
Chapter 20

Chapter 20


"Aren't you tired of dancing?" I asked Prince Jaljiz who was staring like a hawk the moment we started dancing.

"No. As long as you're my partner." He answered which weirded me out.

I didnt understand what he meant, so I just frowned at him. "You're weird." I said bluntly.

He chuckles lightly as he pinch my cheeks, which caught me off guard.

I growled unconsciously at him but immediately stop the moment I realize what I was doing, I saw Prince Jaljiz's eyes widen in shock at my action.

"Why are you--"

Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off.

"Im done dancing. Give me my cookies. I'm hungry. " I said firmly, he smiles at me before grabbing my hand and guiding me towards the buffet table.

"You should have told me earlier." He grab the plate of cookies he had hid earlier and gave me one.

I happily took it, "thank you!" I said and smiled at him while I ate the cookies.

The taste was so delighful, its truly a chef's kiss!


"I didnt know you could smile like that" James said staring at me with an amused face.

Shoot, I didnt realize I was smilling!

I cough a few times to compose myself.

"Everyone can smile but not everyone deserves my smile." I said trying to save my face.

He just laugh lightly before giving me another cookie.

"Well Im honored to see you smile." He said which made me blushed in embarrassment.

"Thats not- no" I tried to explain it to him that thats not what I mean but someone budge in on our conversation.

"Prince Jaljiz, Lady Leonna."

A woman along with a child that if I had to guess he's the same age as me maybe a little older because he's a bit taller than me.

He looks exactly like the woman he was with. Just a boy version.

"Greetings to the Empress of the Ruby kingdom and Prince Lionel." James greeted with a bow and I followed.

"So you're Lady Leonna, its a pleasure to meet you." The Empress said, but for some reason her greetings felt cold.

I just shrugged it off, maybe I was just over thinking things.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too, Empress, Prince Lionel." I said.

Prince Lionel stared at me from my head all the way down my feet.

"You have red eyes and red hair." Prince Lionel stated.

[Well thats the weirdest ice breaker in a conversation. ] I thought in sarcasm.

"Yes I do. I got it from my Father." I said plainly, weird enough they flinch at my statement.

"Tsk. You dont de-" before Prince Lionel could even finish his sentence the Empress held his shoulder.

"Lionel. Enough." Empress said kind of warning Prince Lionel.

Prince Lionel looked at me and rolled his eyes.

Did I did something to upset him? I believe this is the first time I have seen him.

"Yes mother." Prince Lionel answered in an annoyed tone. The Empress then looked at me and smiled.

"So Leonna....ahm where is your mother?" She asked in a weary tone.

These two are trouble, I can feel it.

"I dont know your highness, I only know my father." I said and with that she suddenly looks happy his son also couldnt contain his happiness.

"Ah! Well, dont worry Leonna. If ever you felt like lacking, you can always come to me."

"I never felt lacking anything in my life, my Father is the greatest, I may not have a mother but my Father provides me everything I need and more."

For some reason what she said to me didnt sit right in my mind.

"Ah no, thats not- I mean, I didnt mean it that way."

"Im sure the Empress only means good." I said then bowing to her.

"Little Cub."

I know that voice so well. I turned around to see my Father walking towards my direction.

"Dad!" I immediately run to him, and my dad being my dad gladly opened his arms at me.

"Are you having fun?" He said with a smile on his face, I can almost hear everyone around us gasp, including the Empress and her son.

Everyone here is weird, Is this their first time seeing a person smile?

"Yeah, the food is great!" I said happily. My dad laugh and patted my head.

"Thats good." Dad said.

" Fa- Grand Duke!" Prince Lionel said happily. Dad look at him and bow in respect.

"Prince Lionel, Empress Vivian. Thank you for coming to my daughter's party."


THE EMPRESS along with Prince Lionel almost leap in joy when they saw the Grand Duke.

"The Pleasure is all mine, Grand Duke." The Empress said smilling sweetly at Leon.

"Grand Duke! Yesterday I started my sword lesson, and the teacher said I was the best at it!" Prince Lionel said excited to tell Leon his big achievement.

Leon look at him and nodded plainly. "Congratulations your highness." He said, Prince Lionel was to say the least disappointed with the Duke's reaction.

Thats not the reaction he was hoping, he then look at Leonna and clenches his fist.

