac covens. As Mazigh embarks on his first day, he discovers a world where celestial forces shape extraordinary abilities and the line between light and darkness blurs. Guided by enigmatic glimpses and the haunting echoes of a second identity, Mazigh's true nature remains hidden from those around him. With an allure that is both irresistible and dangerous, he weaves a web of manipulation and intrigue, drawing others into his orbit. As Mazigh delves deeper into the secrets of Witch University, his persuasive charm and mysterious demeanor captivate his fellow students and faculty. But beneath his enchanting facade lies a darkness that even the devil himself would find chilling. Consumed by a thirst for revenge from a yet unknown source, Mazigh's cruelty knows no bounds, and his wrath threatens to plunge Neo Orleans into chaos. "L’Enfant Du Sang" is a mesmerizing and seductive tale of power, vengeance, and the blurred lines between good and evil. Within the confines of Neo Orleans, readers will be immersed in a world where secrets lurk in every shadow, and the true nature of darkness is revealed. Prepare to be enraptured by a saga that explores the depths of human nature, the allure of forbidden power, and the price one must pay to claim sovereignty over the macabre. As Mazigh's journey unfolds, the reader will be irresistibly drawn into a web of dark enchantment, where nothing is as it seems, and the true depths of cruelty await discovery.

Kyuseishu · ファンタジー
18 Chs
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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Hey me! Just wanna drop in and give how I feel about my own story! At first I was pretty worried about writing a genuine romance and not relying on thriller to keep it from going so fast. But I honestly enjoy the slow burning progress these two royals are having! I really hope those reading this story enjoy it! Love ya and your support!💚


First impression I got from this is how vibrant the MC is and I like that she knows what she wants and how to get at it. Also the free flowing conversations is commendable. You are doing a good job so far, author. More grease to write more


The author has a great choice of words to narrate every scene. The characters especially Arika and Vira are likable. I also enjoyed their interactions that made me smile sometimes. Overall this is quite a good read with an interesting plot. Great! Keep it up, author!


Had great potential of pursuing a great balance. It's actually welwell-written and the plot is well-structured No much comments about the grammar as it is decent


The story is well-written and the plot is interesting and offers a rather unique premise. Although there are grammatical mistakes, they can be improved with the time. As they say 'Practice makes the man perfect'. But no doubt, this story has great potential. I love the smooth flow and especially the MC and her personality. I recommend everyone to read it at least once.


Living like a doll. Such a wondeful premise having the protagonists desire to cut their own strings. It may be to change their string of fate or the string they do not want to be, it is a story that dwells on the journey to break loose on these shackles. Relationship between the protagonists is like bread and butter. One compliments the weakness of the other story wise and literally wise. A great romance story with a steady development that is backed with an interesting plot. A good read for this genre!


Wonderful plot, great synopsis, and well written story. Premise of the story is quiet unique. Characters are well described. There are close to no grammatical mistakes. This work has a great potential. So, I totally recommend this book to everyone. Waiting for more updates.


Wow. What a story! Such an intriguing plot, even if this is not my piece of cake. I love the author's style and have enjoyed the novel so far. Keep up the good work and never stop believing! :D


I liked the writing of the story. Characters and their characteristics make them a lot more interesting and special mention to the dialogues you have written, I really enjoyed reading them. I haven't finished it yet but I am looking forward to the chapters that are up to come.


I have to say that this story is right up my alley! A fantasy romance with rich and engrossing characters, an interesting and unique storyline and good writing skills. If you are a fan of fantasy romance but you are tired of finding the same romantic tropes, characters and storylines give this novel a chance, you will find great pleasure in reading it!



General Audiencesmature rating