1 Alex Rodriguez

Me. How do I begin? I'm 25. I guess that's a way to start. 25 and Female. My name is Alex Rodriguez. I live in New York, New York in a small apartment with my girlfriend, Bella Griffin. She is currently in Medical school, while I work as a photographer for Alliester Co. Pretty sharp contrast of jobs. I've worked at mine for about a year. I'm an art graduate, so this was basically my dream job.

Today's Wednesday, and I need to be at work in about an hour. I work 10 to 3 every day. Except weekends. The hours for this job are great, another great reason for me to apply.

It's a beautiful day, and its a nice walk to the subway. I start to get all my things together when my phone buzzes from a text.

"Yo Alex! Getcho butt to work! Allie's cutting people left and right!!!"

I look at my phone again and re-read the text from Elizabeth, one of my colleagues.

"El, you can't be serious!"

She calls me and explains that Allie, my boss, was forced to fire a bunch of people due to the companies financial issues.

"I can't lose my job El, I'm 25 and this is the best thing that's ever happened to me!"

I'm basically yelling through the phone now.

"Alex just get here early okay?"

I tell her I'm on my way and hang up as I'm rushing through the door.
