
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · ゲーム
282 Chs

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: [Pope] It's useless to be close???.

When everyone did not have time to react,

A blazing white light hit the white night. This move frightened everyone.

You know, this cardinal has a super high level of LV80, which is definitely the highest existence among the people present, and few people can withstand her attack.

And her move was immediately targeted by a group of Lancheng people.


"Don't move, or die!"

The brilliant knife light flashed, and I saw Uncle Hu holding a short knife made of crystal particles and directly on the cardinal's neck. By the color of the particles, everyone can clearly know,

This is a LV75 diamond-grade short knife.

It means that Uncle Luo Hu is definitely not joking.

And the city lord of Lancheng directly took out a two-meter-long blood-red giant sword and pointed it directly at the heart of the cardinal. Similarly, it is also a diamond-level giant sword.

Only the richest man in Arashi City is the richest, a gorgeous epic purple staff, held in his hand, the magic power on the staff is surging, ready to release skills at any time.

This is not the end, because he originally regarded Bai Ye as his aunt's existence, and even more in this game, he saw Bai Ye's invincible combat power,

Therefore, the richest man even held several rare props in his other hand at this time, which were used to target what might happen next. even

The Bone Cavalry] and the [Spirit Summoner] and the eldest lady all took out their weapons and pointed them at the cardinal. The intention of the crowd was obvious, as long as the cardinal dared to move again, then she would definitely be hit by the thunder of the crowd. 570

"Little murderer of the white night, are you all right?"

"What about the medical team? Come on people. "

But saw Bai Ye waved his hand,

"No thanks, I'm fine!"


"Are you alright?"

Compared with the excitement of everyone, Bai Ye only felt a warm current passing by, and there was no discomfort at all.

I checked the butcher Yerut linked in the [Domain of the Dead], and the result was still not harmed a little. Bai Ye scratched his head, shouldn't this be?

The opposite is a professional of LV80, although he will not kill himself in seconds, but he will not be harmed at all? At this point, the cardinal gave the answer.

I saw that the cardinal actually put away the staff directly,

"Don't worry, I didn't attack him, I just put a layer of [Seal of Saint Tailoring] on him."

It turned out that after the cardinal saw that White Night had killed the [Divine Summoner], he guessed his next fate. Because the [Divine Summoner] is one of the [candidates] of the Holy See of Light.

And calling him over by himself not only did not bring honor to the Holy See of Light, but also ruined his life.

This result will definitely not be tolerated by the [Pope]. Next, what greeted him was definitely the trial from the [Pope].

Don't look at yourself as a cardinal, but above you is the archbishop LV85, and [Pope].

Originally, according to normal development, even if the [Divine Summoner] would not become a pope, it would still be an archbishop-level existence. There are only a few such talents in the entire Bright Church.

He indirectly caused the death of the [Divine Summoner], which was an unacceptable loss for the Light Sect. Since this is the case, the cardinal took the risk and put the [Seal of the Holy Tailor] on the white night. In order to make up for it.

The effect of this skill, in addition to being put on this mark, the Light Sect can use the skill to perceive the position of the white night. And there's another effect.

That is, any core group of the Light Sect [that is, those who have been baptized or blessed by the [Goddess of Light]] will be rewarded after killing the White Night.

And this reward even includes some of White Night's skills, and even functions, and can also be counted as cumulative, when White Night lives longer, the richer the reward for killing White Night.

Anyway, it means that White Night has now become a boss in the eyes of the Light Church. Kill White Night to get rewards.

And the longer White Night was obtained, the more the Light Sect wanted to kill White Night. As for deliberately letting White Nights live for two more years?

Sorry, unless he has already caught Bai Ye, no one from the Light Sect will be able to endure it and not directly kill Bai Ye on the spot.

And this skill, even if it is the level of Cardinal LV80, can only be used once in this life, and it also requires her to pay the price of losing level 5.

It is clear that most of those present know what this skill does. Many people start popularizing science for the people on the side.

And the richest man in Lancheng was the first to turn his head to look at an old man in blue clothes on the side,

"Old man Liu, hurry up and try it to see if you can disperse the [Seal of Saint Tailoring]?"

And the old man in Qingyi who was named was also without ink,

"This time is to help the little murderer of the white night, I won't charge you a fee, but you have to settle the money you owed me last time."

The old man in Qing Yi chanted while not moving slowly at all, waving his staff.

A soft green light emerged from the staff and then sprinkled into the white night, which was the skill of the natural system [Elemental Dispersion]. Obviously, this old man is a [Druid].

Bai Ye only felt as if he smelled a freshness that belonged to nature, and then nothing else.

"How? Does it work? "

Bai Ye nodded, with a sincere face,

"Very good, I feel much more comfortable, I haven't breathed such fresh air in retreat for so long."

The old man in blue is full of black lines,

"I'm asking you if you're uncomfortable? I ask you, has the [Seal of the Holy Tailor] disappeared? "

Not waiting for the white night to answer,


And the laughter of the cardinal came,

"No need to try, this skill can only be used once in my life even by me, this skill strictly belongs to buff magic, not debuff, you can't dispel it."

"Even if our [Pope] is personally there, it cannot be banished."

The magic power on the staff of the richest man in Arashi City on the side surged and almost didn't hold back and directly gave her a big fireball.

The richest man in Lancheng looked at the old man in Qingyi again,

"Old man Liu, are you reliable? You can't really do it, can you? Could it be that the last time you helped me disperse, you caused me to pull my stomach for a day, and it was your own ability to really not go home? "

Hearing this, the old man in Qing Yi thought of the last time, which was actually done by him on purpose, and he almost didn't hold back the corner of his mouth from twitching. But now,

Already touching on his reputation, he chanted again. As we all know, the longer a skill needs to chant, the more powerful the effect will be. When the old man in Qing Yi finished singing,

The wooden elements in a radius of several kilometers around all approached the white night.

The emerald green elements dyed the entire hall green, constantly washing the white night. While taking away the stagnation accumulated by Bai Ye's long-term retreat, it directly removed the side effects of Bai Ye's [Liching]. Let Bai Ye feel comfortable all over his body, and unconsciously closed his eyes.

"How? Is it useful? "

"This is the only advanced dispersion skill that Old Man Liu can use, does it have any effect?"

"Did you disperse?"

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Bai Ye opened his eyes.

"Talk? Did it disperse? "

Feeling the concern of everyone, this is the first time that Bai Ye has been cared about by so many people, and all of them are big people who they couldn't contact before.

So Bai Ye hurriedly said,

"Not dispersed, but I'm fine."

The richest man in Lancheng shook his head helplessly,

"How do you call it's okay? Even if you sleep in the future, you must always be on the lookout for people from the Light Sect to sneak up on you, is this still called okay? "

Because Bai Ye didn't know what the effect of this [Seal of the Holy Tailor] was. So he asked rhetorically,

"Is it that serious?"

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't have a good airway,

"Look at your status bar yourself, don't you know?"

"But I don't have it in my status bar?"


"Could it be that my dispersal took effect? Impossible, you look again. "

"Not really! Not from the beginning, don't believe you see. "

The old man in blue who saw the status bar of the white night, suddenly slapped his legs, and began to laugh wildly,

"Oh hey, laugh me to death."

The richest man in Lancheng on the side also came over curiously, followed by another burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, your Light Sect is really interesting."

And the rest of the people saw this scene.


How is it so decent, people are crazy? And also infectious?

Including the bearded uncle who was holding the cardinal hostage, and the city lord of Lancheng City were full of question marks.