
Adaptation : MHA fanfiction

Izuku Midoriya the child of Inko and Hisashi Midoriya, the future symbol of peace and successor of One for All. However, this is not true. Or at least not completely true. The story of the Izuku Midoriya does not start with the happy couple of Inko and Hisashi but somewhere much more sinister...

a_wizard_did_it · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 4

Just making sure that everyone knows this is a mature story i.e Bakugou swearing.


Walking Izuku notice a familiar head of blonde hair. He tried to walk around the angry Pomerania but he then a loud shout come from across the room.

"DEKU! What the hell are you doing here, you useless good-for-nothing?" Bakugou screamed.

Continuing to walk away Izuku replied coldly "To be a hero. It's ok if you forgot that when everyone was stroking your ego".

"What the fuck you did you say to me" Bakugou yelled.

"The truth" Izuku said sitting down while leaving Bakugou with his mouth open.


Sitting down Izuku noticed that a few people were watching him, it was to be expected after his 'talk' with Bakugou but why did they have to make it so obvious? None were as annoying as a blue haired boy that seemed familiar but Izuku couldn't place where he had seen him before.

"Hello potential U.A students, how is everyone?" The pro hero Present Mic shouted, though it's not like he could speak any quieter.

"Tough crowd huh" Present Mic said to himself.

"Anyway so the exam is simple enough. The theory part is just a test which you will do soon. Afterwards you will get to do the practical parts of the exam. Everyone should have a pamphlet on it, it shows three robots, each robot will be valued 1, 2 or 3 points." The hero explained.

"Excuse me sir, but the pamphlet has four robots on it. If this is a mistake it is terrible as it insults U.A's great reputation as well as the manufacturer of the pamphlet itself so can you please explain?" The blue haired boy that was staring at Izuku earlier said. "And you two, the messy green haired boy and you the sandy blonde. U.A is no place for your personal fights and arguments so if your going to distract and endanger other students please leave immediately, especially you green hair as you are muttering and disrupting others." The blue haired boy finished.

"As if in hell four-eyes" shouted Bakugou and at the same time as Izuku yelled "Says the person who won't stop talking".

"Let's get back on topic" Present Mic said.

"The fourth robot is just a distraction and gives no points so it would be best to ignore it" Present Mic explain.


In his green jumpsuit Izuku waited outside the fake city -honestly where does U.A get their funding- and used Blank Mind on himself. As it emptied his mind it allowed him to put all his focus in one spot (1). The theory test was almost too easy, most people forget but his quirk also affects his ability to learn in general so if he had gotten anything less than 90 percent Izuku would be very surprised.

"Go" yelled Present Mic over a loudspeaker. Using Spring Legs he coil the springs back then launched himself forward in front of the few others that also started and left the majority it haven't begun. Still in the air after his launch Izuku activated full cowling at 50 percent and then hit a three pointer robot with a punch that carried all of his motion and the pressure continued hitting even more robot elevating his total points to 17. Turning full cowling to only 20 percent to not hurt other students he continued to defeat robots and -although it annoyed him- helping others when they were in difficult positions.


"What do you think Eraser Head?" Asked the human (2), dog, mouse and bear hybrid.

"I guess one or two might be ok but I still think the exam itself should change" Eraser Head said. The notching Toshinori he said "you know it's not good to pick favorites already All Might".

"It not like that, it's just his quirk" Toshinori replied honestly.

"Hyper Adaptation? What's special about that?" Vlad King asked.

"It's that he able to punch right through metal when his quirk doesn't give him enhanced strength but he was able to train himself to superhuman levels" Eraser Head answered.

"Well let's see how Toshinori favourite will handle this little obstacle" Nezu said.

'Do your best Izuku' All Might thought to himself as the principal pushed the red button.


After just helping a purple-ball headed guy -raking his total points to 77- Izuku turned towards screaming to see a 50 metres tall. Rushing forward Izuku went to help others, help a sparkly guy that had some sort of stomach laser get up so he could keep going he keeps going while destroying the occasional robot.

"Help me" yelled the brown haired girl from earlier as she was stuck under some rubble. Realising he wouldn't make it in time Izuku jumped up using 100 percent of One for All he reared his arm back then punched the zero pointer backwards, falling Izuku used OfA to 'will' himself to heal (3) quickly as he approached the ground and getting ready to use the Repulse half of the quirk.


He just got Slapped. Turning Izuku realised that he was floating, turning more he looked at the girl and said, "You can stop now"

"Oh, sorry," she said as she let him go.

"Times up" yelled Present Mic over the loudspeaker.


And that the end of the chapter, what did you think.

(1) Blank Mind helps Izuku to focus as when he uses it on himself afterwards there is nothing he could think about. So then he only thinks on one thing which is how he puts all his focus in one action.

(2) It's upsetting to think about but the High Spcs quirk is mutant and what else can speak HUMAN languages but humans.

(3) When Izuku uses OfA with Adaptation he can control what he adapts to but it is only limited but for healing he can do it multiple times.

https://discord.gg/AACwaPQ link to a discord for news and if anyone wants to put quirk/story ideas there that would be awesome.

Izuku's Quirk's Effects:

Hyper Adaptation;Mutant- the ability to adapt to anything whenever the user chooses

(e.g. being able to tear the sludge villain) and Passively adapts to something for long periods of time (the weather/ heat or cold).

Also allows the user to copy Transformation and Emitter type quirk but not Mutant by having that DNA absorbed.

Attraction/Repulse;Emitter - the ability to telekinetically attract objects to the user by manipulating the gravity of said object.

(Inko's quirk but Izuku trained it to be a lot more powerful)

Blank Mind;Emitter - activates when you touch a person and their mind blanks.

(pretty much makes a person have to stop for a minute or so for them to remember what their doing)

Spring Legs;Transformation - turn the user's legs into a spring which can be used to launch themselves away. (They would coil their springs -legs- and then get launched)

One for All;Emitter - stockpiles power simply, it gains more energy as it is passed on and time continues, it also lets the user use the past users quirks.