

Axel is a normal kid, with a rough life. Until he wakes up one day hearing a voice in his head claiming to be him but older. Follow our hero(s) on their harrowing path to the future. This is a slight spin on the usual reincarnation novels that I enjoy, I hope you enjoy leave a nice review please I don't own the cover, if you do and want me to take it down I will do so.

Balthizar_Blake · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Why me God?

Axel made his way into the office to inform them of his choice to leave school, he had already planned everything out, and knew what to say.

' Why are you lying to yourself kid? You're terrified, and have no idea what to do. Good thing I'm here. Go directly to the principal's office, and inform the secretary that you require a meeting with Mr. Greckinspok. Then wait till you can speak with him and simply tell him you are dropping out to focus on work, and learning a trade. He will ask you what trade, and all you need to say is carpentry. Simple as that really. '

' If you say so old dude. '

' I'm only 28, I'm not that old! '

' And I'm not a kid, I'm 16! '

' Fair enough still calling you Kid as were the same person. '

' Fine! Then I'm calling you old man! '

Axel made his way to the office located just inside the building. After letting himself in he approached the kind looking assistant to the principal.

" Hello, my name is Axel, and I need to meet with the principal. "

" Sure thing honey, what is the meeting for? "

The secretary popped her bubble gum, and began filling out a form

" Also I need your full name, and birthdate for the form. "

Axel with a small amount of confusion answered the nice lady.

" Axel Snowe, June, twenty sixth, twenty fifty two. Uh, the reason for the visit is to discuss my future. "

" Honey, that's usually something you speak to the guidance counselor about. Would you like me to schedule a meeting for you? "

" No thank you, due to my home situation I won't be able to return to school, and need to drop out. "

" Oh honey are you okay? Is there something we can do to help? It's not a good choice to leave school without graduating. "

" Everything is mostly fine, I just need to focus on work. I'm going to be training for my trade of carpentry. "

The young lady was momentarily shocked as it's been years since somebody has dropped out in favor of gaining a trade, much less a near useless one as carpentry as over eighty percent of all construction was done by robots, and other automated systems. It was rare for a human to be doing the work.

" I understand honey, he will be with you in just a short while. "

The school bell had rung, and with it Mr. Greckinspok began the morning announcements. After talking about homecoming, and other minor events occurring at the school he finished, and Axel was waved in.

" So I've come to understand that you wish to drop out, to gain a trade. Is that correct? "

" Yes sir, school has become unnecessary as for my field I don't need a diploma to work, and starting early will allow me to fix my living situation earlier rather than later. "

" Now you understand that if you drop out you lose the assistance you've been gaining through the government, and will become financially responsible for yourself, yes? "

Mr Greckinspok was an older gentleman who never went a day without wearing a suit. His graying hair was gelled back, and a carefully maintained salt and pepper goatee decorated his rather plain face. Gentle brown eyes filled with concern stared into Axel as he was doing his best to leave school for good.

" I understand sir, I already have a part time job, and have a guarantee in the business through my work. "

" Well young man, I can't help but be disappointed to be losing one of our brighter students, but I will respect your wishes and approve of you dropping out. I will handle informing your case worker. I hope you find great success in your endeavors. "

" Thank you sir, I know that this is sudden, but I feel this is the right path for me, and the earlier I start the sooner I can get out of apprenticeship, and start making real money. "

" I understand young man, I know of the difficulties you have faced here, and as we've discussed before I am truly apologetic for the things you've been through. "

" Don't worry about it. I know Justin's parents are on the board, and provide close to fifty percent of extra funding to the school. Besides now I don't have to see him, or his goons ever again. "

" Such a fine young man, before you go give me a few moments. I've got something for you. "

Mr Greckinspok sat back down behind his computer and spent several moments typing away on his computer.

' I forgot about Justin haha, in my time after playing the game he continued to bully me, due to how late I started he had a giant advantage. However after we crossed worlds he was too scared to ever leave the city. A coward is all he really is. '

' Really? The six foot something football quarterback was too scared to do anything? Wow. '

' After a while he tried to bully me out of all my money, and equipment. But because we all started over he was still level one, while I was already in the high thirties with two classes. Poor dumbass didn't know what was coming his way haha. '

' It feels nice that you at least got revenge. '

' Don't worry kid, even in this time I'll make sure you have the leg up, and can make sure early on he never fucks with us. '

' Good shit old man. '

The sound of a printer shooting out a paper caught Axel's attention as Mr. Greckinspok spoke up.

" Here you go my boy. A signed letter of recommendation from me. I don't know how much help this will really be, but I wanted to do something for you after being unable to help you prior. "

" Thank you sir, I'm sure my teacher will see me in a better light with this. "

A heartfelt smile bloomed on Axel's face. While Axel always Hated the fact that Justin got away with whatever he wanted, he was aware that it wasn't the principals fault. Losing the funding would prevent many kids from eating at school, cut back on the sports, and many other things that would severely impact the lives of other kids. Even though Axel doesn't have much good will towards the other kids, he doesn't want to see them suffer, or go through hard times.

After a final few words of goodbye, Axel headed out of the office. While walking he heard some rather loud voices coming from the front of the entrance. After making his way there, Justin, and his goons were there smoking.

' C'mon they even get to smoke during class time? They don't even have to show up? Ridiculous. '

' He got worse when we were in our senior year. Sent us to the hospital 3 times with broken bones, man. I was only in school for a few months before dropping out and within that time him, and his goons had hurt me that badly. '

" If it isn't my favorite bitch. "

Justin's arrogant, and haughty voice rang through Axel's ears with the same irritation as nails on chalkboard. While being distracted with his older self Justin had made his way towards Axel. Taking in the sight of JUstin, and only two of his goons there. Axel was formulating his escape plan.

The rather tall, built like a brick shit house teenager looked down upon Axel. His dull hazel eyes reminded Axel of a swamp, his breath only made the similarities clearer. A hand reached out for Axel's shoulder, and a voice rang through his head.

' Step back '

Axel's body moved back causing the larger boy to stumble slightly. A look of mirth, and annoyance crossed Justin's perfectly shaped face.

" Bitch boy getting brave now? Come here let me remind you of your place. "

" Fuck off Justin, get out of my way. "

" Did you hear that J? Bitch boy just told you to fuck off! You just gunna take that? "

The goons snickered, and laughed as they egged Justin on. The egocentric individual that Justin was couldnt take their words, and a fist was swung at the side of Axel's head.

' Duck '

Axel moved down evading the incoming fist.

' Quick jab to the stomach, then make a run for it. '

Justin's fist missed Axel's head by a hair, and right after a small pain was felt in his side as Axels fist pounded into him. Slightly pushed back, Justin swung his arms out to grab onto Axel's smaller form, However once again he missed as Axel slipped away.

Running with all the might his body would allow Axel burst through the doors, and made it to his bike. He got the chain off, and hoped on it just in time to evade the tackle the much bigger kid had sent his way. Turning his head to face Justin, Axel Flipped him the bird.

' Pay attention kid '

Axel, so lost in his thoughts, bumped the curb causing him to fall off his bike, and he saw the fuming teenager grin at him.

' Why me God? '

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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