
Akasha no Me

Sirius Chishiki, an 18 year old boy with an extremely potent abnormality, was blamed for something he didn't do and was hated by everyone, including his family. On the day before Graduation Ceremony in his school, he was summoned to another world. Soon he will discover that this world is crying for a savior. The other world, however, will have no idea that its savior will save them with his strongest weapon: His Love For Knowledge.

muhammed_ismail · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Arc 1 - Chapter 4 - The View of Corruption

Shaddai, Elohim, Sabaoth and Adonai.

Those are the greatest names of the god of the Hebrew Mythology.

In the other world, however, those were the names of the four greatest kingdoms in this world. The kingdoms that reigned over all the other countries surrounding the version of Earth of this parallel universe, one of the infinite parallel universes that there is to be seen in All Creation.

In fact, those infinite worlds existed in the lowest plane of existence. The Mortal Plane. And above it existed an infinite amount of hierarchical dimensional planes, all above the Mortal Plane, with said plane being the lowest of them all.

Back to the parallel world that exists in the Mortal Plane, as said before, the four kingdoms are the greatest authority on the planet, and their word is absolute.

However, 1500 years ago, wars against Humans and Demons was a routine, the rising amounts of causalities was the only thing in everyday's newscast, and the number of funerals on both of the opposing sides wasn't even close to halt in its progress.

These wars became known as The Great YHVH Wars.

The first Great YHVH War begun 1500 years ago. It was the war with the least amounts of causalities.

The second Great YHVH War begun 1000 years ago, 500 years after the first war, where in that specific war, the four grand continents were agreed in a treaty to be split in half. 2 for the Humans, and 2 for the Demons. The Humans had authority over Shaddai and Elohim, while the Demons had Sabaoth and Adonai under their lead.

Unfortunately, this treaty lasted for so long before being broken, specifically and surprisingly by the Human's 53rd King, Alcides Archana, who saw that the Demons are a barbaric race who should be lead by the Humans, a rather prideful and extremely arrogant decision that caused the rise of the third Great YHVH War, the most brutal war with the greatest amount of bloodshed, which begun after the treaty lasted for another 500 years after the second war.

This led to the rise of the concept known as "The Demon King".

This infuriated the Humans, which caused them to resort to one of the most forbidden Magic to ever exist.

The Dimensional Summoning Magic.

The Kingdom of Shaddai then started to use this to summon people from parallel universes that are found in the sea of infinite universes around them.

Those people were known as The Heroes.

They helped in the slaughter of the Demons that were still residing in the continent of Elohim, which forced the 1st Demon King, Samsara Armageddon, to move forward to protect his kin.

It wasn't a war, per se. It was more like a rescue mission, and in the midst of the mission, Samsara successfully saved his remaining kin, and in exchange, he took the spoils of war: A female, red haired Hero.

She was a high school student, around 17 at that time. Of course, due to the teachings that she had about how Demons are merciless, hideous and disgusting creatures, she expected to be tortured, humiliated and even sexually harassed and violated for information about the Human army.

However, this wasn't the case at all.

She was greeted with respect and even protection from the race that she assisted in slaughtering, something that rather surprised her.

Even then, she refused to believe that the Demons were a good race.

And for that, after 6 months of her "Imprisonment", Samsara simply gave her the freedom to return to the Kingdom of Shaddai, and he won't even do anything to her, even if she told the Humans about them. The girl simply took the offer and quickly travelled back to Shaddai, expecting to be greeted by opened arms from her kin.

But how wrong she was.

What she saw was her own grave, being mourned by her friends, her comrades who fought with her, and saw her being abducted.

This shocked her. She was in absolute disbelief.

Samsara told her that at the moment she was taken by him, she was labelled dead, even her friends will turn their backs at her, since they were told that anyone that resembled her meant a trick by the Demons, and she were to be killed on the spot.

She had no choice but to return to Samsara, and give herself to the Demon King, expecting her life to have came to an end.

But she was wrong...Yet again.

Over the other 6 months that she lived with Samsara after her return to the Kingdom of Adonai, the girl found the Demons to be completely the exact opposite of what she was told, combining that with the fake death announcement that spread across Shaddai about her, she realized the inevitable fact.

The Humans were plagued with the disease known as Corruption.

