

Axel is a normal kid, with a rough life. Until he wakes up one day hearing a voice in his head claiming to be him but older. Follow our hero(s) on their harrowing path to the future. This is a slight spin on the usual reincarnation novels that I enjoy, I hope you enjoy leave a nice review please I don't own the cover, if you do and want me to take it down I will do so.

Balthizar_Blake · ファンタジー
10 Chs

I Fucked Up

" God fucking damn it. "

A voice rang through Axel's ears as he woke with a start. Looking around his tiny one bedroom apartment He saw nothing aside from his tv, game station, and the small horde of water bottles on his bland okea nightstand. Getting up, and rubbing the sleep from his eyes Axel called out.

" Hello, Who's there? I'm warning you I've got a black belt in Gen jutsu and I will use it if I must! "

" That's not real, and you know it, now before you freak out any further, there isn't anybody in your apartment, I'm in your head. "

Axel stopped moving as the voice he heard wasn't coming in through his ears, it was coming from his head. As the terrifying thought dawned on him, he simply laid back down in bed.

' Nope not real, I'm going back to sleep. No more soda after 3 AM for me. '

' Sorry to tell you this, but I'm very real, and we're very screwed. '

Axel jolted back upright, and looked around once more. The idea that somebody is talking to him through his head is extremely foreign and only happens in Yman comics and the like.

' Who are you, and how are you in my head? '

' Well the short version of this whole story is that I'm you, and I seriously fucked this up. '

Having this information Axel blacked out. After an unknown amount of time later he woke up startled.

' Weirdest fucking dream I've ever had, I swear I need to make better choices with myself! '

Axel exclaimed in thought as he woke up and chugged a water bottle to start out his day. After a quick shower, and a quick bite he checked the time.

' 6:45 AM, Just enough time to make it to school. '

Axel rushed out his door, locked it, and made his way down to his bike. Quickly peddling his way to school he crossed through the very familiar streets of the town he grew up in St. James. A rather small town considering the bustling metropolis that exists. Population under seventy five thousand, and a million churches all over the place. Good ole mid west life.

' I missed these simple times where my biggest concerns were getting to school on time, and bullies. '

Axel almost rode his bike directly into the traffic going down the slow road, a soccer mom van honking its horn yanked his attention as the lady shouted.

" Watch where you're going asshole! "

' You really should pay better attention to what you're doing, kid. '

Axel regained control and stopped on the sidewalk.

' So there really is a voice in my head, and you say you're me? Do I have multiple personality disorder now? I thought anxiety, and depression were bad enough as is. Why god, Why have you forsaken me so? '

' Quit being so fuckin dramatic kid. You're not going crazy, but I do need you to listen to me very carefully. Also keep riding to school you don't want to be late. '

Axel hesitantly continued his ride to school as he listened to the strange voice in his head.

' Now before you freak out like before. I am you, but from the future. I know how that sounds, and I know you're going to think you're going crazy but it's real, and I am real. '

' Okay I can totally digest, and handle this information, and I definitely don't think i'm losing my marbles. '

' Look to sum everything up, I fucked up. '

' Huh? What do you mean you messed up? What is that even pertaining to, and what meaning does that even have? '

Axel couldn't handle the complete vagueness of what his supposed older self was speaking of. The entire idea of having another consciousness in his head is just too far out there. His older self in his head? How could that possibly make any sense at all?

' Okay so a lot of bad things, and then a lot of worse things will happen in the next two years, then even worse things will happen over the 10 past that, that's as far as I made it. So I planned on coming back here as my younger self to redo these years, and prevent our life from sucking ass later on. Only I somehow made a mistake, and instead of joining you my younger self, and becoming one person with all my future memories instead we're stuck like this. '

' What happened that's so bad? Also how did you manage to go back in time? Are you sure you're real, and I'm not going crazy? '

' I'm very real, a lot is bad, and using a magical artifact meant to save my life that a crazy old lady gave me by accident. '

' Magic isn't real, be more specific, and prove it. '

' Magic isn't real YET! Specifically we died after being stabbed through the heart by the love of my life, a video game will determine the future of humanity, and we got the game a year in. In seventh grade the girl we had a crush on rejected us and the whole class laughed, meanwhile her best friend asked us out a few days later as a joke and had us carry all her books around for several months until we figured out what was going on. '

' Ah! Don't remind me of my time spent simping! '

A single tear fell down Axel's face as he cringed at how he had acted in the past.

' You wanted proof, kid. '

' Fair enough, but you could have just mentioned the birthmark shaped like a cloud on our ass. That would have sufficed. Moving on. Magic will be real, and a video game which we bought too late will determine our future, and because you got it late we suffer, you fell in love, and got killed by her. '

' That sums it up kid. Anyhow when we get to school you're going to tell them you're dropping out to focus on work to pay your bills. The school already knows that our dad kicked us out two years ago, and we have been living on government support for the last two years. When I dropped out at the beginning of senior year they accepted this reason. '

' You want me to drop out? Don't I need a highschool diploma to get around in life? '

' Normally you would, but seeing as the worlds gonna end in roughly two years it doesn't really matter now does it? '

' I guess not, but what if you're wrong, and the world doesn't end, or what if you're not even real! I can't just quit school! '

' The world will end. I already proved that I am you, and I am real. Trust me, quit school, get a part time job and save everything to buy the Game Station pod, and Alecstracia online when it comes out. If I remember right it should be in roughly two months. '

' I did hear about them making a brand new VR pod with life support and other useful functions, as well as that game. Isn't it meant to be the biggest revolution in gaming ever? '

' It is, and it will be the only game played four months from now. '

Axel was at a loss. Unsure if he should trust the words of his supposed older self. Quitting school is a major move for him, and if anything the voice said was wrong, he would be screwing himself over in the long run. However, dropping out of school would mean he wouldn't get bullied anymore. He wouldn't have to worry about school work anymore, and he could spend as much time at his work as he would like.

' Fuck it, whats the worst that could happen. '

' That's the spirit kid! '

After their lengthy " talk " not much time had really passed just the rest of his short bike ride to school.

Chaining his bike up he gazed at the highschool where he spent the last two years of his life. He had just barely started his junior year of highschool, and was only a couple months in. Approaching the converted prison made into a highschool, Axel did his best to steel his nerves.

The building itself was a large three story school made of old red brick made back in the early two thousands. Originally a prison, however their small town didn't have a high enough crime rate to send people here, and thus without funding it was abandoned and later remodeled into a highschool.

His time here wasn't really wasted, just not enjoyed. Axel was a straight A student however just barely. He had to keep his grade up to continue receiving help from the government after his father had kicked him out because his new step mom thought he was annoying, and a bother to be around. Axel was too old to go to an orphanage, and the civil worker doing his case had given him the option of getting a job, supporting himself, or living in a home with other unwanted kids.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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