

Several Kings fell, and myriad Emperors perished. With several million dead, Humanity almost got wiped out from the face of their home planet, Edoria. To prevent the final calamity, several higher-rankers banded together. Kings unified their kingdoms, Emperors unified their visions for the future. But in the end, the Humanity lost. There was only despair for them. Nehar, The Dark Emperor, whose body was on the verge of collapse after the Final Battle with an Outer Goddess, found another chance to restart overall....through the sacrifice of his remaining friends and comrades. His fate had not been sealed yet. He had another chance to reverse their past failures and forge a new future. After returning to the past, he starts working towards his goal, of becoming Invincible, with his unmatched talent, dedication, and perseverance. Step by step, he finishes his preparation to unite all of his past companions and fight the Ancient Evils and Outer Gods that threaten to destroy their civilization. ------------------ ### Weekly Release => 3-4 Chapters [Max : 5 Chapters] (Avg Word Count = 1500-3000) ## I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. # This is my Third Story (Novel) and as for the previous ones, some of them will be connected to this Novel and for the rest, I will resume the work later.

MonarchOfHell · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Hatching An Evil Plan

 Nehar saw the gentle, golden light embrace him and became delighted.

 My hard work paid off well.

 The continuous ringing of the System notifications didn't disturb him at all; instead, they felt like heavenly melodies.

 [System Alert: You have leveled up!]

 [System Alert: You have leveled up!]

 [System Alert: You have leveled up!]

 [System Alert: You have leveled up!]

 The continuous notification finally stopped after four times.

 Nehar took a look at the System panel to see the notifications.

 [System: You have reached Level 4.]

 [System: You have received 12 free Stat Points.]

 [System: Your Health and Mana has increased. Current HP: 317/330. Current MP: 188/290]

 [System Alert: As you still don't have a Class, you didn't receive the free Stat Points for having a Class during level up.]

 [System: Unallocated Stat Points: 12]

 [System: Unallocated Skill Proficiency Points: 13]

 [System: Current EXP: 1400/4000]

 [System: TP Collected: 10895]

 Fuck, I have never expected this.

As he saw the System notifications, some memories from the past took him back for a while.


 'Nehar, do remember this. If you can recreate and employ the 'Shadow Steps' completely at the beginning of the Tutorial Phase, or even for the duration of the whole Tutorial Phase, many would become doubtful towards you, even those Higher existences who tend to watch the matters of the mundane world to spend their time. Creating and executing an Epic ranked Skill at the beginning where most people don't even have a proper idea of using mana in battles would be no simple matter, no matter how talented you portrayed yourself before. Some would become cautious around you and some would be delighted watching your growth. But there would be some who might pressure you for your secrets. In that case, how are you going to keep your mouth shut, I'll leave that matter to your discretion as you're the one who is eager to perform those sophisticated Movements in the Tutorial.'

 'Hah, you're talking no sense here Aellion. If he doesn't show his unmatched talents starting from the beginning, then in the latter stages of the Tutorial or most importantly at the end of it, when there will be a need for him to showcase his abilities, he will become everyone's target by then.'

 'I guess, you're right in your deductions. Okay, so try to do it like this Nehar. Start with small-ranked Skills for different Classes from the beginning. As you already have no intention of choosing a Class given at the start by the System, it will be better to start from there. If you show that you can perform and comprehend multiple Skills from different Classes and not just one, they would be cautious at first ; but later, their desire to have you as their household member will increase by several folds. And when you finally display the ' Shadow Steps' or any other high-ranking Skills while battling, they would be more and more drawn towards to you. Either they will try to invest in you or they will seek to destroy you completely. Whatever path you may choose, be sure to be on guard as always. Don't ever trust those Thrones and Constellations as we're still not much clear where their true allegiance lies.'

 'Although it sounds good, keep one thing in mind Nehar. Executing other Classes' Skills while not choosing a Class from the start is a part of the System's loophole. If you're going to exploit it, do it very carefully. Even if one of the High Rankers gets a whiff of your trick, they would be after you in the name of delivering justice. In reality, they would pursue you endlessly and then torture you to your death to know more about those loopholes. So, no matter what you do, never explain those secrets to anyone. Guard them with your life, if it becomes necessary one day.'

