
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

SUS · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs


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(Arima Kana POV)

"Action!" The director's commanding voice cut through the air, accompanied by the distinct sound of the clapperboard, marking the beginning of another take. As the camera rolled, the atmosphere in the room grew heavy with anticipation. It felt as if a lifetime's worth of emotions had been condensed into this singular moment, a make-or-break test of my resolve.

My name is Arima Kana, once hailed as a child prodigy, but now deemed yesterday's news by the unforgiving internet. Although my career peaked in grade school, I persisted in the industry, clinging to it with unwavering determination until I finally landed the lead role I had been yearning for. I was determined to make this project a success, even if it meant resorting to desperate measures.

Yet, deep down, I knew the truth. I knew that this show was destined for mediocrity, lacking the fundamental elements of compelling acting. Episode 4 had already aired, disappointing the majority of viewers, and its failure had been pronounced.

Even now, it felt like it was too late to salvage anything.

This scene, which should have been a poignant clash between the protagonist and the stalker, was supposed to evoke tears as the girl, starved of love, experienced her first moment of protection. It was a scene that moved me to tears, one I had cherished, reading and rereading it countless times. It was undoubtedly the pinnacle of the manga, and this drama had a chance to be watchable if it hadn't been for the screenwriter's decision to alter the entire sequence.

Yes, you heard me right. The scene, which held the potential to be one of the series' most powerful moments, had been compromised by the director's choice to introduce a character that never existed in the original story. It was a transparent attempt to boost the popularity of the male model.

And that character was the role Aikara was currently playing. Originally an antagonist, he underwent a transformative journey, ultimately becoming an ally to the young woman. Unlike the other additions by the director, this character played a pivotal role in the narrative, drawing immense hatred from fans of the manga. The backlash was directed toward the actor, who eventually quit due to the relentless barrage of hate comments.

Now, with this character involved in the scene, I was certain that the fans would detest the ending. And truth be told, I would be just as disappointed if a beloved manga I cherished underwent such a drastic change, especially in such a crucial moment.

That's why I pleaded with Aikara to join this show, clutching at straws, hoping against hope that he could turn this scene into something remarkable, despite its inherent flaws. Even though his acting was exceptional and a glimmer of hope started to flicker within me, I knew all too well how ruthless the internet could be. I was certain that even with remarkable performances, people would remain dissatisfied solely because of his presence.

In that moment, a question crept into my mind, one that I had fought to suppress throughout my years of relentless dedication. Why had I worked so hard? What had driven me to endure the incessant wave of criticism, dedicating years of my life to improving my acting skills? I had even made enemies along the way, clashing with other child actors and their parents, all for the chance to land a significant role and be recognized for my talent.

Yet, it seemed that all my efforts to achieve that were in vain. Now that I had finally secured a lead role, it was in a drama destined to fail, likely making it even more challenging for me to find work in the future.

Instead of being valued for my skills, I would once again face a wave of comments mocking my previous success and ridiculing my continued efforts. The very notion of working tirelessly under such circumstances seemed ludicrous.

For years, I had brushed off those comments with a smile, convinced that everything would be worthwhile once I secured a lead role. But now, faced with the reality of obtaining the role I so desperately craved but knowing that I will not be acknowledged for it, a dark thought began to seep into my weary mind—a thought I had suppressed through sheer determination.

Perhaps it was time to quit acting.

Maybe I should abandon this pursuit, finish my education, and seek a respectable job. I had endured enough, hadn't I? I deserved a respite from the constant hardships that plagued my acting career.

And, perhaps, there was even a silver lining to be found. At least I would have the story of being a lead in a drama to share with my future children—a tale I could boast about, a reminiscence of a past life.

Ah, that sounds so fun.

A life free from the incessant criticisms, a life where I wouldn't have to grasp at the approval of others every day.

Yeah, I guess I'll quit acting.

I had reached my limit.

Once this drama finished airing, I would bid farewell to the world of acting.

Nothing will ever change my mind, because I'm just too tired to continue anymore.


(Third POV)

Without Kana's knowledge, the light in her eyes waned, dimming to a dull glow, bearing testament to her profound exhaustion with acting and her imminent decision to quit.

"Leave me alone! Stop following me!" Kana shouted, slipping effortlessly into her role as she pleaded with Aikara and Melt to depart.

