
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · ゲーム
15 Chs

Word of Power and Power of Words

Chapter 12: Word of Power and Power of Words

(3rd POV)

"Why did you do that? There's no need to kill him." Hazuki could only ask that question sometimes later after he recovered from his initial shock.

That was a bit unexpected. Can't you see that he was trying to let Arvel go away? So why did you kill him? Hazuki looked at Lyssandra with a big question mark above his head. Jona was the one who did it, but it was by her order.

"I know I should say this earlier but you're too contradictory, Hazuki. You know that he's one of them, but you let him go very much alive just like that. What is the purpose of doing that? Did you really believe that he will walk away from this ruin and pretend as if he never encountered us? Or worse, he might still have some friends out there but you don't know it." Lyssandra argued and let out a tired sigh. "I hate leaving future trouble, and I'm sure he was going to be one if we let him go."

"B-but to kill him just like that. You don't really have to do that, no?"

Hazuki can understand her points, but Arvel is the first named character that was scripted to die after Lokir. But anyway, he didn't see Lokir getting the shortcut to Oblivion with an arrow from Imperial Archer, so he's just curious about the what if. Is it possible to save Arvel from getting fucked up by the draugr.

"Kid, I don't know why'd you want to save him. But he better be dead unless you want to deal with some troublesome thing later on."

"Hazuki-kun. I think what they said is correct. That dark elf has quite the treacherous eyes on him. Who knows what he'll be doing when he got out of this ruin. It's better to not leave any future trouble."

'Even you Rosetta?' Hazuki mused up in his mind. 'Alright, you know what, there's no need to talk about this anymore. The dark elf thief is dead and it's no longer my concern. I'll be satisfying my curiosity about scripted dead with someone else.'

"I understand, let's continue on our way then."

Exploring deeper into the ruin, there was an army of draugr awaken from their slumber. However, it was never a threat because their movement was slow and stiff. I used them as target practice for my new Spark spell.

"Hmm ..., a spring trap, huh? This might look too primitive, and why the hell put something like this without even concealing it? This trigger is too eye-catching."

They passed the draugr infested chambers and ended in a waterway. There was a waterfall, and on the stone arch bridge filled with snow, there was a primate-like creature with white fur and three eye socket.

"Hazuki, what's that?"

"That's a Frost Troll. It has annoying regeneration ability, but it's susceptible to fire."

"I'll try shot it with incendiary bullets," Jona stated and shot the troll from the above.

She had the high ground but he never thought that the Frost Troll could jump straight through the stone arc to the waterfall as last resort. There were like 10 meters apart both in vertical and horizontal distances. From what he knows trolls can't be this agile. If this is what Skyrim's troll really likes, then that should be a nightmare.

"Fuck, what species of primates was that? That thing's not dead after getting his head blasted!" Jona spat a word while reloading the bullet.

Still, though, Jona blasted its head and chest over and over again until it stopped regenerating completely. The group continued the exploration and entered the sanctum. When they stepped on the hall of stories, Rosetta suddenly said.

"I've seen what you guys capable of doing, except for you Selena-san."

The half-dark elf demoness was still focused on her phone playing Minecraft. She was so engrossed with it and it seems that the Abyss Devil was slightly interested too as it can be seen peeking behind her shoulder.

"Selena-san?" Rosetta called out once again and this time she got a response.

"Yeah, what?"

"Erm ..., we've cleared every enemy to reach this far, so will you handle the next one?" Rosetta changed her statement into a request.

"Ehh? But they're too weak ..., and boring. Right, Abby?"

"But if you don't contribute anything you won't get any loot, is that alright with you?"

"Why this green bothersome don't stop come at me!" Selena commented while focusing on her game, with Abby giving some expert observer tips beside her by saying 'just run away and ignore it, or just wait in your hut.' She then answered Rosetta's question after a while. "Since when do we have some merit-based system now?"

"Oh come on, pink-hair ..., you just need to kill some enemy that was vastly below your league. What's so difficult with it? Kid, I really don't know why you give her your phone."

"But I didn't ..." muttered Hazuki.

"Argh ..., fine, okay, I'll kill whatever comes next. Hazuki, tell me how to kill those green exploding creeps?"

"Creeper? Hit and run and wait for it until explode, or maybe use a bow?" It has been so long since he played that game.

"Ooohh ..., and how do I get a bow?"

"You need to craft it ..."

