
Chapter 49-1: Albino meeting

Inside, she took the elevator instead of the stairs as soon as she showed her ID and everything went smoothly with perfect skill.

As soon as she reached the 10th floor, the second apartment on the left, she stopped, pressed the bell button and waited quietly.

In contrast, the young teenage girl who had just opened the door for her, looked beautiful, as she watched TV.


Becca, who smiled at her affectionately and waved at her, made the girl blush at her elegant appearance and her naivety at her greeting.

"Oh, hello."

Annabelle Wilderoff, who stood in front of her in her purple nightgown and cute hamster slippers, had very special and striking features indeed.

White hair, thick and short, which highlighted the features of those with albinism, with large and unique eyes of a different color.

A dazzling combination of light green and blue, but in a separate way.

"How... can I help you?"