"That sounds like something you would do," Melt remarked, his voice tinged with residual emotion from their previous rehearsals, the lines still echoing in his mind.

Undeterred, Aikara grasped Kana's hands with urgency, his grip inadvertently tightening, causing her face to scrunch up in slight pain. "I won't leave you alone, Suzume!" he exclaimed, desperation lacing his voice. His face contorted with a mixture of desperation and sadness. Caught up in his fervor, he failed to notice the unintended discomfort he inflicted upon Suzume until a groan of pain escaped her lips. Realizing his mistake, his expression softened, and he spoke in a low, remorseful voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I won't abandon you. You helped me before, and now it's my turn to help you."

"But..." Kana began, her voice laden with doubt, only to be interrupted by Melt.

"Just like Hirito said, I'm not leaving you alone!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with determination. However, despite the evident emotions conveyed through his voice, his face remained utterly neutral, void of any signs of feeling. The scene that was meant to be intense, chilling, and dreadful became lackluster, a reality Aikara couldn't salvage even with his exceptional acting skills, hindered by Melt's inability to express emotions on his face.

Observing Melt's performance, Kana couldn't help but once again feel a sense of disappointment. She had come to accept that Melt was unable to fully support her in this show. Though his voice now carried some emotion, thanks to Aikara's influence, his expression remained vacant. Yet, it wasn't as though she held him accountable; she had already resigned herself to the notion that this show was a lost cause.

Suddenly, the echoing sound of rain being stepped on reverberated throughout the set, casting an eerie atmosphere upon the scene. Kana's surprise was evident as she turned her gaze toward the source, while Aikara regarded the newcomer with caution and hostility.

Emerging from the periphery, a hooded figure crept forward, his deliberate steps slow and deliberate, instilling a sense of tension within the room.

Reacting swiftly, Aikara positioned himself in front of Kana, spreading his arms out protectively, his expression tinged with caution as he shielded her from view. "So, you're here, Kaito," he called out, his voice laden with hostility, referring to his former ally.

With an emotionless tone, Kaito responded, "How mean, Hirito. To think we were once allies." His slow, deliberate steps brought him just a few meters away from Hirito, the tension in the room escalating with every passing moment. "Move," Kaito commanded, but Hirito shook his head defiantly.

"No chance," Hirito declared with unwavering determination, prompting a chuckle from Kaito.

"You're trying to protect a woman like this? She's not who you think she is. She's not the kind and gentle girl who saved you from your past," Kaito stated coldly. "She's the same kind of person as me, destined to wither and die in the sun. The darkness suits her."

Taking a step forward, Melt, portraying Kanata, intervened, grasping Hirito's arm. "You should stop this. I won't tolerate it if you try to harm someone dear to me," Melt asserted, his face devoid of emotion despite his resolute words.

Hirito leaned in closer to Kanata, his voice a mere whisper, intended only for him to hear. "You really are ugly up close. Photoshop really is amazing," Aqua interjected unexpectedly, deviating from the script. Melt, breaking character, erupted in anger, gripping Aqua's shirt and hoisting him up, momentarily surprising Aqua who didn't expect Melt to be strong enough to lift him up.

"What did you say?!" Melt screamed, his rage palpable. Aqua quickly regained his composure, chuckling in response.

"You heard what I said. She's not worth protecting at all, so why bother?" Aqua taunted.

"She's a precious friend of mine!" Melt roared, his voice filled with genuine emotion, surprising Kana internally. Unlike the rehearsals where Melt's emotions were only evident in his voice, this time his face mirrored the depth of his feelings.

Hirito let out a sinister laugh, swiftly retrieving a knife from his pocket. Kanata attempted to release his grip, but it was too late. Hirito thrust the knife into Kanata's arm, causing him to drop Hirito as pain seared through his body and blood trickled down his arm.

"Ahhh!" Kanata's anguished cry pierced the air as he tightly clenched his injured arm, blood flowing steadily from the wound.

"Kanata!" Kana, in her role as Suzume, exclaimed with deep concern, her eyes fixed on the distressing scene unfolding before her.

Observing the entire sequence of events, Kaito's fist clenched as a red vein bulged on his forehead. His eyebrows furrowed, and he ground his teeth in a fit of anger, seething at the sight of his friend being stabbed.