5 years after her stay in Adonai, the girl fell in love with Samsara, who, unknown to her at that time, had fell in love with her at first sight.

This resulted in the unimaginable to happen.

The 1st marriage between a Demon and a Human.

With their love, they reigned over the two continents of Sabaoth and Adonai, under their iron grip and Gentle embrace, the two kingdoms prospered, and their names were known worldwide, even to the Humans opposing the Demons.

And after 5 more years, their love resulted in a seed that bloomed to become a beautiful baby boy. The entirety of both Demon Kingdoms were shedding the tears of happiness for their king and queen.

Unfortunately, like everything, the happiness even dies under the incurable poison that is called Age.

Upon realizing that the Demon King had a weakspot in the form of his family, they raided the continent of Sabaoth. Samsara tried to repel them, but unknown to him, a great power fell in the hands of the Humans, allowing them to triumph on the Demons easily.

Using his last power, Samsara tearfully sent both his wife and child, who was 5 years at that time, back to their original world, preventing any harm that was going to befall his family.

The curtains close on the girl's backstory in this world, but the story of this world continued on.

15 years after the fall of the 1st Demon King, Shiva Armageddon, Samsara's brother, rose to lead the Demons residing in the Adonai Kingdom. He tried to retrieve the Sabaoth Kingdom, but his efforts ended in vain. Still, he protected the Adonai Kingdom with everything he had.

And then, his family was blessed with a full blood Demon son. His heir.

The person that would be later be known as Brahman Armageddon, the 3rd Demon King.

The Humans didn't relent, refusing the idea of the existence of the Demons, despite already having three of the Four Great Kingdoms under their grasp, and kept on summoning people from other worlds to assist in exterminating the Demons.

300 years later, Brahman proposed a second peace treaty. It stated that he won't seek to retrieve the Sabaoth Kingdom, but in exchange, the three Human Kingdoms will have a trade line with the Kingdom of Adonai, and both Humans and Demons will be living together.

Everything seemed to be good, especially after the agreement of the Humans at the treaty, but soon Brahman had realized his absolute naivety.

He believed in the good of the Humans, but the Humans believed only in one thing: Dominance.

And 469 years later, Brahman fell to the Humans betrayal, leaving his two only heirs: His three daughters. The eldest was 17, the middle one was 16 and the youngest was 15 at the time of betrayal.

But what was even worse is that Brahman's elder daughter was captured by the Humans, and the middle daughter managed to escape with her whereabouts being unknown, leaving the younger daughter as the sole survivor of the royal Demon King family.

The younger daughter took refugee for an entire year inside a dungeon, completely powerless, unable to do anything due to her incompetence in combat.

She felt that she wasn't to be blamed, since she was a One Magatama Demon, while her father was a Nine Magatama Demon. Even her elder sisters, who were way stronger than her, had Eight Magatama, and she was captured by the Humans, whereas one was forced to escape.

Lost without any way to repel against her enemies, she did the same as them.

Summoning a "Hero" of her own.

It wasn't a hard thing to do, but at that time, the Humans summoned a new patch of Hero candidates from another world, where she was trying to summon only one person from the very same world as the Humans, which resulted in the disaster of having her "Hero" plagued with the Mana Deficiency Syndrome, the inability to use Mana due to his Mana Core being shattered.

And much to her disbelief, the Human was willing to help her, and help he did.

With the last resort, the secret power of the Demon King Family, only given to a Human.

The Insignia.

That Human's Insignia was completely different and rather unique. The ability to copy the affinities and the spells of those that he lays his eyes on, as well as gaining all information about whatever he sees.

That story...Is about the sole survivor of the Demon King Family.

Her name is Hestiaca Armageddon.

But this isn't her story alone. It was also the story of the Human that she had given the power to use his knowledge as a weapon. The Human with the abnormal avarice and gluttony for the known and the unknown.

His name is Sirius Chishiki.

And the story is still in its beginning, yet to be even finished.

It's just beginning now.

The beginning of history.

A history that will most likely repeat itself.


Cat Demon Woman: [Hurry! Take the children and run! The Royal Army is marching here!]

Dog Demon Girl: [Mommy! I don't want to die!]

The scene takes us to the continent of Sabaoth, in a small city called El Elyon.

