
Agonizing love

He ran his hand on her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I found you". He said. His hand fell to his side and his body went limp in her hands. He fainted! * * * Hannah, an assassin was supposed to kill Axel, a CEO, but what happens when he takes something valuable from her and traps her with it? This is a slow-burn novel. Keep reading to find out what happens......

saskh_xle · ファンタジー
162 Chs

More work 2

Hannah dropped her phone back on the desk and leaned forward only to sigh when she saw the documents piled up on the desk. She picked a file from the stack and opened it. She read the first page and closed it, putting it aside and picking another one. She had decided to work ok the complex ones first and keep the simpler ones for later.

After minutes of grouping the files, it was time for her to start working. She picked one of the documents and started working on it. She drew closer to the computer on her desk and typed away, giving her undivided attention to the document in front of her.

Three hours later, she was done with the complex documents. She leaned back on her seat and exhaled loudly. She felt so exhausted. She hasn't even had water to drink since she came to the company and her throat was already so dry that talking right now would sting her. She picked up her phone to check the time and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

It was three hours to midnight!

"Is this broken?". She asked herself, turning the phone to see if it was still working properly. She turned to the window and her eyes widened when she saw the inky black sky.

Oh no! How was she supposed to get back home now? Different thoughts ran through her head at a time. She placed her hand on her head, massaging her temple to prevent the headache that was starting to form.

"I still have a lot to do". She lamented in a whiny voice. Taking a deep breath, she picked her pen and one of the documents to continue her work. This time, she was faster as these files were easier to work on. She read through the documents page by page with her pen in between her lips, not wanting to miss even the smallest detail.

As the files reduced, her concentration wavered and she began to feel drowsy. She placed her hand on her head as it had started to hurt slightly and her eyelashes fell and rose slowly. Just then, the door to Axel's office swung open, revealing Axel who had taken off his suit jacket and placed it neatly on his left arm. Her drowsiness disappeared and she became sober instantly. Even the slight pain in her head had disappeared. She stood up to greet him, one of the things she had learned from Camden on her first day of work. As Axel walked towards her, her heart began to beat erratically. The only thing on her mind at that moment was, 'is he coming to give me more work?' She hoped he would not as she was already beyond tired.

As he approached her, she discreetly observed him. He didn't look tired despite working for so long. His raven black hair was still in place, not a strand had come out of place and his face didn't look worn out at all. His white long-sleeved shirt was wrinkle-free like he had just worn it. In all, he looked like he was just coming to work instead of the other way around.

"We are done for today. You can go home now". Axel spoke and she couldn't explain the immense joy his words brought to her heart.

Just then, Camden walked up to them holding a briefcase in one hand and a tablet in the other. Hannah was surprised. She had not seen him after she left Axel's office in the morning so she assumed that he had closed for the day. Just like Axel, he didn't look worn out. Perhaps, she was the only one who was tired. Maybe they were both used to it.

Anyways, Hannah was pleased that she would finally go home. She packed her things one after the other into her handbag, clearing the desk and arranging the remaining documents she had to work on one side of the desk. She will complete it tomorrow. She picked up her handbag and placed it on her shoulders. She was prepared to leave, completely ignoring the two men standing in front of her desk.

"Where are you going?" Axel's voice stopped her in her tracks. She looked at him with confusion visible on her face. "Take the documents home. I need them tomorrow". He said.

"Eh?!" Hannah exclaimed. She thought she was finally going home to get the much-needed rest but it seems that was not the case. She slowly walked back to her desk and picked up the documents, placing them in her arms. She turned around and was ready to leave when Axel spoke again.

"Wait!" He said. "Camden, give her the other file, I also need them tomorrow". Hannah felt her legs wobble when he finished speaking.

More work?!

She couldn't believe this. Her eyes moved back and forth from Axel to Camden, trying to see if they were joking, but when she saw their serious expressions, her heart sank to her stomach.

On the other hand, even though it wasn't visible, Camden was surprised. He was aware that Hannah had been working on the old and irrelevant files the whole day, so why was his boss asking him to give her another file? He hesitated for a while, not understanding what Axel wanted him to do.

Axel looked at Camden, giving him a questioning look and Camden looked back at him in confusion. Axel tipped his head in Hannah's direction and Camden's eyes widened in realization. He pressed his lips together and nodded.

Camden placed his briefcase on Hannah's desk and opened it, picking a random file and giving it to her. When she collected it, he closed his briefcase and brought it down from the desk.

When Axel saw that they were done, he simply nodded at Camden and strode away from them. Camden stood there looking at Hannah. He didn't understand why Axel was being like this to her. Axel generally didn't concern himself with the work of his employees so his treating Hannah like this confused him. He pitied Hannah.

He walked away without saying a word after staring at her, leaving Hannah alone by herself. Hannah stood there listening to the distant sounds of their footsteps until the sound disappeared.

She walked slowly out of the company and when she was at the entrance, she sighed. It was already late in the night and there was no sign of any cab moving by this time. She searched through her bag or her phone and when she found it, she dialled Raymond's number and he picked up immediately. Why wasn't she surprised?

"Are you done with work? I am at the entrance of the company, where are you?" Raymond asked. Hannah looked around and saw Raymond's car parked on her left. Raymond came down from the car and waved at her and she waved back weakly. She brought her phone down from her ear and walked to Raymond's car.

"How was work?" Raymond asked when Hannah reached him. The look in her eyes when she turned to him scared his demons out of him. She had a look that could kill. Literally. Like the question about work angered her.

He instinctively stepped back a bit and swallowed hard. "Let's go home". He said opening the door to the back seat. Hannah got into the car and Raymond closed it as gently as he could, not wanting to anger her again. He blew air through his lips on his face and got into the car too and soon, they were driving home.

At the other side of the company, stood Axel and Camden watched the car zoom off. "Wasn't that Raymond Young just now?" Camden asked, pointing a shaky finger at the spot where Raymond's car was parked. Axel clicked his tongue like he had just tasted something bitter. He raised his hand and slapped Camden on the back of his head.

"What was that for?" Camden whined. Axel shook his head at his childish act and sighed. If Raymond had not called him, he would still be in his office by now. "It's late, we should get going". Axel said, "come, I will drive you home". Camden didn't reply and instead hopped into the car, ignoring Axel.

"I'm sorry". Axel apologised for hitting Camden's head when he got into the car. Camden turned to look at him. "Why did you tell me to give her one of those files? You know how important they are. What if she makes a mistake?" He asked. "I have already thought of that. If she makes a mistake then you will just have to do it again". Axel said, making Camden purse his lips. "And here I thought you have finally decided to relieve me off some work". He murmured. "You should work on those files, I would need them tomorrow. You have another copy of the document you gave her, right?" Axel asked, turning to look at him.

Camden: "..."

"Don't tell me you don't have another copy". Axel asked with raised eyebrows, but Camden remained silent. "Why don't you have a second copy?" He asked again. "Why would I? I always do all my work right so I don't need a second copy". Camden argued. "So if you think about it, it's your fault for telling me to give her the document". Camden said.

"My fault?" Axel asked in a low voice. "Yes, your fault. If you were not intent on making her work like a horse this would not have happened". Camden replied. Axel moved closer to Camden and pulled his ear. "Leave me alone!" Camden shouted. "One more word and your ear would come off". Axel threatened but Camden kept on shouting and pulling Axel's hand from his ear which only caused him more pain.

The two of them kept on fighting like kids in the car. When they were at work, their relationship was that of a boss and his employee, but outside of the company, they would bicker like little children.