He told her how to craft a bow in Minecraft. Still though, while he talked his attention never left the puzzle door. Yeah, that very cursed door took Hazuki half an hour to figure out the combination before he checked the wiki and learned that the correct combination is on the claw all along. That only happens on his first playthrough, but maybe almost everyone who played Skyrim also suffered the same or perhaps similar fate.

He put the Golden Claw on its slot and rotate it clockwise until there was a click sound, all the rings rotated until it all became an owl symbol. The ancient people of the fantasy world really do know how to make some hidden mechanism. The traps along the way and this door were all impressive. And imagining that they shouldn't have heavy machinery or automatons like the dwarves to make their work easier, that's something that makes it more mysterious.

The stone puzzle door submerged into the ground revealing the spacious hall behind it. They proceed by entering Bleak Falls Interior.


"That ... wall, there's some magic power contained inside. I wonder what that is, Hazuki?"

"It's a word wall. It was written by Ancient Norde when they are still living in the time of Dragons. The words written are in Dragon language."

"A word wall, the name pretty much defines what it is."

HET NOK FaaL VahLOK (Here lies the guardian)

DeiNMaaR DO DOVahGOLZ (Keeper of dragonstone)

ahRK aaN FUS DO UNSLaaD (And a force of unending)

RahGOL ahRK VULOM (Rage and darkness)

Hazuki walked and he was inside the circumference of the semi-circular word wall, He heard a powerful voice talking in dragon language inside his head. A stream of foreign knowledge entered his head. The first word of the power of [Unrelenting Force] Shout, Fus.

He already knew the words a long time ago from the game, but never did he understand the true meaning. But now, he can say for sure that he has learned it and understand the essence of 'Force'. The first word of Unrelenting Force, the Thu'um that unleashed raw power that can push, knockback or even disintegrate opponents that block my way.


The coffin behind opened with a loud crack and a draugr overlord with frost-enchanted battleaxe awaken from his long slumber.

"Selena ..., he's yours now."

Hazuki walked away from the platform after saying that. But as if sensing the movement, the cold blue eyes of the draugr turned to him. It began chasing after the boy.

"Volaan! Aav dilon!" (Intruder! Join [the] Death!)

'Why are you running, I mean, chasing me?' he kept running away from his face as he can feel that the Draugr Overlord was preparing to use Thu'um.

"Abby ..." Selena throw her phone and the Lele ate it before sinking onto the ground.

'So aside from her mentor, weapon, you're also her portable bag? That's bloody convenient! That's why I don't see any luggage with her, it's all swallowed by her Lele.' Hazuki was amazed at how versatile and multifunctional Selena's Abyss Devil really is.

With a hand gesture, she made a dark fog. The same fog that she used in the inn last night but a bit bigger and there's a small streak of blue-colored fog around it. She throw the mini-sized lele and it stunned the Draugr Overlord. There's some blue fog circled around the draugr and its whole body got darkened too.

Selena closed her eyes and the Abyss Devil reappeared behind her but this time the size was humongous. Lele swallow her whole body headfirst, or what's that looks like as the Lele turned into black gaseous and seeped into Selena's body. Her pink hair flared like there was an infinite energy burst within herself, her whole body was clad in black armor which emanate a sinister dark fog. A two-sharp and pointy pauldron guarding her shoulder. And her claw was magically enhanced as it gleams in violet light.

This is her Abyssal Form. If the previous Elven Form was cute and sexy, then now she looks demonic and deathly. Just one of her long and sharp claws can cut humans into pieces with a single scratch.

"Kukukuku, no one can escape from me!" she laughed out loud with her changed voice, which now a tone deeper with an echo.

She dashed forward, instantly covering ten-meter distance in just a second. Her claws glowed up and she cut the Draugr Overlord into shreds with it. The supposed to be 'Boss' of this dungeon was one hit killed by another member of the chat group.

It was at this moment that Hazuki thought that he really need some training arc.

"So fast ..." Jona commented. "And why the hell you can turn into something like that?"

"I thought you're more of a mage, Ms. Selena?"

"The power of the abyss ... hmm."

Followed by Lyssandra and Rosetta. Hazuki didn't comment because he roughly know about her power and abilities long ago. He played her character for about ..., 120 matches probably.

Selena still in her Abyssal Form crouched at the top of the mutilated draugr as she looked down onto the ground. She looked up and the glowing eyes turned at Rosetta threateningly with gritted teeth. The other four don't know why, but they got a bad feeling about her glare.

"You!" she said that one word before dashing forward.

"Rosetta, watch out!" Hazuki shouted at her. And she took her dagger deftly.