Families of Demons were fleeing their homes, running for the lives of both themselves and their families. Children were crying, women were wailing in fear, and any males who were able to fight stood still.

But even then, they knew that defeat was just an inevitable future for them.

Leon: [Annihilate! Those fools who can't understand our justice!]

Leon, who was leading the Royal Army in the invasion on El Elyon city, was yelling commands to the masked soldiers of the Royal Army, who were hacking their way through the citizens, killing the males and abducting both the children and the females.

Leon: [Kill all the male Demons! Capture the females and children to "reeducate" them! Show them the power of justice that Humans have!]

A true massacre.

Violence. Mercilessness. Bloodshed.

No amount of pleading were enough to calm the Violence.

No amount of tears were enough to beg for Mercy.

No amount of manpower from the Demon's side were enough to cease the Bloodshed.

Limbs and heads were flying everywhere.

City Chief: [I figured that this day will come sooner or later...]

The village elder, a One Magatama Wolf Demon, trembled in fear, with tears falling down his aged cheeks.

He saw Leon, the Royal Army, and an orange haired human beside them easily slaughtering his kin, where the orange haired man was standing still, crossing his arms while grinning, absolute arrogance completely apparent in his magneta colored eyes.

Actually, if someone looked closely, you would see that whoever gets near him gets completely torn apart, and even hits with claws and swords will simply stop in their tracks upon contact with him, as if he was made from iron, and simply blinking or exhaling would result in a new mass of gore and bloody mist scattering through the air.

To be honest, he had every right to being arrogant.

City Chief: [My...My Lord Brahman... Forgive me...]

As both Leon and the orange haired man entered the old chief's house with grins plastered on their faces, the old Demon, tears still leaking from his eyes, took out a knife from his pocket and placed it in his throat.

City Chief: [I couldn't...Protect them...I'm so sorry...]

As he said those last words, the old Demon swung the knife at his throat, causing blood to spray out like a fountain, before he fell on the floor, lying emotionlessly in a poll of his own blood and tears.

And the way to mourn his death? A stomp from Leon's leg on his head, causing it to explode in a mix of bones, blood, brain, grey matter and viscous matter.

Leon: [Heh. Mission Accomplished. Hardly a fight]

??: [My My. As brute as always, Leon]

The orange haired man, with a simple smile on his pale face, simply commented on the brutality of his companion.

Leon: [Mind your fucking business, Asellus Australis!]

Asellus: [I am. But it seems that you don't. Humans have to give the best impression, even in front of our enemies. I don't like fighting, you know. So this isn't my style. I joined in because I thought I might see a beautiful girl to become my wife. Unfortunately, there is nothing here that suits my preferences]

Asellus groaned while complaining, with Leon scoffing, before a grin was plastered on his face, licking his lips in a grosteque manner.

Leon: [Heh. Well, that's a loss for you...And a win for me. I'm gonna blow off my steam with some Demon bitches]

Asellus: [Ugh. How vulgar]

Openly expressing his lust, Leon's perverted grin was enough to incur Asellus' disgust.

Both moved away from El Elyon alongside the Royal Army that marched behind them like some sort of emotionless machines.

The sun had just rose over the horizon, right above the sea of blood and wreck that was formerly known as El Elyon city.


Armored Man #1: [Hah! Run! Run you shitty Demon!]

Young Goblin: [Help!]

The little Goblin ran away from a Hero holding a sword, inside a dungeon.

Armored Man #2: [Don't let it get away!]

The 1st armored Hero followed the running kid Goblin, who took a turn to the right.

Not a second later, however...

Armored Man #1: [Agh!]

The gasp of pain could be heard, which alerted the 2nd Hero.

He then walked towards the direction where his comrade went to, only to see his comrade standing in front of the corpse of the kid Goblin.

Armored Man #2: [Oh. You killed it. You scared me for a second there]

He released a breath he was holding, and placed a hand on his comrade's shoulder, before suddenly...

Armored Man #2: [Huh?]

...His comrade fell on the floor face first, emotionless.

This made him gasp in shock, before his attention was caught by a small spark that appeared in front of his legs on the floor.

Armored Man #2: [Wha--]

Sirius: [Vaccum Burst]

The spark then unleashed a miniature wind blast that broke the sound barrier, causing the man to be blown several feet away, halting in his flight upon his back slamming into a wall, even opening his mouth in a silent scream as his back cracked upon contact with the wall.

