
Come, Ada!


Reginald and Keith were running through the halls of the castle as they turned around to yell at Shuntal who was catching his breath. 

"I am not as energetic as you youngins!" He snapped back at them. 

"Sorry." They said in unison. 

"It'll take time before I can summon Ada and recover all my strength." 

"Great, now we're stuck here. I can't teleport us out of here unless I know we're all at a hundred. We might just appear in a battlefield."

"Argh!" Reginald yanks his hair. He had reverted to his normal form and was holding his hat.

"We're so close. I'm so close." The thoughts of seeing his friends again made him impatient. 

"You there!" 

A guard spotted them and sounded the alarm. It didn't take long before the three of them were surrounded. 

"Tck, we've got company." Keith said. 

"Oh goodie, your eyes work." 

"Why don't I put you out of your misery and be done with all this?"