
The Week Before Tokyo Dome

Ruby found herself standing alone in the dance room of her apartment, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. She mustered up the courage to start moving, cautiously and deliberately. However, as she lifted her foot off the ground, her balance betrayed her, causing her to crash down with a pained groan, her arms instinctively shielding her face.

Frustration overwhelmed Ruby's thoughts as she contemplated giving up and retreating. But before she could act on those defeated intentions, the dance room brightened as a familiar voice reached her ears.

"Oh, are you practicing your dance?" Ai's voice chimed in, catching Ruby's attention as she looked up from the ground.

"In that case," Ai continued, kneeling down in front of Ruby and helping her up, "I'll join you. I need to rehearse an old song for our upcoming concert."

With Ruby now on her feet, Ai swiftly moved to the window, placing her phone there. With a simple click, music began to fill the room.

Filled with energy and charisma, Ai launched into her dance routine, leaving Ruby seated in awe, observing her every move.

Midway through Ai's performance, Ruby noticed a flaw in her mother's dance. She couldn't help but speak up, leaving her seat and walking towards Ai.

"Mama," Ruby began, capturing Ai's attention, "that part seemed a bit off. Your hand was higher when you performed at Budokan."

Ai leaned in, curious, as she glanced at Ruby. "Did you watch my concert videos? What a great memory you have," she remarked with a smile, gently patting Ruby's head.

As Ruby relished in the blissful feeling of being affectionately patted, she pondered Ai's words. Of course, she remembered—she had watched Ai's concert videos countless times and had memorized every choreography.

"How does it go again?" Ai's voice broke through Ruby's reverie.

"For that part, it was more like this," Ruby responded, lifting her legs and demonstrating the correct movement. Suddenly, she lost her balance once again, crashing to the floor.

Surprised, Ai exclaimed, "Oh! Are you okay?" She hurriedly helped Ruby back onto her feet.

"Yeah," Ruby replied with a tinge of disappointment.

Observing Ruby's movements, Ai expressed concern, "The way you move, it's as if you're anticipating a fall."

Ai's words made Ruby's mind drift to her past experiences. She recalled the countless times she had stumbled due to her weak body. It was the reason she had to brace herself to prevent getting hurt.

Tears welled up in Ruby's eyes, staining her youthful face with their traces.

"When you fear falling, you tend to fall even more," Ai stated, her smile gentle. She embraced Ruby from behind, enveloping her in a warm hug. "Stand more boldly and lift your chin up. You'll be just fine," Ai reassured her in a comforting tone. "Trust Mama."

Ai's words plunged Ruby into deep contemplation once again.

Her life had been primarily confined to hospital rooms. Her impaired body seldom obeyed her commands. Thus, she always admired Ai's graceful moves from her bed. Her mother's awe-inspiring performances were etched into her memory, illuminating her darkest moments.

If only she could move like that.

With hesitant steps, Ruby began to move.

If only she could dance freely like that.

Her movements gained momentum.


Move more, my body!

Chanting those words in her mind, Ruby's body responded with wild abandon as she danced around the room—twirling, leaping, all while beaming at Ai with a radiant smile.

Yes, it's okay for me to dance!

Such thoughts filled her mind as Ai picked her up and placed her back on the ground, marking the completion of their impromptu dance session.


(Aqua POV)

As I watched Ruby dance gracefully in the studio, peering through the small opening of the door, my mind started to think deeply.

This girl...

So it wasn't just her acting skills.

Her dancing intuition.

Plus, she definitely got her mother's stunning beauty.

With all these thoughts swirling in my head, I began to imagine a future for her as an. And I have to admit...

"What a scary thought," I quietly said, expressing my inner thoughts.

"What did you say?" Aikara's voice reached my ears as I looked at him, also watching Ruby's dance.

Now that I think about it, Aikara has talents similar to Ruby's.

He's great at acting.

And he will definitely become a very attractive person.

Does he have any other secret talents?

Before I could think more about it, Aikara looked at me with a kind smile on his face. "Anyway, I'm happy for Ruby. It seems like she's found joy in dancing. It must be wonderful to do something you love."