He didn't have time to catch his breath as suddenly...

Sirius: [Stone Fist]

A blur of red zoomed towards the Hero, with a brown blur at his side. The brown blur then slammed so hard into the Hero's stomach that all his inner organs and bones were instantly broken, with a crater appearing behind him at the wall, 10 meter in diameter.

The blur stood tall, only to reveal itself as Sirius, whose fist was encased in rock, standing in front of the now dead Hero with a cold glare.

Sirius: [Are you alright, Gummy?]

Gummy: [Yes, thank you, Sirius-nii]

The kid Goblin stood from his death feigning position and waved at Sirius, who turned his head slightly to check on him.

It has been 2 months ever since the first day Sirius was summoned in this world, and lots of stuff happened throughout this time period.

First, he had met Heroes and Adventurers from countless shapes, and killed all of them, and in turn, was able to learn lots of Magic spells and affinities, all kinds that is.

Second, he discovered 2 other Magic affinities that the Kingdom that summoned them didn't tell them about: Light and Darkness.

Light focuses on holy power, exorcism and firing photon rays of straight light that are identical to the rays of the sun.

Darkness, on the other hand, focuses on corruption of one's mind, brainwashing, stealth, presence suppression and absolute disruption of the five senses.

Basically, even the Humans that summoned him and his former classmates doesn't trust the "Heroes" they summoned, as they didn't even tell them about those two affinities.

Third, he found about the geographic stat of this world.

Apparently, this world consisted of 7 continents, where 4 of them were the greatest of all. Shaddai, Elohim, Sabaoth and Adonai were the greatest, whereas Kagutsuchi, Jaldabaoth and Metatron were much more average in size in comparison. They were around the size of Africa each, where the 4 bigger continents were bigger than Asia each.

Three of the four great continents, namely Shaddai, Elohim and Sabaoth, were ruled by the Humans, where Sabaoth was in constant ravaging by the Humans due to it having a few Demon population in it, which is constantly attacked, have their males killed and their females and children kidnapped.

Adonai, on the other hand, was bustling with both Humans and Demons. However, the population of Humans was so small when compared to the Demons, around a ratio 1: 10, and the Humans living there were detested by the Demons, or at least barely bearable due to the Humans in Shaddai constantly ravaging the kin of the Demons in neighboring continents.

As for the three remaining continents, Kagutsuchi, Jaldabaoth and Metatron, they were bustling with Demons who, unlike Adonai, had unadulterated hatred for Humans, even instantly killing them on sight, not even imprisoning them and asking for the freedom of the females and children of their kin that were imprisoned by Shaddai.

Sirius: [This is truly a messed up situation...]

Sirius sighed while rubbing his temples with his fingers.

He already had a lot in his hands.

Apparently, aside from being the only Human in this small team filled with Demons, he was the only fighting force in it as well. His Insignia was the only thing that can allow him to fight since he was unable to use Magic.

Then there was the problem of saving Helel, Hestiaca's elder sister, as she was kidnapped for a year now by Shaddai after the fall of the 3rd Demon King, Brahman Armageddon, and to rebuild the Demon King Family, they will have to save Helel, as she was so strong, so saving the Demons will be easier if she was with them.

Unfortunately, she was captured by the Royal Army, and is heavily guarded inside the deepest depths of the Yod, the castle of the Kingdom of Shaddai.

Sirius: [That topic aside, it appears that my strength is rather impressive, even when I am only using 11%]

Looking at his opened hand, Sirius commented on his own power.

It was true, he had just killed two Heroes with one hit each, and created a massive crater on the wall. He also had noted that Adventurers are way different than Heroes. Heroes, like Robert, Alphonse and Lara, are strong enough to rival the power of a Hydrogen Bomb, just like that first day Sirius entered in this world. Adventurers, on the other hand, are weaker than Heroes, but stronger than normal Humans, as even a starter Adventurer holds the power to destroy a tree, or turn a Human-sized Goblin to ashes with a single Fire spell.

And the fact that those two Adventurers came here comes to show one thing...

Sirius: [This dungeon is indeed a place that harbors weak Demons...]