 'And most importantly Nehar, your physique would be incredibly strained if you are going to perform those techniques. Even though you are a battle veteran, they would take a toll on your body when you go back to the past. Do not overexert yourself just to garner more attention.'

 'Hyperion is right Nehar. Don't force yourself if you can't do it. But if you can do it, not only you will attract many people's attraction, but the System will also reward you handsomely. As for my understanding, it will choose to reward you with a privilege for your outstanding achievement in the Tutorials. You'll probably be able to buy some good weapons or Skills using it. If you get a privilege, use it wisely. And even if you don't, try to obtain as much benefit as possible from the System.' 

 As Nehar remembered those conversations from before, he blurted out, "Aellion, you were right about the reward regarding the privilege. But the other rewards completely dumbfounded me. The System gave me over 10k TP and not only that, it helped me to level up quite fast. 

Damn, even if it's you, there's no way you would've expected this to happen."

 Then he thought about something and said in a low voice, "Perhaps I have shown my potential a little bit earlier than I'd expected. Now, I've to tread paths more carefully in the future."

 Nehar glanced over the remaining time for the Quest completion.

 [System: Quest: Remaining Time: 00:11:03]

 'Well, I have already recovered my mana by a large amount. Should I directly head over to finish it?'

 After giving it some thought, Nehar discarded the idea.

 'Even if my mana and health stat has gone up significantly, I can't just rush over there in the middle of the enemies' terrain.'

 'Should I use the stat points and the Skill proficiency points to level up my stats and Skills quite a bit?'

 'Nah, let's first use the privilege. It will be much better if I can get my hands on that particular weapon first.'

 Before he could command the System to use the Privilege given to him, another System notification popped up.

 [System Alert: The System would like to save a Basic Prototype of your Movement Skill in its database for future use and references with your permission. Do You Agree? YES/NO]

 Nehar thought for some time. 

 Then he left the notification hanging there, without making a response. 

 "System, I want to use the Privilege bestowed upon me, 'Creator's Wish-List' now."

 Nehar commanded mentally.

 [System Alert: You've chosen to use your Final Reward, an Administrator Ranked Privilege: 'Creator's Wish-List'. Do you wish to continue? YES/NO]

 Nehar didn't hesitate and answered with 'YES'. 

 Nehar waited for a few seconds and then he heard a cold and authoritative feminine voice, "So, you are Raven."

 Nehar looked back and gazed over the dark elf woman who had suddenly appeared on his back.

 He wasn't flustered, as he kind of expected it.

 Administrators always loved to do this type of flashy and utterly awkward entries, even in the past.

 Nehar quietly observed her, at the same time, the woman was also observing him.

 A tall, majestic-looking figure, radiating cold and suppressed murderous aura, chiseled face mixed with charm and allure, and carrying seven long swords in the back – The High Ranker, nicknamed as the 'War-Lord of Seven Swords', Andrea von Rocheveron. 

 Even in his past life, she was a famous figure.

 Later she became an iconic figure after winning the Battle of Silvervale and the Battle of Raven-Moor.

 Still, in the end, she caught up in the schemes of an Outer God, 'The Eternal Chaos', and was assassinated amid a battle in Danzig. 

 She was quite a living legend in her time.

 She is already a High Ranker – an existence of over Level 375.

 From the pressure she is faintly exuding, I can easily tell that she is at the level of a Peak rank High-Lord, almost ready to break through the next rank to become a Slayer.

 Are you not that talented to hide your murderous intent or are trying to intimidate me by showing it off, Andrea?

 If you are doing this to show your authority just because you had to come here to look after a mere Novice, you are in need a rude awakening and I'll make sure to deliver that to you.

 Nehar smirked faintly while observing her.

 Naturally, the woman didn't miss it due to her very high perception stats.

 "You are smirking? Having too much fun, heh?"

