
when they first met...

It is a girl first day in her college. she is so nervous and eager to start her college life. (She's little shy girl who cannot get Frank easily.) There is a guy who's name is Erick. He is charming, popular plus little rude and kind of attitude one. When girl is searching for her classroom she bump on the Erick. She says "I AM SORRY". Erick didn't reply and he just walk away. Even he didn't help her to stand back. Suddenly one girl come and help her she says💬 Hi!! I am Meera and you? she says Oh!! Hi 👋 i am Alice. "(Meera she is too much talkative kind of funny and really cool)".

Alice Ask do you know who's that guy? Meera says yup!! His name is Erick Hale. He is popular in high school especially between girls... but though he is kind of weird.

>>Alice: what do you mean??

to be continue.....