Still, he was rather content that his physical power is great when compared to veteran Adventurers, even at 11%, but if someone like him, who can break through normal Human limitations can be this strong at 11%, and normal Heroes can be strong enough to become superhumans, then there has to be something around this boost of power.

Sirius: [The Heroes in this world are exceptionally strong, but if we are to go through logic in this topic, it will be virtually impossible to even imagine such a power boost coming out of nowhere without the aid of external sources. Even One Magatama Demons are strong enough to destroy walls or even instantly breaking a Human's bones, and that strength is considered natural, as they are born with it. Humans, however, are not born with such strength level, and even if we assume that they unlock their Mana Core, the power output solely comes from the spell they execute, not from their own physical strength. So there has to be some sort of external source that assists in raising physical levels to superhuman levels, but what is it...]

Plagus: [Uhh...Chishiki-dono...]

Sirius was snapped back to reality when Plagus, who was standing in front of him, called out.

Sirius: [What is it, Plagus?]

Plagus: [Well...You have been muttering while standing in your place for the past 5 minutes...Thinking of something?]

Sirius: [Huh...Nothing...Anyway, How is the thing that I asked of you?]

Plagus: [It's ready, Chishiki-dono. Here it is]

As Plagus answered Sirius' request, he took out four crystal balls out from the pocket of his butler blazer. Each crystal ball had a different color: Orange, Brown, White and Blue.

Plagus: [Those are the Mana Cores that you requested, taken out from the bodies of the four Heroes that attacked the dungeon 2 months ago]

Sirius: [Thank you, Plagus]

Sirius took the four crystal balls. Each ball was around the size of a tennis ball, so they weren't that big for him to not be able to hold them in one palm.

Sirius: [Those crystal spheres...I assume that the orange sphere was the Mana Core of this woman named Lara, the brown is that of Alphonse, the white is that of Robert, and the blue is that of the kid named Tino. Am I correct?]

Plagus: [Actually...Yes. You are correct]

Plagus nodded and confirmed Sirius' question with a positive answer, showing his astonishment at Sirius' analytical power.

Sirius: [Answer me this, Plagus. What does the colors of the Mana Core indicate?]

Plagus: [A rather clever question, Chishiki-dono. And it has a simple answer to it]

Smiling at Sirius' impressive intuition, Plagus continued his speech.

Plagus: [Mana Cores are containers for Mana, an energy source that the Human body forms, as opposed to Ether, which is found everywhere, even air holds Ether. The only thing that both Mana and Ether Cores hold in common is the color, where the color of a Core indicates the affinity held by its user. For example, if your Mana or Ether Core is orange in color, then your affinity is Fire. If it's blue, then it's Water. If it's brown, then it's Earth, and so on]

Sirius: [Hmmm...]

Sirius closed his eyes, humming as he had gotten the answer that he had just predicted.

He then opened his eyes, looking at Plagus.

Sirius: [Tell me, Plagus. What are the differences between Mana and Ether?]

Plagus: [Mana is only found in Humans' bodies, and is only created inside of them, and stored inside their Mana Cores. Ether, however, is found everywhere, it's an infinite source of energy, but only Demons can use it and store it inside their Ether Cores]

Sirius: [So what you are meaning to say is that Mana is only found inside Humans, but it is limited in its amount, and requires Humans some time to recover it, where the time to recharge is directly proportional to the amount used, while Ether is virtually limitless, and can be used by Demons only?]

Plagus: [Yes. That's also correct]

Sirius crossed his arms under his chest, a small grin found itself on his face.

Sirius: [Rather amusing...]

He muttered those two words, before the grin faded away.

Sirius: [Alright. One last question: Is it normal for Humans to achieve superhuman strength levels enough to contend against Demons?]

Plagus: [Naturally, that's impossible without the usage of Magic, since Humans can use Mana to enhance their physicality in the same manner as Demons with Ether, but even so, Demons can simply fight against Humans easily, even with Mana enhancement, so that power output used by Heroes and the Royal Army is rather questionable to be honest...]

Sirius: [I see]

Plagus: [What do you have in mind, Chishiki-dono?]

Sirius: [It is just a theory, but I think that this absurd and questionable rise in physical characteristics holds some relations with their Mana Cores]

Plagus: [You mean like, some sort of drugs?]

