
An Unwanted Encounter II

Yuna gripped her bag firmly, her footsteps just as solid. She started replaying the event that just happened and her footsteps became increasingly rapid and combative. Her calm demeanor snapped back into one of intense rage as she began to move progressively faster, boots clacking loudly against the concrete.

[Just my luck! Why did I have to see him again?! That stupid face, that pathetic little bloodsucker!]

She cursed him in her mind, as years of repressed memories began to resurface in her head. A flurry of emotions swept her away as she made her way back to her friends place. So much pain, so many regrets, so many thoughts and emotions. She thought that once she got out of highschool everything would be alright. She thought that after June was gone, everything had ended and she could move on with her life, never having to meet Aiden again. She thought that she could let go of it all! Yet, at this moment, she realized that she wasn't as put together as she thought, and that there were many issues she had been ignoring about June and herself.


Things felt unsettled.

As she marched towards the front steps, she took a deep breath, in and out.

[Come on Yuna, you'll never have to see him again. Pull it together, you were supposed to be over this in already!]

Convincing herself that this was a one time occurrence, she let the thoughts slowly fade away with her anger. She paused to breath in and out one more time before entering the apartment complex.

Inside the apartment, one could see the kind of personality that lived here. A studio with books, brushes, and all types of items scattered across the floor. Unwiped paint stains on dark wood flooring, dirty laundry thrown around like a drunk person ready to go to sleep. Fairy lights seemed to be the only source luminating the room. They were spread out across each wall and the colors were ever changing, dimly lit but comfy. A kitchen occupied the other half of the room, looking much cleaner but unused. Yuna placed her bag down on one of the counters and proceeded to walk towards the bathroom.

"Hello? You there, I'm back with the chips", she knocked the bathroom door waiting for a response.

A loud flush followed by the sound of a faucet before a swift swing of the door opening.

"Did you get the best flavor?" A smiling bubblegum pink haired girl asked excitedly.

Her hair seem to reach her lower back and she wore a large t-shirt covering just under her lavender shorts. She zoomed past Yuna and towards the kitchen to grab the snack. She was energetic, much more so than an average person, but her energy was familiar to Yuna and gave her a sense of comfort. She walked over to see the girl happy with the selection, Sour Cream and Onion.

"Yes!" she cheered.

" You're welcome." Yuna smirked, responding jokingly.

The girl pranced towards Yuna and leapt onto her, arms wrapped around her neck and pecked Yuna on the cheek.

"Thank you Yuna!" she cheered as she went to lay on her bed turning on the mounted flat screen on her wall. She played an action movie that had come out a few weeks earlier on Netflex and gestured Yuna to join her on the bed, tapping to her side. Yuna took off her jacket and placed it on the table, she undid her ponytail and scooted next to the cheerful woman and found a comfy position.

She thought about the boy at the convenience store again and couldn't get his face out of her mind. Why was he so desperate to grab her arm, maybe he had something important to say to her, about June. She contemplated about June. Yuna turned to her side thinking that maybe she should tell her friend, ask for advice. Hesitantly, a small, "Hey.." left her mouth.

"Hmm?" the girls head flung around towards Yuna, mouth stuffed with chips, crumbs already sprinkled on her sheets.

Yuna chuckled, "pftt- nevermind."

"You sure sweety?" she questioned slightly concerned about her as she wiped her mouth with her arm and sweept the crumbs off her bed.

As soon as she saw her response, Yuna's discomfort disappeared and she let out another chuckle. She thought to herself that nothing good could come from speaking about the past again and her serious expression lightened into one of gentleness.

"Ya, Its fine. It was nothing important anyway." she brushed her hair behind her ear.

Hey guys! Sorry I'm so slow at updating, I always find it hard to find the words for this story as I want it to be really engaging for the readers as well as in a webtoon format. (I'm a bit of a perfectionist and this is story is my baby) Im happy so many people have seen this and glad someof you have starred it.

Hopefully I can meet all your expectations of storytelling! Thank you ❤

lilehcreators' thoughts