

When the sun ascends, the voices of a rooster crowing loudly sounds like an ordinary morning, the day started brightly without clouds. In contrast to the weather, the faces of nobles today full of anxiety. There has been major news circulating since a few days ago, the prince Gerald Wimbledon has killed Wimbledon III and been caught by the knights. The nobles were uneasy about what might be going on with their fate, especially the supporters of Gerald's faction on the throne.

Many rumors among the common people about the King Wimbledon III summoned the first Prince. The first prince wanted the King to cancel the competition and immediately appointed himself to be the legitimate successor of the kingdom, but the King disagrees so that the first Prince carries out the plan B, kills King Wimbledon III then immediately ascends the throne to King and stabilizes the unrest by filling the emptiness of the king's position. Unfortunately, Gerald was caught by the knights who were on patrol outside feeling something wrong in the king's room.

A lot of people do not believe the news, especially those who have met directly with Gerald. Gerald always followed the knight's code and not the type who would betray his own father, but some people who voiced it soon disappeared without a trace, making people dare not to talk about that in public places anymore.

The noble is smart enough to know that this is Timothy's act and also this hasty court style shows that something is hidden from them. It was rumored that there some unsuccessful attempts to save Gerald out of jail.

Some of Gerald's supporters already have started calling Timothy or Garcia to declare their loyalty, some nobles even preparing to go to other countries. Despite many suspicions from this incident, one thing is for sure that war for the crown has been won by Timothy.


In a damp prison, there was a man with grey hair tied to an iron chain, a hair color that distinctive mark of royal blood. He did not speak, or rather he could not talk because of the potion he was forced to drink. His tears had been exhausted for a long time, his eyes were showing deep sadness, either due to her father's death, Ansger's treachery or perhaps his brother's act. But all of that sadness is in his mind alone, the fact remains that in this battle for the throne he has lost. Not foreseeing that Timothy dared to murder their father, he was too shocked and unable properly process what had happened until he finally got caught and given a potion by Timothy.

Had he possessed Timothy's half-wit and shrewdness, a few months after the start of the battle for the throne he had already risen to become the King. He has all the advantages of popular support, the ruled area or the number of troops. He was even offered by the Church to use Berserker Pill, but he refused it firmly because it contradicted his knight's code and loyalty to the kingdom by destroying the lives of the Greycastle people.

Several attempts to save him have taken place over the past few days. But nothing works, they can't even reach the front of his cell, all these efforts can be thwarted by the guards. Gerald knew this was planned by his loyal followers and very grateful to them, but he also knew that this was the last day and the time was up. It is time he accepted his destiny with a smile, as his late mother said, the value of a man shown by two things, his way of life and also his moment of death. The value of a king is shown by the ability to know what the people want and fulfill their need. Today, what the people need peace of mind, that all will be well after his death. He will fulfill that role today as his final allegiance to the Kingdom of Graycastle.

There was a guard discussion while they were on patrol. Most were just joking or chatting about their lives, but there were also some of them talking about Graycastle politics. Especially now that their future is influenced by what will happen today.

"Is this really will happen, many dubious points from this situation,"

"Shhh, turn your voice down. Your speech will be heard by others. Many nobles are aware of it but they are just silent, they know that in the struggle for the crown, Prince Gerald has lost. Right now, King Timothy is doing the cleaning, if you do not want to be cleaned, you better keep quiet about this,"

"Ah, you are right, and besides we as guards cannot do anything. This is battle territories of the dragons,"

They immediately changed topics to new subjects about their lives, telling each other their children and wives.

Time passed, several guards came to Gerald's cell. Indicates the time of his death penalty has arrived. His regretful eyes were noticeable to the guards, but the superior orders must be executed. Otherwise, they and their families are the ones will be put to death.

"Prince Gerald, forgive me the time has come," Some prison guards unleashed a chain attached to Gerald and then put the cuffs on him.

With a limp, Gerald is assisted by the guards to walk to the place of execution. Passing ahead of the cells of other prisoners, there were laughter and ridicule from some prisoners. Some of them are his enemies while on the battlefield, then become prisoners of war.

At the execution site, there are two executioners with heads covered with black cloth. They carry a special sword just to chop off his head. In addition to the two executioners also seen one other person is the reader of "sin" that Gerald did.

Accompanied by his trusty nobleman, Timothy sat in a special chair. Watching his brother's execution process with a firm and serene face.

A lot of ordinary people attended his death penalty, many of them want to protest about the injustice of Gerald's trial but do not have the courage to face the next king and his troops. As the last respects to the person who has helped them so much, they want to see the last sheet of Gerald's story.


The morning sunshine shone on Gerald's gray hair, the bustle of the people was silent as soon as Gerald was at the scene of execution. They watched Gerald walk as he limped but remained firm and authoritative, his face calm and his eyes looking toward the people gently, not visible the sadness he experienced before.

"Today, Gerald Wimbledon will be executed because of the killing of King Wimbledon III and treason against the kingdom, under the rule of the kingdom, the punishment of the indictment is the death penalty,"

After Gerald stood above the place of execution, the reader of his "sin" read aloud all the crimes alleged to him. After that, the executioners looked at Timothy for approval.

Timothy sees Gerald and the views they both meet, he knows this kind of view, the kind of view when he wants to tidy up the Graycastle Kingdom problem.

"Wait a moment" Timothy then whispered something to his followers, his follower hesitating for a moment but still leaving.