"Yeah, I'm happy for her too," I replied, with a slight smile on my face. "By the way, what do you mean when you say 'it's nice doing something you love'? Don't you love acting?" I asked with curiosity, considering his frequent appearances in movies and TV shows.

Moreover, wasn't he an actor in his previous life?

Aikara's expression turned solemn as he kept looking at Ruby. "I did love it, but when you do something for a long time, you eventually get tired of it."

Is it because of his previous life as an actor that he can speak so candidly? Is he a veteran actor? Wait, wasn't he only 17 before he passed away? Does that mean he was a child actor?

Nevertheless, It's quite uncommon to witness Aikara devoid of his usual happy and energetic demeanor. Honestly, it's a little creepy, almost like he's not entirely human because no matter what's going on, he always keeps a big smile.

It's as if he's scared to show his darker side to us, maybe because we were once strangers to him. I get it—lots of people act that way, including myself.

Could this be a sign that he's getting closer to us?

If that's the case, I guess I feel somewhat happy.

These thoughts crossed my mind, causing a slight flush to grace my cheeks. I suppose I'm rather susceptible to the warmth of familial affection. I earnestly hope that we can experience more of these cherished moments in the days to come.


(Ai POV)

As I stood inside a phone booth, patiently awaiting the person on the other end to pick up, a wave of contemplation washed over me. Somehow, I found myself compelled to reach out to the individual with whom I had severed ties long ago.

As the call finally connected, I mustered the courage to speak. "Hey," I began tentatively, the words escaping my lips. "Our children have grown quite a bit. Wouldn't it be nice for you to meet them at least once?" I suggested, hoping for a positive response from the other end. Hearing his question of whether I'm suggesting we go back together, I shook my head.

"No" I said "I'm not talking about getting back together or anything." I clarified, removing my shades from my eyes to make my point crystal clear.

The whole thing kicked off when I happened to eavesdrop on a conversation between my kids.


"I've been avoiding thinking about it," Aqua's voice resonated in my ears as I entered the apartment, piquing my curiosity. I approached them quietly to catch snippets of their conversation. "But sometimes, I can't help but wonder who our father is."

Suddenly, a pang of despair gripped him, causing him to clutch his heart. "Ugh," he groaned, his tone filled with defeat. "Just the mere thought of it weighs heavily on my heart."

"Stupid, you're upset over something like that?" Ruby remarked casually, her hand gripping the TV remote. "It must have been a virgin birth. There was no man in the first place." she added with a hint of darkness in her voice, which made Aikara shake his head.

"Hey Ruby, don't you think it's time we face reality? Mom had a man, and I bet he's an amazing guy!" He exclaimed, pausing briefly and gazing at the ground. Suddenly, he straightened up, his determination shining through. "That's assuming he died. If that's the case, well, that's really sad. But if he just left us behind, I won't ever forgive him!" With a small leap off the couch, he flexed his biceps, showing his strength, and flashed a bright, confident smile.


They were reaching an odd conclusion—specifically Ruby, which made me somewhat concerned.

"Our kids are really smart, so I'm sure they'll understand our situation." I asserted, and upon hearing his query, I nodded in agreement.

"Yes, my new address is..." I couldn't finish my sentence as a sudden exclamation caught my attention.

"Oh, it's Ai!" I turned my gaze towards the source of the voice, and there stood a cluster of high school girls, engrossed in a shampoo advertisement with my visage prominently displayed on the wall. "You're genuinely infatuated with Ai," remarked one of the individuals accompanying the girl who had shouted, eliciting an instinctive smile from me.

Work is going well.

I even reached a million followers.

The world is looking at me.


(Ai POV)

"Man, this sake is awesome!" President Satou exclaimed, swinging the glass around haphazardly, causing some of the precious liquid to spill. He had his arms wrapped around Aqua, who clung to his knees, and Aikara, swinging his legs on the couch.

"Here's to your new place!" He cheered, raising the bottle high. "Cheers!"

I looked at the bottle, a smile playing on my lips. "Whoa, it's Mori Izo."

Isn't that like, super expensive?

