
alien bloodline

the great dragon age the age were the dragons came to earth and changed the earth's atmosphere were they put energy so humans can absorb it so they evolve bloodline abilities by using the energy stored inside them the can use it to strengthen there bodies increase there Lifespans and use there ability that is unique to every individual thanks to the dragons humanity now has interstellar space travel space systems have been colonized by humanity and now humanity is the dragons friend in three war with the arrogant race of the elves were recently the two races have declared war after tensions between the already rivals have gone out of control. the great age of dragon's 2100 to 2500 this when humanity's technology have gone at an all time high thanks to the dragon's and after centuries of evolution humanity unlocked bloodline abilities and now in the year 3000 we follow the story of Alfonso and his journey in this big Fascinating world.

dragon_born_0239 · SF
17 Chs

making a choice

alfonso wake up looking Terrible non of the bright smiling kid stayed it was now a sad teenager that felt depressed thanks to the events of yesterday.

alfonso went to the kitchen to have breakfast were three people were already there a teenage boy and a middle aged woman and man.

Naturally they were alfonso's family the man of brown hair and blue eyes looked up from his Breakfast how are you doing son said alfonso's father

Fine alfonso said in a cold voice as if he speaks more he would break down in tears.

How dare you speak like that to your father said alfonso's mother in an almost screaming tone.

Calm down Anne the boy had a rough day the man said he is a Failure replied Anne that's enough how could you be so incentive

alfonso just ignored the argument and started eating.

Edward he ranked one ONE in the evaluation said Anne that does not mean his life is over there is still a chance no matter how little replied edward

The teenage boy of blue eyes and brown hair who didn't seem to be Lacking in looks aren't like his brother like now who has been awkwardly eating his breakfast who Seems to be younger than alfonso nervously started talking isn't alfonso's ability body Enhancement it doesn't sound weak

Every one looked back at him even alfonso his mother speaked first it doesn't matter how strong it sounds it is a ranke one

Edward said it is Rare but the evaluation could be wrong as it exam's the Current power of the individual not the Potential so

alfonso still has a chance alfonso how are the changes to your body

He couldn't ask him this yesterday because alfonso went to his room and sulked all day not even coming out for food his father left him alone and told his brother and mother to leave him alone as he thought going through pain and feeling it is a good teacher

Alfonso didn't answer for a sconed but then said my senses have advanced my sight and hearing is better and my Perceptionthen is better he picked up a plant that was on the table they were eating at and my physical strength is better to I don't know about anything else as I can't test it

His father paused for a sconed Digesting the knew information and said better than I expected if it enhances more it could be better than most rank ones which isn't saying a lot but it is a start

Alfonso hesitate for a bit then asked dad do you think I can be an adventurer

His father looked at him then answered that is up to you do you still wana go to school and train to be one or do you wana give up and choose another career path for your life?

Alfonso asked do I even have a chance?

Yes but it is low answered his father sincerely so will you chose a hard dream or a comfortable life?

Alfonso took a deep breath then looked at his father I chose a dream.