Leon then focused his attention to Prince Jaljiz. "Greetings to the Grand Duke." The young prince said in respect as he bow to the Duke.

Leon glared menacingly at the Prince Jaljiz.

With Leon's menacing glare so strong, Prince Jaljiz couldn't helo but flinch.

[Is it me or does the Grand Duke is staring at me like he wants to kill me?] Jaljiz thought.

Leon didnt answer Jaljiz back, he turned his attention to his daughter.

"Little cub, may I invite you to dance?." Leon said to Leonna.

Leonna smiled at Leon. "Of course!"

Both Leonna and Leon went to the center of the dance floor, Leonna with a smile on her face graciously dance with Leon.

Leon is leading the dance since Leonna only know the basics.

"Leonna, why did you danced with Prince Jaljiz?" Leon ask Leonna.

"You saw that?"

"How could I not?" Leon said in an irritated tone of voice.

Leonna pouted her lips. "I was forced, I didnt want to!" Leonna said.

"Forced?" Leon asked angriely.

Leonna explained everything to Leon and Leon who was irritated prior got even more irritated at the Prince.

[Over a damn cookie! She had her first dance because she couldnt get a damn cookie?! I'll make sure to fire the chef! ] Leon screamed internally, but externally he was forcing himself to smile.

When music stop, Leon and Leonna finish their dance.

Leonna hug Leon, "Thank you." She said with a smile on her face. She looks as happy as she could be.

Leon's heart skipped a beat seeing his daughter so happy. He hug Leonna back and kiss the top of her forehead.

"Anything for you little cub." He said, and guided Leonna out of the dance floor.

"That was a great dance, Grand Duke and Lady Leonna." The Empress said.

"Thank you." Leonna answered with a smile.

Then Leonna's necklace suddenly caught the Empress's attention.

Her eyes widen in shock and disbelief. "I-is that the black star sapphire?" Empress Vivian ask.

Leonna look at her necklace then at the Empress, "yes it is." Leonna answered.

The Empress secretly clenches her fist as she tried to hide her anger.

"Its beautiful, Did your Father lent it to you for tonight?" Empress Vivian asked with a fake smile.

"No. I gave it to her." This time it was Leon who answered the Empress.

"Grand Duke, you gave it to her? Such an important--"

"Is there soemething wrong with me giving my child the Black star sapphire? It belongs to the Viostas for hundreds of years, it is righfully hers." Leon said cutting the Empress's words.

The Empress was little taken back at Leon's words.

"Y-yes indeed it is. Ahm, if you excuse me." The Empress then turned around and quickly walk out of the ballroom.

"Mother!" Prince Lionel yelled as he followed his Mother but not before looking back at Leonna and glaring at her.

This confused Leonna even more.

Leon sigh before patting Leonna's head.

"She looks angry dad." Leonna said.

"Don't worry. She wont be able to do something to you."

"Lady Leonna!" Both Leonna and Leon turned their attention to the girl who was running toward their direction.

"Lady Chastity." Leonna said with a stoic face, but Chastity smiled at Leonna.

"Ahm my Lady I would like to invite you to meet my friends. Can I?"

Leonna was taken back for a minute.

[Friends? I never had one.]

For some reason, Leonna felt butterfly in her stomach. She looked at her dad and Leon nodded.

"Go. If anything happens just call for me." Leon said, Leonna nodded in response.

"T-thank you grand duke." Chastity said with a hint of fear in her voice, she then curtsy in respect to Leon.

Leon just nodded in response and walk away.

"Lady Leonna." Chastity said.

"Lead the way Lady Chastity." Leonna said, Chastity then guided her towards a group of girls she was with.

The girls then circled Leonna and stared at her with admiration.

"Lady Leonna, you are so pretty!"

"Lady Leonna is it true that the necklace is one of a kind?"

"You and the grand duke has such good relationship my lady!"

"And even prince James danced with you!"

Immediately they all bombarded Leonna with so many questions.

She took a few steps back to gather space between her and the girls.

"Thank you." Leonna said smilling awkwardly at the girls.

[They look harmless and I cant sense amy hostility towards them.] Leonna thought.

"Lady Leonna, how is it like dancing with Prince James?" Chastity asked full of expectation and admiration in her eyes.