"Stop right there." Miyako interjected, swiftly taking the bottle from the president's grasp. Her tone held a firm reprimand as she spoke, "Ai won't turn 20 until next week. Just wait a little longer." President burst into laughter in response.

"Oh, right!" he slurred slightly due to the alcohol. "I forgot!"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"It's Ellie! She's here!" Aikara exclaimed, leaping off the couch and making his way towards the door. I gently lifted Ruby from my lap and followed suit, eager to welcome Ellie.

I genuinely felt happiness for Ellie; she seemed to be recovering after meeting Aikara. Her panic attacks had become less frequent, although she still shut down her emotions during performances. But it was a significant improvement.

I recalled inviting her here because she's the B-Komachi member I'm closest to. Besides, she's just too adorable and vulnerable to leave on her own. Moreover, I genuinely viewed her as a little sister now. That's precisely why I invited her alone, without the other members.

Of course, there's a possibility that she'll realize I have kids, but at this point, I trust her to be able to reveal it. There's no way I'm going to purposely reveal it though, I'll let her find it out herself. Though, I think it will be pretty easy since Aikara isn't wearing his wig.

It was rather unlike me to place so much trust in someone. In fact, trusting people at all wasn't my typical inclination. However, knowing Ellie's backstory, I didn't believe she would betray me like the others. Besides, both of us hailed from children's homes, so I had a faint understanding of her circumstances.

"Ellie nee-chan! I missed you!" Aikara's enthusiastic shout jolted me out of my reverie, and I turned to find him enveloping Ellie in a tight embrace. She gently pried him off, patting his head with a small smile. "I missed you too, Aka," she replied before shifting her gaze to me. "Thanks for inviting me, Ai, and congrats on the new apartment."

"You're welcome!" I beamed, taking her hand and guiding her toward the living room. "Come on, let's hurry! I can't wait to celebrate with you, especially since we'll be performing at the Tokyo Dome soon!"

That's right, we're finally getting the chance to perform at the Tokyo Dome. Though, to be honest, I'm not sure if it's as amazing as people make it out to be. I've only heard rumors.

They say it's quite a challenging feat to perform there. You need a reliable agent, a top-notch crew, and every artist has to undergo rigorous screening.

Well, I feel like the third requirement isn't too daunting.

Not to brag, but I've made a name for myself in the entertainment world. I'm quite the hotshot at the moment.

Ellie, too, has climbed the ladder of success. Her movies are fantastic, she frequently appears on talk shows where people adore her straightforward personality, and she's been landing lead roles in romantic dramas. At this rate, I'm certain she'll become a legend in the acting realm after many years.

"Welcome, Ellie!" President exclaimed the moment we entered the living room. "Have a taste of sake with me," he offered, only to be met with Miyako's weary tone. "She's still underage," she shook her head, eyeing him before shifting her attention to Ellie. "Ignore him, Ellie. He's just drunk right now."

"What do you mean, Miyako!" slurred Satou. "I'm just excited, that's all. They're going to perform at the Tokyo Dome! It's been my dream to see my idols there!" he exclaimed, bursting into laughter.

"Is that so?" Ai inquired, her curiosity piqued, as she settled Ellie into a seat and returned to her own, cradling Ruby in her lap.

As I observed Miyako pouring Satou another drink, my mind sank into deep contemplation.

If I'm successful, everyone's happy.

That's why I act happy too.

Satou cautioned.

Ellie and I nodded in agreement with his words, our expressions mirroring compliance.

"Of course!" I exclaimed exuberantly, bubbling with enthusiasm and assurance.

I'm a liar.

Before I even think, I always say what's best at the time.

I don't even know what is a lie and not anymore.

"Mama, pat me on the head." Ruby's voice interjected, momentarily interrupting the train of my thoughts. I obliged her request, tenderly running my hand through her hair.

"Yosh Yosh." I responded, my voice laced with affection, as I lovingly stroked her head, providing a comforting touch.

I was always bad at loving anything.

That's why, I never thoughts someone like me could become an idol.

My mind went back to when the president recruited me.

I tried to scare him by telling him my background. A girl who was raised in an orphanage after her mom was arrested for theft. But even after her mom was released she never came back for her. Though it's not like I cared, it was better than getting beat up everyday.

