
Akasha no Me

Sirius Chishiki, an 18 year old boy with an extremely potent abnormality, was blamed for something he didn't do and was hated by everyone, including his family. On the day before Graduation Ceremony in his school, he was summoned to another world. Soon he will discover that this world is crying for a savior. The other world, however, will have no idea that its savior will save them with his strongest weapon: His Love For Knowledge.

muhammed_ismail · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Arc 1 Prelude - Another World

A floating dream...

The sun shining bright...

The beautiful sea in front of him...

??: [I never thought it would be that pretty...]

A boy sitting on a beach shore. The sun glittering on his fair skin. His vibrant spiky crimson red hair was dancing in the air. The smell of sea salt filled his nostrils...

??: [Are you enjoying this, Sirius?]

He tilted his head to the side, seeing a woman to his side.

To him, her lower face was the only thing shown. Her smile filling his eyes.

Sirius: [Who...]

??: [This scenery is beautiful, isn't it?]

Sirius: [I...]

He tried to respond, but he couldn't.

His head felt like it was split apart in millions of pieces.

??: [Let me tell you something...]

As the unknown person opened its mouth, the boy's vision suddenly started to become blurry.

??: [No matter what, don't you--]

The headache suddenly became unbearable, and his consciousness started to rapidly slip away, then his ears turned deaf, as all his blurry eyes that were about to be completely shut could see was the mouth of the mysterious woman moving, saying something that he could never hear.

Then, for a split second, his ears that were originally deaf, were able to hear one phrase.

??: [Take care of yourself...Sirius...]

And the next thing he knew, everything faded to black.






??: [Wake up, Criminal!]

The sound of a yelling man caused a pair of blue eyes to snap open.

Sirius: [...Huh?]

??: [Are you gonna sleep in the bus?! Y'r not plannin' to molest girls here too?!]

Blinking his eyes at this, Sirius realized where he was.

He was inside the bus that was going to transport him to his school.

He then stood up, a cold face was immediately drawn in his face.

Sirius: [A dream...]

Yes...That was a dream.

A dream that happened a few months ago.

But now...

Sirius: [...Now it will never happen again]

Bus Driver: [If y'r done daydreaming, then get the hell out of my bus, Criminal!]

As Sirius muttered under his breath, the bus driver yelled at him to get out of the bus.

Silently, he dragged his legs outside the bus. The bus driver didn't even wait for him to get off the stairs of the bus, and drove as quick as he can, causing Sirius to trip and fall on the concrete floor, banging his head.

He then picked himself up, his head bleeding due to the fall, but he still held his cold look.

He then walked slowly towards the gates of the school, ignoring the mocking grins of the students around him.

Sirius: [...]

It was like this everyday. Nothing changed at all.

He won't need to go to the infirmary because the nurse won't treat him.

He won't be able to go to a pharmacy because the pharmacist will refuse to give him even the bandages to close the wound, let alone treat himself.

And it will be stupid to tell anyone to help him.

This was the daily life of Sirius Chishiki, a high school student who was reaching the last few days of his 3rd high school year.

The graduation ceremony was tomorrow, and he was to go to school to discuss about the details of it.

Sirius: [If I'm so hated in this country, then why am I even here...]

He never liked school at all. And it even increased when 'this accident' happened.

Sirius: [It is illogical to think about such trivial matters...]

He entered the classroom, and instantly, all eyes were on him.

Sirius: [...]


(Bookworm Asshole...!)

(Nerdy Criminal...!)


Their voices screamed in his minds.

He was able to read their thoughts easily. But even without his 'Special Powers', he already knows about those thoughts. He didn't need to read their minds.

All of them didn't matter to him.

Ignoring the thoughts screaming inside his head, Sirius walked to his desk...

Sirius: [...]

He sighed, a huff completely devoid of any kind of emotions.

His desk was completely disfigured. Insults were written all over it, one of the legs of the chair was completely broken, and the desk was horribly bent in such a way that no ordinary person would be able to sit on it.

And yet, Sirius wasn't an ordinary person.

Sirius: [...]

He didn't even move. The desk suddenly bent itself slowly, as if it became alive. The metal returned to its right shape after a few seconds.

He could hear his classmates click their tongues around him.

However, this was also the limit of Sirius' telekinesis. He didn't practice it further. He can move small objects and even bend their shapes, but it wasn't anything more supernatural than that.

Sirius: [I...Promised her...]

??: [What'cha talking about, Freak?!]

Sirius muttered under his breath, only to turn his head to the side to look at the voice source.

The boy's blonde bleached hair, the shaved right part of his head, the earings that were stuck to his ears and nose, and his messy school uniform made it clear that the guy was nothing short of a delinquent.

And before anyone could say anything...

??: [W-What?!]

A yell, then a flash of light.