Hirito's laughter reverberated through the room, a chilling sound that scraped against Kaito's resolve. His expression twisted with a mix of amusement and derision, his words cutting deep like shards of broken glass.

"Are you mad that I stabbed your friend?" Hirito sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Such a hypocrite you are, Kaito. I still remember when you did the exact same thing with a smile on your face. In fact, you're crueler than me. So why don't you stop protecting her? You have no idea just how similar she is to me. All you see is the kind and gentle girl who saved you from the past. She'll forever be in the darkness."

Kaito's anger roared within him, a tempestuous flame threatening to consume him entirely. The weight of his past transgressions bore down on his conscience, magnified by Hirito's taunts that pierced through his defenses. Yet amidst the tumult of his emotions, a glimmer of unwavering determination flickered to life. He refused to allow his past to define him any longer.

With clenched fists and a resolute stare, Kaito locked eyes with Hirito, his voice trembling with a potent mix of fury and vulnerability.

"You're right, Hirito," Kaito admitted, his voice cracking with the weight of his confession. "I am a hypocrite. I've done things in the past that I'm not proud of, things just as cruel as what you did. I've reveled in the pain of others without remorse. But I've changed, damn it!"

His words resounded in the warehouse, an echo of the inner struggle consuming his very soul. Kaito's gaze hardened, determination shining through his eyes.

"She saved me," he pressed on, conviction ringing in every word. "She reached out her hand when I was drowning in my own malevolence. She refused to give up on me, even when I had given up on myself. And you know what? If she could transform someone like me, someone who seemed irredeemable, into a person with morals and a shred of decency, then I believe in her. I believe she can change, regardless of who she truly is."

A solitary tear escaped Kaito's eye, a testament to his newfound vulnerability, as he continued, his voice unwavering in its resolve.

"She might not be the person I thought she was. Perhaps darkness resides within her. But that doesn't matter. Because if she could be my guiding light when I was enveloped in darkness, then I will be her light. I will stand unwaveringly by her side, guiding her towards a better path. I refuse to abandon her, no matter what."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his conviction. Kaito's anger had transformed into an unyielding determination to protect the one who had saved him from himself. He locked eyes with Hirito, challenging him to comprehend the depth of his loyalty.

"Mark my words, Hirito," Kaito declared, his voice laced with unwavering resolve. "I will be her beacon, guiding her through the abyss, just as she did for me. Together, we will prove that even the most shattered souls can find redemption. Humanity has the capacity to change, to grow. And I will fight tooth and nail to ensure she discovers it, regardless of the cost."


(Kana POV)

As I continued to observe the unfolding confrontation between Aikara and Aqua before me, I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in their acting abilities. Aqua's performance seemed to surpass his previous endeavors, and I wondered if it was the effect of Aikara's own acting style, one that had a remarkable way of bringing out the best in others.

My gaze fixated on Aqua's face, and despite his earlier declaration of never returning to acting, doubt crept into my mind as I beheld his eyes. Those eyes, so familiar and filled with a profound passion for the craft. They mirrored a person who was undeniably drawn to the world of acting. It appeared as though Aqua was genuinely enjoying himself, relishing in the opportunity to perform once more. However, an unsettling observation caught my attention—his complexion seemed to be deteriorating, as if the weight of his emotions threatened to overwhelm him, or perhaps an illness lurked beneath the surface.

Nonetheless, as the shooting progressed smoothly, my concerns seemed to dissipate, and I convinced myself that I was merely overthinking the situation. After all, the performances were captivating, and both Aqua and Aikara seemed to be immersed in their respective roles, deriving pleasure from the act of creation.

Occasionally, Aikara would pull me into the impromptu moments, demanding my participation, and I found myself rising to the occasion, showcasing a decent performance. It was a testament to Aikara's talent, drawing out the best in those around him, even in spontaneous exchanges.

Despite the underlying sense of impending failure that loomed over the production, both Aqua and Aikara appeared to be genuinely enjoying themselves. And yet, this paradox left me perplexed. How could they revel in the experience while fully aware of the potential for disappointment and failure? It seemed illogical, almost contradictory.

As I continued to bear witness to the escalating intensity of their performances, a sense of bewilderment enveloped my thoughts. Why were they reveling in this joyous pursuit, knowing full well that the odds were stacked against them? Their seemingly unwavering enthusiasm perplexed me, challenging my understanding of their motivations.