I have no memory of ever being loved or loving someone. A person like that isn't fitting to be an idol. The image I have of an idol is that of a pure existence who brings joy to others by scattering smiles The opposite from someone like me, who spits out lies and hates people. I believed from the bottom of my heart that I wasn't cut out for it. I won't be able to love my fans, and my fans won't love me.

That was what I thought at that time, but I remember the words of Satou's very well.

'That's perfectly fine with me. This job isn't for normal people anyways. And your past gives you character.'

I remember the conversation that flowed afterward even until now.

'But idols say they love everyone! If I said that, it'd be a lie.

'It's fine if even it's a lie. Or rather, the audience is looking for a pretty lie. Being able to lie well is also a talent."

'Even if it's a lie, is it okay for me to say "I love you"? '

'If you keep on saying I love you to everyone, maybe that lie will turn into the truth someday.'

A lie turning into a truth. I decided to become an idol after hearing those words. I want to love someone. I wanted something to love I thought I'd be able to love my fans if I became an idol. wanted to say "I love you" from the bottom of my heart. I just so badly wanted to say it.

I kept lying saying "l love you all." I thought if I became a mother, I'd be able to love my kids.

I haven't said "I love you" to my kids yet. I vividly recall my conversation with Aikara, and despite his assurance that he can wait, an overwhelming sense of guilt engulfs me. Deep down, I yearn to utter those three words, the ones all mothers say to their children. However, in the depths of my heart, I'm plagued by fear. For if I do express my love, I might come to realize that I was merely tossing around empty words.

And that fear terrifies me more than anything else.

Thus, today, I'll lie once again.

I'll deceive myself, clinging to the hope that one day it will transform into the truth.

Even if, one day, I have to bear the consequences.

"They're all fast asleep," Ellie interjected, pulling me back to reality.

Surveying the room, it appears she's correct, for everyone except her and me has succumbed to slumber. Saito rests on the couch, embracing Aqua like a cherished body pillow, while Ruby has abandoned my lap and settled beside Miyako, both peacefully dozing on the floor. And there lies Aikara, reclining in Ellie's lap.

"You're right," I responded.

Silence enveloped us as we sat there, accompanied only by the symphony of Satou's snores. "Hey, Ellie," I finally broke the quietude, seizing her attention. "Why are you so fond of Aikara?" I inquired abruptly, catching her off guard.

"What do you mean?" she asked, perplexed.

"It's nothing significant, but I've noticed the fond expression you always have whenever you're around him. Could it be that you're projecting your love for Noah onto him, given their striking similarities?"

She averted her gaze, confirming my suspicions.

"Ellie, you know as well as I do that this isn't a healthy coping mechanism. You're simply substituting Noah," I expressed, gazing at her with concern.

She sighed, her hand gently caressing his head. "I know, Ai. I understand it's unhealthy, but I'm at a loss. He resembles Noah so much," she confessed.

"I see," I responded, a sad smile adorning my face as I leaned back in my chair. "It seems you need more time."

"Thank you, Ai," she murmured.

"No problem!" I reassured, offering a smile. "I do have a slight request though."

Initially perplexed, she nodded inquisitively. "Sure, what is it?"

My gaze rested upon my children, and a tender smile formed on my lips. "Nothing grand, merely ensure the safety of these kids. They mean the world to me. If they ever venture into danger, please intervene and shield them."

Perhaps this will prompt her realization that they are my children, but I care not.

Ellie is akin to a sister to me.

I relished cuddling her, adored lavishing affection upon her, and consistently supported her during her post-concert panic attacks.

I trust her very much.

I envision a future where Ellie, Aikara, Ruby, Aqua, and I spend more cherished moments together. Perhaps we could explore the amusement park, a destination that would undoubtedly delight Ruby. Or maybe the Aquarium, for Aikara has always shown a keen interest in marine life. And strolling through the park would likely appeal to Aqua, given his 'old man' disposition. Or maybe even go to an Ice Cream shop, which I'm sure Ellie would love.

Ultimately, it matters not where we find ourselves; the location isn't important. As long as I can spend time with my family, I am content.

For they are my everything.