Not too long after, a person went up to the execution site and gave Gerald a drink bottle.

"Brother, remembering all your sacrifices to this kingdom, I give you your favorite beer as your last drink,"

Gerald unhesitatingly opened the bottle and drank it, knowing perfectly well that his brother would understand the meaning of his eyes, a final plea. If the nobles knew what was in the bottle, they would have been surprised and wondered why Timothy had made such a stupid move, but the blood relation was stronger than water. Timothy knew the true nature of his brother and dared to take an unnecessary risk as his last honor to the older brother who had guided him.

"Timothy, my people and all my brothers in chivalry. You know what?, this is a very good beer" with a big smile, Gerald holds the bottle while speaking at all the spectators of his execution.

The nobles of Timothy's followers were dumbfounded, realizing the contents of the bottle. The antidote to the potions that make Gerald cannot speak at execution. If a calculation error occurs, Gerald might reveal what really happened. While it can not undo Gerald's death sentence, it will raise public doubts which are already high enough and there may be unrest among the common people. It's just that Gerald who is concerned with ordinary people will not do that, given the number of casualties that will occur if he does, not to mention the possibility of Timothy having a Berserker Pill.

"Some of you may not know who I am, I am Gerald Wimbledon the first prince of the Graycastle Kingdom I was born in autumn when the sunset, accompanied by my father and mother and all the servants My parents said that my crying that day was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to them, I do not agree, what about the first cake I cooked for them, the days I took care of them when they were sick, or when I pulled my father's pants in front of the family gathering, we all laughed out loud, well except my father,"

Several members of the Wimbledon family smiled recalling the incident.

'Isn't this supposed to be a serious speech, why did he instead talk as if with his friends at the bar?'

Gerald's face turned serious and continued to talk while glancing at the troops of his subordinate knights.

"Since I was a child, I practiced swords and war tactics, hoping that later I can make the Kingdom of the Graycastle the strongest kingdom on this continent I dream of being able to lead all of you to prosperity, make your face up even before a Pope. Without fear of threat by churches and witches. For over a decade I was at war with my brother in chivalry, occupying territory by part, fighting with combat witches, fighting with lives on the line,"

Gerald paused for a moment by drinking straight from the bottle and sighing for a moment and then continuing his speech

"I have seen many knights fall down well against other countries or because of witches attacks. A few days ago, a village was destroyed and 10 knights were killed in a conflict with the Kingdom of Dawn, the village was destroyed by a lack of knights guarding the border. Most of the knights must be in the territory managed by the princes to guard the territory,"

Stop for a minute, Gerald stared at the crowds and the knights.

"Imenew Ianwrick, he's a slight overweight, wants to win by himself and is a little cowardly, but he's sincere and loyal to his friends He has a dream to become a cook when he retires from chivalry with his wife,"

"Andy Eori, who is the youngest of us all, loves to wear the weirdest clothes and he promised to come back to his sister today,"

"Eve Haserton, she's the only woman in knighthood, she loves to shop and steals money from the men who've been peeking at her baths, she's a knight who practiced the hardest among us all, she wants to avenge her death parents by becoming a knight after being released from slavery,"

Gerald mentions names one by one slowly, the names of knights who fall in the hands of their enemy when the princes fight over the throne. The wet eyelids of the knights are seen by the people, some knights cannot even resist the tears that flow slowly, they get along with the name mentioned by Gerald

"All of them should not die if the seizure of this throne is not there, they should be able to pursue their dreams respectively,"

At this moment Gerald did not feel the tears flowing slowly while continuing to talk then he wiped his tears.

"You know me as a person who will not sacrifice the morale and values of a knight, but that is not true. My ambition to lead the Kingdom of Graycastle has blinded me and made me break my morals I know it's too late to apologize to this Kingdom and all of you. accept my punishment,"

Gerald looked at Timothy for a moment and then looked at his knight

"Friend, I have a last wish as a comrade while on the battlefield. I want you to swear allegiance to the new King. He is naughty, nerdy, a little cunning and not that strong, but he has a deep insight and a great ambition to lead all of you,"

Gerald smiled, then looked at Timothy

"My little brother, I am sure you will be able to continue the will of Wimbledon, prospering and securing this kingdom. Although I will not be able to see you do it, I hope it will come quickly. Oh, while I have a chance, do you remember when you were 5 years old, I forgive you for your behavior,"

Although Timothy looked calm, he was quite shaken inside his heart. His brother said something that only he can understand, Gerald has forgiven all his evil deeds to him. He wants to cry, but he must keep the King's prestige.

"O people, you are in good hands. He will protect you both from church and witches attacks, and he will prosper this Graycastle land. So be happy, because soon you will see the best King appointed in history,"

Gerald drank again from the bottle and finally nodded to Timothy and spoke while smiling

"Ah, seriously, this beer tastes great."

The executioner swung his sword and chopped off Gerald's head. Gerald looked at the people with a smiling mouth, his last task towards the kingdom was over. His eyes felt heavy and his brain had stopped his function. His only regret was not being able to marry Olivia in front of the crowd, at the end of his life imagining how their future would be if they had not.

'Olivia. I'm sorry, look like I can't come back to you,'

'Mother seems I'll see you any minute'

But man planned and heaven laughed, he heard the cry of a little girl near him. Feeling he lay on the rocky ground, still breathing.

'I'm still alive?'