 Nehar laughed hard in his mind, the first step in my plan was successful. She was quite hot-tempered in the past too. Only by thoroughly provoking her, he could get a chance to strike up a proper conversation with her.

 Otherwise, with her cold and aloof nature, she will just ignore him and leave.

 There is no way he would let that happen.

 Meeting an Administrator at this moment where the Tutorial is still about to start, was beneficial to him.

 As he observed Andrea quietly, he thought to himself.

 Change of Plans.

 I'm not going to end our meeting here.

 For the future shits that I'm going to pull, I'm gonna involve her in those messes too.

"Did you not hear me? Why are you smirking while looking at me? Answer me", the woman demanded in a stern and cold tone.

 Nehar did feel her authoritative aura, it's quite suppressing in nature.

 Still, he didn't falter and replied to her in a calm tone, "It's my pleasure to meet the esteemed High-Ranker 'Lord of Seven Swords', Andrea von Rocheveron. It's an honor."

 Though Nehar replied in a calm tone, it irritated the woman more.

 She understood that the man in front of her didn't even apologize to her for laughing at her face and changed the direction of the conversation skillfully.

 If she wanted to continue arguing about it, he would choose to avoid it again and again.

 Screw it.

 She cursed in her mind.

 "How did you know my name? The Tutorial hasn't started yet, so you don't have any <Inspect > Skill. Even if you had one, it wouldn't work on me due to the huge level gap between us. So, answer me, how the hell did you know my name?"

 The woman demanded his answer rudely this time.

 Nehar looked at her flushed expression, chuckled lightly, and answered, "You were quite famous in the world where I lived before all this started. That's how I know about you. And I'll be happy if we can civilly discuss things here, no need to become so angry just because I smiled faintly while seeing such a beauty after coming here."

 "Wh-what did you just say?"

 Out of every possibility, Andrea never expected this type of answer from him.

 "You are a great beauty, that's what I said. Why? Do you not agree with me, Miss Andrea?"

 Nehar smiled lightly.

 Andrea was taken aback by his response once more.

 Is he seriously trying to hit on me?

Is there something wrong with his head?

 Even if I don't consider our age differences, he is only at Level 4 and he is trying to score points with me? Me? A High-Ranker? An Administrator?

 She observed him with more attention only to find that the man was not at all affected by her faint murderous aura despite being at the bottom-most level.

 Nehar didn't say anything.

 He just stood there and smiled at her from time to time.

 The more Andrea looked at him, the more flustered she became.

 At last, she remembered that the man had changed the topic of conversation once again by mentioning her beauty and admiring her.

 Although she was dissatisfied, she didn't ask about it anymore.

 After all, here in this world, everyone has secrets that they don't wish to share most of the time.

 "You have caused mayhem outside by achieving these results. The balance of the Tutorial is going to collapse specifically because of you, do you know that Raven?"

 Nehar didn't answer her and only smiled.

 After all, he knew very well about it. Still, he was planning for more.

 "Do you know many people are having doubts regarding your Skills? Even I felt that you were quite suspicious, to begin with. And now, the Higher Existences and Stars have started inquiring about you. Once the channel becomes public after the start of the Tutorial, those existences will bombard you with multiple questions. And at that time, you'll not be able to walk out just by smiling and not answering. Believe me when I say that all the Higher Existences are not merciful. Try to keep that in mind, Raven."

 Nehar was a little shocked inside, but he didn't show it on his face.

 He replied again in a calm tone, "Oh, is that so?"

 In his mind, he thought about something else.

Now is the perfect time to start the second step of my plan to create some gap between me and those who are watching over me. If I don't do so, then I will be swallowed by their endless greed very soon.

 Thus he slowly mumbled, "So, what Master had told me before was true. If you show overwhelming talent from the beginning, the Stars and Divine Seats will show their interest in you. And only by doing so, you can receive their blessings and start your journey from the path of mortal to of an immortal."

 Nehar said those words in a much lower voice, with a simple innocent face as if he was contemplating his Master's previous teachings before coming here.