"Good? I guess?" Leonna answered unsurely.

"How about the Grand Duke? How is he like as a Father?" Another girl ask.

"Yes do tell us, Lady Leonna. How is your life in the Beast's Mansion?"

Everyone turned their attention to Violet who just butt in on their conversation.

[Wow. She dont give up that easily, I'll give her that.]

Violet Calling her home the 'beast's mansion' didnt sit right with Leonna.

Immediately she put her guard up against Violet, looking at her with a firm stoic expression.

"Well if you must know, my life is great. My father pay attention to me very dearly. He provides me with everything I need, want and more. There is nothing that brings me more joy than spending time with my father." Leonna said smilling at Violet.

Violet on the other hand is gritting her teeth in anger towards the Viosta's lady.

But Violet is far from backing down, she smiled at Leonna before attacking her again with petty words.

"But lady Leonna, rumors has it that the Grand Duke's mansion is full of monsters and is the scariest place in the Empire! No one has even dared to step on the Viosta Mansion except for his employees." Lady Violet.

Leonna smirk at her which made Violet flinch. "Well you know what they say, those who spread baseless rumors are stupid but those who believe in them are stupider."

With that Violet lost it, all the mask she's been trying to hide immediately fell.

"You! Are you saying that Im stupid?! How dare you!" Violet yelled, now all attention are on them.

"Did you hear me say that you're stupid? Im only accusing those people that believe those rediculous rumors. Where in my statement did I say you were stupid?" Leonna said plainly.

With that being said, Leonna turn her back at Violet. But Violet is not yet ready to give up.

"Lady Leonna! Why must you be cold towards me? I just want to be your friend."

[Wow. From being angry to crying real quick.]

Leonna then turn around and looked at her with a coldest expression she had. " I don't like you thats why." Leonna said bluntly.

Despite raging in anger Violet held it in and pretended to cry.

"Why? Why must lady Leonna be hostile towards me?" Violet said while crying.

People around them began to whisper their own opinion, some are good and mostly bad.

"You just called my home a beast place, is there a reason why I should not be hostile towards you lady Violet?"

"Its a misunderstanding! I only said that because Im worried that the bad rumors about the Duke would affect Lady Leonna."

"Affect me? Please do tell how those rumors might affect me?"

Everyone is looking at the two girls quarreling, waiting who will be the winner of their back and forth exchange of words.

"People may think you're a bad person, or might not want to be your friends or even spread false rumors about you."



"So what if that happens? So what of people think that Im a bad person, or if people dont want to be my friend or even spread false rumors about me."

"I ah- I"

"It wont change my life in anyway, I will forever be Leonna Viosta, Daughter of the Grand Duke Leon Viosta. Nothing will change that. Not even your petty rumors."

With that statement coming from Leonna the crowd started siding with her, aggreeing to every words she says.

Violet's acting broke like a twig being snap into two. She immediately began to show her true colors.

"You! How can you be so proud being a viosta?!"

"Why? Is there a reason I shouldn't?"

"Your Father killed millions of people including Viscount Larry and you are proud of the blood that runs inside of you?!"

Leonna flinch at Violet's remark. But she didnt stop there.

"Your father is known as a Vile and evil man!"

That completely changed Leonna's mood. Suddenly Leonna's eyes dim in anger.

"Dont you ever dare drag my father into this." She said warning Violet

Leonna felt angry, a sudden emotion she never felt before.

Her breathing became heavier by the second she inhale and exhale like she's gasping for air.

Violet smirk at Leonna. [I'll never let you win!] Violet thought.

"What? Its true! You know what we call your father? A curse man! His hair and eyes are symbol of evil!"

"Thats not true!" Leona shouted while she tried to gasp for air.

"You and your father are both cursed!"


A sudden gushed of cold icy winds blews accross the room, a wind so strong and loud that it made everyone stumble and fall.

The glass mirrors around them shaterred by the force of the wind, the tables flew to the air before crashing down to the ground, and the chandeliers broke in millions of pieces.


People started screaming and running when the wind became stronger, the icy wind made a whipping sound, raging havoc wherever it landed.

All those who had powers immediately began covering themselves with their respective elements to prevent the wind from hitting them but those who had none can only relly on their protective magic equipment.


[End of Chapter]

Happy Reading!
