
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · ファンタジー
162 Chs

Normal life?

Hannah was working for hours non-stop. Right now, she was busy with some of the documents that were given to her by Camden when she felt something, which happened to be someone's eyes, boring two holes in her body.

She thought it was strange since there was no one on this floor except herself and axel. She raised her head with a start and looked around.

No one was there!

She wanted to go back to her work and tried to ignore those eyes. She turned right and to her surprise, Axel was staring at her intently.

She almost fell off her seat due to the intensity of Axel's stare.

He had raised the blinds without her knowing and all that was left was the thin and almost transparent glass wall that separated them. She had totally forgotten about those blinds!

She kept staring back at him like she was in a trance and she didn't know how long they stared at each other before the blinds suddenly fell. Only then did she snap out of her dazed state.

She shook her head, wondering what was wrong with Axel. She went back to her work only for the red light on her desk to flash seconds later.

She stood up and walked into Axel's office. He was scribbling something seriously like he wasn't staring at her a few seconds back.

As she stood in from of him, she noticed how well he blended with the black seat he was sitting on like it was made just for him. There was a laid back expression on his face as he guided his pen to glide smoothly on the white paper.

There was this kind of air around him that Hannah had never seen before.

His graceful and elegant appearance made him look like the strongest person in the world like no storm or earthquake could shake him.

"Take this to Camden". Axel's voice stopped her evaluation and she walked over to take the files from Axel's desk.

Out of no where, Axel asked, " What are your intentions"?

"Huh?" A confused Hannah paused her movements and stared at him without saying a word.

"You heard me". Axel said, "Now that you are no longer an assassin, what do you plan on doing". He asked again. He didn't want to believe that Hannah was just going to work as his secretary for the rest of her life. She was supposed to have other plans, right?

Hannah blinked multiple times before understanding the question.

What were her plans?

She didn't really have anything planned. She was just going to live a normal life like a normal person and go with whatever the world has laid down for her.

"I have no plans. I am just going to live a normal life".

"A normal life?" Axel let out a dark chuckle. "People like you don't deserve a normal life. You deserve a life worse than hell. Tell me, how many lives have you taken? And you want a normal life?" He laughed again.

"No matter what you do or how much you try, you can never have a normal life. You are an assassin and that's what you will always be!"

Hannah's grip on the files was so tight that her knuckles turned white. When Axel finished speaking, she felt like her life had been drained from her and the files in her hand fell, creating a loud noise in the silent office. Her eyes were glossy and her fists were balled in anger. Axel's words struck her badly and even though she tried denying it, deep down, she knew he was right.

She was an assassin.

She had taken lives.

How was she supposed to live normally?

A tear slid down her face and it didn't go unnoticed by Axel. He wondered why she was crying when he had only said the truth.

Before he could say anything or ask her questions, Hannah turned around and left the office.

Axel thought that she was going back to her cubicle but when he raised the blinds, he didn't see her there. He left the blinds raised and waited for her return thinking that she had something to do.

But after waiting for a long time and there was no sign of her, he became restless. Did his words have so much effect on her? Did she quit?

If that was the case then he was happy. At least he would have fewer things to worry about.

Just then his phone rang and he picked it up and placed it on his ear. "Tell me".

The person on the other end spoke and axel listened patiently till the end of the call. He hung up and placed the phone back on his desk.

His eyes trailed to Hannah's desk through the thin glass wall once again and his eyes narrowed. He looked at his phone, then at Hannah's desk, and back to the phone again.

His narrowed eyes widened in realization. 'Shit'! He cursed inwardly before standing up and leaving the office.