 "Your Master…? Who is he? How did he know that your world will go under the Awakening process in the later future?"

 Nehar again answered with an innocent face, "I don't know who he was. He met me sometime before everything changed and told me that I'd remarkable talents and thus he taught me some lessons. He also told me that my world was going to change soon, and it would become a world where Gods and Deities reside. Of course, I didn't believe him then. I only trained under him for some time just because I found his teachings quite interesting. I never thought what he said was actually the truth. If I had learned before, I would've trained with much more focus."

 Nehar sighed as he was visibly upset.

 Andrea looked at him with shock.

 'Someone from the Awakened world had traveled to a mundane, mortal world? And that Expert even chose a disciple there and trained him with his Skills even though he was only a mortal, just because he had excellent talent?'

 Andrea looked over Nehar with a baffled expression.

 'He has tremendous talent; there is no doubt about it. That Expert didn't choose the wrong person to teach at all. Even before coming here, several High-Rankers asked me about him as I'm administrating the whole Tutorial Phase this time. But…who was that person who crossed between the worlds? Ignoring the Principles of Causality is no mere feat. He must have been a pinnacle-level expert. Such an Expert was not able to find an eye-catching talent and had to cross over the worlds just to take a disciple?'

 Andrea asked him in a shaky voice, "Um…where is he, I mean your esteemed Master now?"

 Nehar gave her a dejected look and lamented, "At that moment I didn't understand how grand he actually was. So, after a certain period, I started neglecting my training. My Master wasn't very happy with my attitude towards his teachings. He warned me that I would be in deep trouble in the future if I didn't sharpen my body and blade now. Still, I ignored his words and went to do the things I liked. One day when I went back for training, I found that he already left. I asked everyone around there and found no clue about him. As if he had vanished into thin air. As such, my learning was not completed. I missed the opportunity of a lifetime."

 Nehar sighed again while lowering his head in shame and guilt.

 Andrea thought in her mind, 'Did he seriously miss the chance to learn from such an expert? Just how foolish can you be?'

 She growled inside.

 Had it been her chance, her enemies would be sleeping in their unmarked graves by now.

 She felt anger and disdain towards the man in front of her.

 Nehar quietly observed Andrea just as he was doing before.

 'It seems my methods are working. By now she must be thinking of me as a wastrel who lost his chance to shine in life. And then, either she will bark upon me viciously or show me utter disdain for my fault.'

 Nehar laughed in his mind.

 'Do it, Andrea. Do as you please. You must be thinking that this must be the end of my lucky journey as I've already created an Epic rank Skill from scratch. You must be thinking that I don't have anything more in my arsenal other than some lower-ranking skills. Well, I can't blame you for that. If I was in your place, I would've thought the same. There is no way I would be able to create something like 'Shadow Steps' once more.

 After you return, you will probably add this detail to my screening profile too, and will also verify me as a small-time lucky genius to satiate the curiosity of those beings who are now watching over us.

 And then, I'll finally trap you in my net, Andrea.

 No matter how much you try, you'll never be able to escape it.

 The moment Tutorial ends, all hell will break loose and you'll be the one who will be there to stop the raging tides from outside, not me.

 I'll just disappear for a while after giving you all the responsibilities that are now on my shoulders.

 Enjoy your disdain, cold, and aloof behavior while they still last, Andrea.

 If my prediction comes true, the whole Middle Heaven in the Central Heavenly Tower will be in turmoil.

 After I roll out with Amelia and Grace, you will be the one who will remain here as my last seen representative.

 And then, if you don't find me, come to me and obediently swear your loyalty to me, there'll be no safe place in this world for you.


 Nehar started laughing evilly in his mind.

 Even without cold, Andrea suddenly felt cold chills running down her spine, giving her goosebumps for some reason.

 'Am I feeling ill?' she questioned herself in disbelief. 

 After all, she never caught a cold even after living for more than 175 years.

 Andrea remained blissfully unaware that the innocent-looking wastrel on the other end had already woven an inescapable Heavenly Net around her neck, from which she would never be able to run away.

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