
Chapter One

Denki had always struggled with his quirk, as soon as he got it. It became his whole personality, be instantly became dumb Denki, he wasn't someone who was seen as a person anymore. When Denki's quirk came in, he accidentally shocked his mom with the electricity that was running along his skin as he hugged her, enough so that she had been taken to the hospital for a burn that it had caused. On her arm she still has a scar from the burn he had caused.

A few months later his dad, walked out on both Denki and his hero mother, saying that he couldn't stay knowing that his child was dangerous and would probably become a villain one day and how he couldn't bring that shame down on his family. So they divorced, Denki's last name was changed to Kaminari, his mothers maiden name.

Denki's mom had been nothing but hard on him since his dad left, working with him on his quirk not that it helped much in the beginning, especially when he had been left alone a lot because of his mom having to do her hero patrols and being called out last minute to help with emergencies. Denki was constantly reminded about how he had to become a hero like his mom. There had been a lot of pressure put on the small boy but it seemed his mom only cared about him not becoming a villain, just wanting to prove his dad wrong.

Denki had been at school, trying to make friends and still not having much if any control on his quirk he had over used it and caused a power cut within the neighbourhood. He had gone into his 'dumb' mode, which it had been dubbed by his classmates, this had been the first time he had felt the pain that over using his quirk would cause him. He was 5 years old when he first lost control of his body, being there in his body but not being able to control it while also being in an extreme amount of pain. He could hear the other children laughing at him and calling him names, it seemed that fate had set him in the path of being the class clown and it stuck with him.

His mom had been called to collecting and of course his mom had a few choice words to say to him once he came around. She had asked him if he wanted to prove his dad right and become a villain and at the time of course Denki had shouted no and it was then Denki released his mom would only care about him if he followed her in becoming a hero. So he did, he wanted her approval and attention and maybe if he became a hero she'd love him again, like she used to.

He followed her training she set out for him, he'd come home from school after being the class clown and letting the other children laugh at him instead of laughing with him, he'd go out his way to make sure he'd do something dumb to make them laugh at him, because there was nothing else he had been good at. He was sitting listening to his mom drone on about how hero agencies worked and half way through the lecture his mom was giving him, Denki had lost his concentration or rather had become distracted by the pen that he was holding in his hand.

This of course set his mom off, it kept happening, he couldn't sit still, he was easily distracted. This caused his mom a lot of frustration along with the falling grades he was getting at school and his mom tried to push Denki, try and make him listen, tried to force him to study but it never seemed to be enough.

That's when his mom took him to the doctors and of course his failings had been blamed on his quirk, he had ADHD a side effect of his quirk. At first his mom had refused to believe this was the reason for Denki's behaviour, but when the doctor had brought up ADHD, he had gone home and looked it up on the internet. What else was he meant to do, ignore the doctor's suspicion like his mom?

Reading the articles about it and researching it, suddenly everything had made sense to him, it was why he would go from being able to study to being distracted by something outside and then being distracted by a notification on his phone. It made sense Denki had never been more sure about anything then he had been about the doctors suspicions. It also made sense for him to have it with his quirk, with all the extra energy he had flowing through his body because of the electricity.

It just made sense.

The pressure his mom put on him only got worse the closer he got to taking the exams to enter UA, of course his mom had picked the best hero school in Japan for him to go to, reminding him constantly that if he didn't get it to the school he'd be proving his father right. So he studied as much as he could, but he was constantly getting distracted, he had to beg his mother to reconsider the doctor's diagnosis and take him back so that maybe they could get him something to help him. At this point Denki didn't care if it was medication he ended up taking, he didn't care he just needed something to help.

Thankfully his mom finally listen and even agreed when the doctor had suggested for Denki to try out medication and even gave them leaflets and other things that they could talk to his school about like getting extra time to get assignments done and other things. His mom had told him once they had gotten back home that she'd not be talking to his school to get him special treatment in any form, it had been obvious to him that getting his mom to agree to him taking medication was the only help he'd get from her, but not knowing that soon he wouldn't even have the medication to help him.

In fact Denki's school never actually got told about his diagnosis, so at school he continued to be the class clown. He took the entrance exams to get in to UA and surprisingly he had made it, he did suspect his mom had something to do with him getting into the school.

Today was the day he'd be starting high school, remembering he hadn't taken his medication he went back into the bathroom to take them only to find them gone. It had been an almost full bottle of his pills and he only ever took them in the bathroom so he made his way down to the kitchen to see his mom sitting at the table "Mom have you seen my medication?"

Denki's mom looked up at him and smiled " Yeah, I took it." She shrugged and went back to reading the newspaper she had been reading when he'd talked in.

Denki couldn't believe what he was hearing, he needed the meds they helped, they helped him feel calmer, helped him not get as distracted as he used to "Why did you take them? I need them"

Kaminari's mom signed, putting the news paper down " Look you won't need them, you'll be using your quirk more so you won't have a much energy built up so you'll be fine"

Denki went to protest but his mom glared at him and then continued " I don't want you to be relying on pills to make you normal, it's embarrassing enough having to go get them every month for you. Don't you dare mention your 'diagnosis' to your teachers, I only let you have the pills so you'd actually study and get into UA"

"Um.. I need to go" Denki spoke quietly as he made his way out the house, how was he going to make it as a hero? He walked to school and had already decided on becoming the class clown again, a thing he was hoping to avoid being in his new school. He already knew the taunts he'd get and he could already hear the nicknames.