Sirius: [Yes, but it will still take some time to research those Mana Cores to make sure of the legitimacy of this theory]

After hearing those words, Plagus sported a huge smile on his face.

In the span of the two months that Sirius has spent with them, Plagus has came to enjoy his time with the Human. Despite Sirius' cold attitude, Plagus could indeed see that Sirius was a rather compassionate and caring individual, something that the Humans of this world didn't have. Even if he had ulterior motives of his own, it was more than enough for Plagus that Sirius, a Human, was willing to put his life on the line for them, a weak bunch of Demons.

But what Plagus enjoyed the most was the discussions that he had with Sirius.

He saw that the young Human had an immense thirst for knowledge, no matter how big or small it was. He remembered clearly that there was that one time where Sirius was looking like a child that got a toy on their birthday when he saw a Clay Worm, a parasitic type of worms that used the minerals in the soil as its food.

This actually amused him greatly, but what came next completely blew him away from the surprise.

After discovering the Clay Worm and its nutritional mechanisms, Sirius was able to extract the non-digested minerals from its insides, allowing him to create steel ores out from said minerals upon melting and mixing them together.

When asked about what will he do with the ores...

Sirius: [It is something that is between "I am not obligated to tell you" and "It is none of your concern"]

...Is what he said.

Plagus chuckled at the memory. Sirius was indeed a tough cookie to crack. His cold and extremely overcautious personality made him completely unpredictable, and combining that with his super genius intelligence that rivaled this apparatus found in Sirius' previous world that is called "Super Computer", and you have a true force of nature that is nigh invincible.

In fact, Sirius' intelligence is greater than tens of hundreds of thousands of millions of Super Computers, and presumably even far more higher than that.

And while Sirius' secrecy and tendencies to hide his strategies from them did annoy Plagus, he still understood that this was his way for offering his helping hand to them, and as long as it works, then he can't complain, can he?

He was already content with their speech about theories and strategies anyways.

Plagus: [Chishiki-dono, isn't there anything that I can help you with?]

Sirius: [You are already helping me and more, Plagus. But if you insist, then I have another question]

Plagus: [Why sure! What is it?]

Sirius raised an eyebrow at Plagus' weird enthusiastic expression. He was just asking a question.

Sirius: [...Very well. My question is this: Do you have any idea what was my Magic affinity prior to the incident of the demolition of my Mana Core?]

Upon hearing that, Plagus' smile instantly dropped, and Sirius' cold expression held the slightest hint of anticipation for the answer.

Plagus: [Chishiki-dono, I'm sure you're aware of the Magic affinities]

Sirius: [Yes. They are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light and Darkness]

Plagus: [Yes, indeed. Those are the seven Magic affinities that shape Magic as a whole. However, there is an eighth affinity that is unknown to all sans the 1st Demon King Family. An affinity that holds a ratio of 1 to 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to ever occur]

Sirius: [I see. Rather amusing indeed. What could it be?]

Plagus could feel the slight and barely noticeable crack in Sirius' cold facade judging by the slightly ragged breath that came out of the mouth of said Human, which made him cover his chuckle of amusement by coughing in his fist.

Plagus: [Void]

Sirius: [Hm?]

Sirius hummed upon hearing the answer, encouraging Plagus to explain more.

Plagus: [Void Magic. As the name applies, it allows its user to use non-elemental Magic]

Sirius: [Does it also involve Existence Erasure Magic?]

Plagus: [Ah! Y-Yes! It does! Amazing as always, Chishiki-dono! Why am I still surprised?!]

Sirius: [Please continue]

Ignoring the praise directed towards him, Sirius pressed on Plagus to continue his explanation.

Plagus: [A-Anyways, as I was saying, Void Magic focuses on using non-elemental Magic. Examples of it are Conceptual level Existence Erasure, Life Creation, the manipulation of several laws and aspect like time and space manipulation, and the list goes on]

Sirius: [But what is the difference between Void Magic and Darkness Magic?]

Plagus: [It differs a lot actually, Chishiki-dono. You see, the 1st Demon King's wife originally had the Void affinity. What makes this affinity extremely powerful is that it holds the ability to manipulate upper abstract concepts. A very miniature fraction of experience of it can allow its user to manipulate Duality. Platonic concepts are basically nothing if you Master the tiniest fraction of Void Magic]

Sirius: [Platonic concepts...Amazing]

Sirius' eyes sparkled immensely, and Plagus had to bite his tongue to prevent the wholehearted laugh to escape from his lips.