Metal and magically enhanced fingernails met and collided causing the loud clanking voice. Rosetta barely dodged and blocked that attack. She never expected to be attacked by Selena but her reaction speed is also monstrous.

"Selena-san? What are you doing?" Rosetta asked slightly trembling.

"Lyss, is she trapped in illusion or something? Was it that zombie?" Jona asked, with her robotic arm loading different kinds of bullets into the revolver.

"No ..., I don't know. I can't sense anything out of her, she was ..., her body is, I can't explain it exactly but there's just too much darkness exuded from her body. I don't get this, just what is she?"

"Why did you attack me?" Rosetta asked.

"Girl, listen to me!" Selena didn't reply to that question and instead said it in an imperative tone.

"Girl? I'm probably older than you, though? What has gotten into you? I don't really want to fight you, Selena-san."

"I wouldn't want to fight myself neither."

'That's Flash Thomp-, alright, now it's not the time to remember something from my past life.'

Hazuki was so distracted by the whole situation that he began remembering the classic lines from some old superhero movies. However, he started to feel confused by Selena's sudden change of personality. Did she really have some dual personalities or something? But that's not supposed to be the case.

"Then you should stop this!" Rosetta for the first time raised her voice.

"LISTEN TO ME!?!" but Selena rebuked with a loud shout. And the echoes alerted the colony of bats living in this place, making it more dramatic. "Don't ever order me around, unless you're tired of living!"

"Hmmm? But I never order you around. I just need to know what my teammates are capable of. Seeing that you didn't bother yourself to participate, I request you to handle the next enemy. Isn't it too much to call it an order?"

"I'm already tolerating that part, Rosetta. But you need to stop it! I don't like your roundabout way of bullshiting, if you have something to say just say it right to my face! And don't make me pissed off again!

"I never bull-, I never told you any lies!"

"Bullshit! Never told any lies? Maybe, but you definitely hid some truth. Do you think I can't see through you? Even if you spray all of your rose-scented perfume, you can't hide the rotten stink you have in yourself! Do you think I don't know what you've been up to, hmmm?"

"And what exactly are you talking about!? Explain it so that I can understand, Selena!"

"Really ... you wanna let me say it? Are you sure about that?"

"I don't know what did I do to make you this mad, so I'm asking that!"

"Fine, let me hear your excuse." Selene undid her transformation and returned to her Elven Form with the Abyss Devil silently glaring at Rosetta in the side. "I can see that you tried to subtly guide everyone in this group to do your bidding."

"And why would you think I did that? When have you seen me doing that?" Rosetta creased her brows.

"All the time. When we first arrived in this world, at the inn ..., heck, even back when you first entered the group chat!"

"You're overreacting. I'm merely stating my opinion about something. It's still my right for all I know, so why would you be so mad about it?"

"I'm with Rosetta about this, she's right. Ms. Selena, I'm a bit confused where is the part that made you like this." Hazuki tried to intervene in the conversation

"However I don't need your opinion, Mr. Bastard." Selena shut him up, with her Abby glaring. She returned to face Rosetta and said, "Stop bullshiting me Rose, I know you must be planning on something. So what's the big plan eh? For you to even bother tricking us all. Faking your illness and saying that you lost your magic while in reality you just put several seals to restrain your mana core? Heh, you're thousand years too early to scheme against me, girl!"

Rosetta's eyes widened after hearing what Selena said.

"Impossible! I've checked her magic network, and there's nothing like that! Seal you said, that shouldn't be possible!" Lyssandra protested but after hearing that, the seeds of doubt begin to sprout inside her mind.

Jona creased her brows after listening to where this conversation leads to. She found herself comfortable by sitting on the end table near the coffin. If what Selena said is true, then Rosetta might be really want to do something big to even trick her allies. She wants to know what the 'older sister' of the group planning to do.

Hazuki on the other hand was the most shocked out of them.

"You say that's all an act?" he murmured in disbelief.

--- -_- ---

A/N: Day before yesterday when I'm refining this chap I got contracted with the mortal disease commonly known as cold. I was devastated and can only rest on my bed, I got better just this noon. I canceled all scheduled chap because I need to do a lot of work on this to make it really work.

As you can see, I'm pretty much bad at drama, there's not enough suspense and they are already at each other throats. Don't expect that, don't you? I even don't know why this leads into that scene.

Because of this little drama, I had to re-edit so this can be consumed, I mean can be read ..., at first, I write it as a first pov, but everything make no sense so I had to change the pov entirely.