
Hi There, It's Been A While

"My Prince, we need you to come see this yourself. It's a serious matter."

"You're saying you two found a treasure and that filthy human attacked you?"

"Yes, he couldn't defeat us. He has a few tricks, but we dealt a deadly blow to him. If not for the fact that he self-destructed his Peak Venerable puppets, he would've been dead by now."

"Where's the treasure now?"

"That's the thing, we can't take it out of the place, if not, it'll not be as effective as it is there."

The Seventh Prince took a close look at the duo who had their heads bowed. These were the two people who he sent out to follow Robert to apprehend the human girl, he never expected something like this would happen that would cause a fight to break out between them.

"Humans are always greedy, hence their decline." The Seventh Prince snorted and stood up.

"Take me there, we should be fast before that guy comes back with reinforcement." He ordered.