Just a tiny fraction of Void Magic can allow mere Humans to become the strongest of the strongest.

The aspect was nearly impossible to believe and comprehend.

Platonic concepts are abstract concepts that govern and transcend reality, discovered by the Greek Philosopher Plato, and represented in a simplified form by Philosopher Carl Jung in the form of the Jungian Archetypes.

According to Carl Jung, Jungian Archetypes are represented in the realm of the Collective Unconsciousness, a realm beyond reality that exists within the subconsciousness of Humans, shaped in the form of anything that a Human's imagination could produce.

A prime example for that is how Human picture fairytale and mythology stories, in the form of fictional characters and gods from various mythologies respectively, like Omethatal, a god from the Aztec Mythology that represents Duality through its shape that is a mix between a man and a woman.

Black and White can make Grey when mixed together. And any two colors can easily mix to make a new color. However, placing the two colors in one frame without them mixing to form the color Grey was an impossible process for mere Humans.

Sirius: [But by that logic, using Void Magic in a non-lethal manner is an impossibility. How did the 1st Demon King's wife use that particular affinity?]

Plagus: [Simple actually. She split it]

Sirius: [What?]

Plagus: [Light and Darkness Magic never existed in the Magic System at all, that is until the appearance of the 1st Demon King's wife, who had the extremely rare Void affinity. Unfortunately, due to this affinity being extremely powerful, she was unable to use it at all. So she resorted to splitting it to two affinities to be able to use them in an easy manner, namely splitting them to the Magic affinities known as Light and Darkness]

Sirius: [And both those affinities combined are equal to a miniscule fraction of the power of the Void Magic]

Plagus: [Indeed. That is correct]

Sirius' curiousty rose to beyond the maximum.

So out of all the Magic affinities in the Magic System, Void Magic is the only affinity that is platonic in its nature. If controlling this affinity at a fraction of its full potential can allow others to manipulate Duality, then...

Sirius: [What happens if by any chance, a Void affinity user is able to use by the maximum potential of said affinity?]

Plagus: [...!]

Plagus' eyes widened in shock upon hearing this question.

Plagus: [Maximum...Potential...?]

He simply muttered under his breath. Cold sweat seeped out from every single sweat pore that can be found in his body, his body shook uncontrollably and his mouth refused to take out the words that he couldn't even think about.

Plagus: [I...I have no idea...But if this Magic affinity fell in the wrong hands, then...]

Plagus couldn't finish the words that he wanted to speak, as the mere thought of such incredible power falling in the hands of lifeforms like the Humans would be extremely disastrous...

Nay...Disastrous is a small word that can't even explain this dark fate.

Sirius: [Very well]

Plagus yanked his head up, looking at Sirius in confusion.

Sirius: [Earlier on, you said that two beings had this affinity. The 1st Demon King's wife was one of them. Who is the 2nd?]

Plagus' smile slowly returned to his face upon realizing the meaning behind Sirius' strange method.

He was trying to change the subject so that Plagus won't feel anxious and troubled.

Plagus: (Chishiki-dono...For all your coldness, you're a deeply caring individual on the inside...)

Taking a deep breath to shove away his worries, Plagus opened his mouth to speak.

Plagus: [Well, I'm glad you asked, but I suppose that the answer to this question is obvious, don't you think?]

Sirius: [...]

It didn't take a second for Sirius to figure out the answer.

Sirius: [That person...Is me, right?]

Plagus' smile confirmed it, but there was still one problem.

Sirius: [...I can not use Magic]

His Mana Core got destroyed the moment he set foot in this world, so even if he had the strongest Magic affinity, it was no use without the Mana Core.

To Sirius, it was like having the most expensive and most advanced car, but without filling it with fuel.

Plagus: [This isn't an issue]

Sirius: [Hm?]

Sirius raised a curious eyebrow at Plagus' upon hearing those incomprehensible words.

Plagus: [Remember when you made the contract of The Insignia 2 months ago?]

