
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · アニメ·コミックス
514 Chs

Age of Ultron Part 6


Ultron calmly stands up and looks at the duo.

"You won't be enough to stop me" Ultron said calmly.

At that moment, the building of the Avengers shook producing a lot of noise.

Ultron looked at the ceiling that seconds later was destroyed and from the upper floor a green figure crushed him to the floor.

That figure was the Hulk.

Ultron looked at the Hulk on top of him, and using the Mind Stone he fired a powerful energy blast and sent the Hulk flying.

Ultron calmly stands up and looking at the Hulk, he says:

"You beast, your strength cannot..."

Before he finished speaking, a hammer interrupted his words and hit him in the chest sending him flying a few meters.

The hammer rose into the air and returned to Thor's hands.

Iron Man and Captain America also went down the hole the Hulk made.

The group of the Avengers had divided.

Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine, Falcon, Yellowjacket and She-Hulk stayed behind to stop Ultron's robots.

"Good job stopping him Jarvis, you seem to have learned a lot from me" Iron Man said with a smile on his face.

"That's nothing Mr. Stark, but you must be careful, Ultron keeps attacking my defenses and I won't be able to resist for long" Jarvis replied.

"Don't worry, we'll stop him" Iron Man said very seriously.

"Hehehe, you humans are really very funny, you always take it for granted that you will win, only to finally realize that you will fall into despair and that despair, is me, Ultron" Ultron said imposingly

"It seems you really are crazy, Pym is right, you are very dangerous" Iron Man said with a frown.

"Crazy? You just can't understand my reasoning and you talk as if you understood it, that's why the peace that I, Ultron, will give you is necessary" Ultron said mocking Iron Man's words.

"Stark, this thing won't listen to us, we have to destroy him before he gets the Power Stone" Thor said, throwing his hammer again at Ultron, who didn't flinch and, turning intangible, avoided it.

Thor is shocked to see that his hammer went through Ultron and didn't hurt him.

"It seems that if I don't show you my will, you won't understand the difference between us" Ultron said as he lunged at Thor, who still hadn't called his hammer, and punched him sending him crashing into the wall of the building.

Iron Man fired a powerful energy blast from his chest at Ultron, who easily evaded it.

The Hulk didn't stay idle either and lunged at Ultron throwing a powerful punch at him but Ultron easily stopped him.

The Hulk didn't stop his attack and grabbed Ultron by the head and shook him from side to side slamming him to the ground.

Ultron became intangible, escaped from the Hulk's grasp and fired a powerful beam of energy at him from his mouth and the Hulk, who went through the floor, fell to the lower floor.

Ant-Man, Wasp and Captain America did not sit idly by and attacked him.

Ant-Man and Wasp shrank and attacked Ultron while Captain America attacked him using his shield.

Ultron was unconcerned and easily evaded their attacks.

Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man also joined them in attacking him.

Ultron began to feel pressure under their attack.

Losing his composure, Ultron releases a powerful wave of energy from the Stone and blows away all those who attacked him.

"You're a really annoying bunch, once I get the Power Stone, I'll finish you all off. Well, Natasha Romanoff is still useful for me to take on Alex Wayne" Ultron said calmly.

The faces of those present who heard Ultron's words change in an interesting way.

Especially from the members of the Avengers who look strangely at Ultron.

This guy wants to use the Stones to fight Alex, who is the nemesis of those Stones.

Now they really are sure that Ultron is crazy.

Because he's just going to take a beating.

Instead, Ant-Man and Wasp are surprised because they have heard of Alex Wayne.

The Emperor of Mutants.

The Governor of Genosha.

The duo understood from Ultron's words that he considers Alex Wayne a threat.

"I am currently attacking his country, bombarded with a large number of ballistic missiles. But so far they have been ineffective and have not caused him any trouble, so I can only use what humans call feelings to defeat them" Ultron said calmly, but in his conscience he was calling his robots so that he could continue searching for the Stone.

"Mr. Stark stop him! Ultron is about to break through my last layer of security and he will be able to find the Stone" Jarvis said.

Hearing Jarvis' words, they quickly decide to attack him but just then, a large number of robots approach and surround them.

"Damn, these guys are like cockroaches" Ant-Man said as he dodged the robots' attacks.

"You really disappoint me Jarvis, it seems I have no choice but to be a bit rude" Ultron said.

Jarvis did not respond as his system had been completely hacked.

"On the 58th floor, storage number 16, a simple place but it would be the last one I would check" Ultron said as he became intangible and sank into the ground towards the 58th floor.

Iron Man's face changes since what Ultron said it is true and it meant that they are in trouble.

"Hulk, stop him!" Iron Man yelled.

The Hulk evaded the robots and with a great leap destroyed the place where Ultron wanted to go.

But he wasn't worried since he was intangible and shot a powerful energy blast at the Hulk causing him to crash into the wall.

"Avengers, you won't be able to avoid my evolution, just wait and very soon I'll get humans to reach the long-awaited peace" Ultron said, managing to leave this time.

The heroes were helpless as they watched him run away.