Sirius: [Yes]

Plagus: [Well, upon the contract being sealed, Hestiaca-sama's Ether Core automatically proceeded to create an exact copy of itself to allow for the power of The Insignia to reside inside Chishiki-dono's body without having the risk of your body being turned into a massive piece of charcoal due to the Ether resembling the substance that your previous world calls Sulfuric Acid. It cooks the body from the inside out in an instant and turns Humans into ash when it overwrites their Mana Core. And even if they had no Mana Core, the result would be the same. And if they survived the ordeal, they spend a major span of time to recover from the cripple that they suffer afterwards. However, you, Chishiki-dono, You were completely unaffected by it, not even a sign of pain was found in your body, which was actually amazing]

The long explanation that ended with a flattery made Sirius reach an extremely important conclusion, and an important question.

Sirius: [So, I have an Ether Core and I can use Magic? If so, then does the power of my Insignia also rely on my Ether level?]

Plagus: [Yes for the 1st question, and No for the 2nd one. You have an Ether Core and can use it in the same exact manner as Demons, but only for your affinity, which in your case, it's Void. Your Insignia, on the other hand, manifests in the form of your deepest desire, and is fueled by your lifespan]

This made Sirius' brows rise in surprise.

Sirius: [My...Lifespan...?]

Plagus: [Fret not, Chishiki-dono! Your lifespan is infinite!]

Sirius: [How so? Does it involve my contract with The Insignia?]

Plagus: [Perceptive as always, Chishiki-dono. You see, when you acquired both The Insignia and the Ether Core, you became a Half Demon. You're now a Human-Demon Hybrid, and Demons, aside from their beast-like appearance and abnormal high levels of strength, they possess an infinite lifespan, making them unable to age. They can grow taller, and even grow facial and head hair, but they don't get old, and considering the fact that you became Half Demon, then the same applies to you, so you don't have to fear about you dying so soon]

Sirius: [I see...]

Sirius nodded his head.

It all made sense to him. The physical contact that she used on him may have transfered her energy to him. He actually felt a foreign sensation when she bestowed The Insignia on him.

Sirius: [Anything else I should know?]

Plagus: [No...Nothing that I know now...Speaking of Knowledge...]

Tilting his head to the side, Plagus saw the peeking form of Hestiaca, who was peeking on Sirius from a corner.

Plagus: [Hestiaca-sama, if you're curious about Chishiki-dono, then you can always come over and watch, you know]

Hestiaca: [Eh?! Why would I be curious?!]

Plagus chuckled underneath his breath at his master's stubborn attitude.

He knew that she was interested in what Sirius was doing. And the fact that she is hiding it was rather amusing to the butler that served her ever since childhood, so it was nothing new to Plagus at all.

Sirius: [It is rather inconvenient that you conceal your rather obvious overexertion in emotions. Just try to be straightforward in your actions]

Hestiaca: [Shut up!]

Hestiaca threw a shout at Sirius' face, who shrugged his shoulders boringly before walking away silently.

Plagus: [Chishiki-dono, where are you going?]

Sirius: [It is something that is between "I am not obligated to tell you" and "It is none of your concern"]

Plagus: [Fufufufu...As overcautious as always, Chishiki-dono]

Plagus simply chuckled at Sirius' secrecy as he saw the Human make his way to one of the rooms in the dungeon.


Sirius entered the room that he visited in the dungeon the moment he arrived at it.

It was the room that had that Summoning Circle.

Sirius: [The Magic Circle is gone now, considering the fact that it did its purpose in summoning me, but...I could swear that I have seen it somewhere...]

Muttering under his breath, Sirius looked around the room. He then spotted something from the corner of his eye, right behind a rock block located at the farthest wall of the room. Sirius marched towards the wall, and upon reaching it, he saw that the block was a little bit out of the wall, with a few centimeters, indicating that something must have been hidden in there.

Sirius then reached with his hand and removed the block.

Behind it was a book that dust covered entirely.

Exhaling some air from his mouth, Sirius blew away the dust, revealing the title of the book.

Sirius: [If this is not what primitive and people with low level intelligence pronounce as "Bullseye", then I have no exclamation of my own regarding it]

The grin on Sirius' face made it clear that he hit the jackpot.

The title of the book was as follows:

"Void Magic Spells"

Sirius secretly thanked the wife of the 1st Demon Lord.

It's time for some action.