Deep within, I recognized the answer with unwavering certainty. Their love for acting burned passionately within their souls, an undeniable flame that embraced the challenges and uncertainties of the stage. It was a fervor that continued to flicker, igniting their performances with an electric spark that enraptured audiences.

I knew this because I had once been the same. But now, I felt that flame fading within me. It wasn't solely due to today's events, but rather a culmination of the hardships I had endured in the industry over the past few years. Countless auditions, rejections, and compromises had taken their toll, leaving me jaded and disheartened. Despite ignoring those signs and persisting out of my genuine love for acting, today marked a breaking point.

As I observed Aqua and Aikara's captivating performances, a pang of yearning coursed through me. I longed for that youthful exuberance, that unshakeable belief that every role held the potential for greatness. But could I ever rekindle that passion? Was it buried too deep beneath layers of disappointment and self-doubt?

Perhaps not. Today felt like the final blow, extinguishing any flicker of hope. Exhaustion consumed me, and the idea of giving up began to solidify in my mind.

But just when I resolved to abandon acting once more, everything changed in an instant. Aikara, in his signature charismatic style, delivered a line that resonated within the depths of my being. "There's light in all of us, so who are you to say she can't change Right, Suzune!?" He turned to me, his eyes brimming with expectation, and Aqua, too, turned towards me, his eyes filled with anticipation. It was a look I had never seen from the brooding teenager I once knew. As their expectant gazes met mine, the weight of the moment struck me profoundly. The fate of the film seemed to hang in the balance, and a decision beckoned.

For a fleeting moment, I contemplated relinquishing the spotlight, returning the attention to them, and ultimately abandoning my acting aspirations. They needed the success more than I ever did. However, as if an invisible spark was rekindled within me, I felt a passion I thought had evaporated resurfacing. It was a fervor I had buried deep within, concealed behind doubts and practicality. A realization washed over me, and I inwardly chuckled at my own naivety—I did, in fact, love acting.

With newfound determination and a renewed sense of purpose, I made my choice. I would not surrender. Instead, I would forge ahead, working tirelessly in the entertainment industry despite the challenges. I would pursue my passion with unwavering dedication, giving my all, fully aware that the journey itself was worth every setback and disappointment.

In that transformative moment, tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I delivered the final lines with heartfelt sincerity, "I do believe there is light." The words carried a profound weight, resonating not only within the scene but within my own essence. With each tear that fell, I embraced the understanding that my path was no longer dictated by the outcome of this film. Instead, I would forge my own destiny, fueled by the rekindled fire within me.

As the scene concluded, the weight of the film was lifted, replaced by a sense of purpose and an unwavering determination to embrace the art of acting. In my mind, I silently thanked Aikara for unknowingly reigniting my passion.

As I reflect on the recent scene that concluded, a realization dawns upon me—I had acted to the best of my ability, even though I had told Aikara the opposite at the karaoke place.

I shifted my gaze towards Aikara, with my curiosity peaked, to see what he was up to, and there I saw him engaged in a conversation with Melt and Aqua. Melt seemed to be expressing apologies to Aqua, who reassured him with a calm demeanor that it's fine because he was trying to get him mad in purpose, though his complexion appeared unnaturally pale. Aikara, perceptive as ever, caught onto Aqua's distress and exchanged a concerned glance with him. Sensing the need for privacy, Aqua excused himself hastily, rushing towards the bathroom, leaving Melt and Aikara alone.

In that moment, Aikara's face lit up with genuine admiration as he praised Melt's acting skills. The heartfelt compliment caused a faint blush to grace Melt's cheeks. Observing their interaction, a small, affectionate smile graced my lips.

As I observed their interaction unfold before me, a profound realization washed over my consciousness. Aikara's deliberate encouragement to improvise in various aspects of the production suddenly took on a new meaning.

Was he trying to make me act to my fullest?

The thought lingered in my mind, gaining strength with each passing moment.

As the weight of this revelation settled within me, an overwhelming surge of profound gratitude welled up in my heart, its current directed towards Aikara. I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of his wisdom and foresight, his unwavering belief in my abilities, and his relentless encouragement.

"Aikara," I whispered softly, the words carrying the weight of gratitude that I could never fully express. "Thank you." Those two simple words held the power to convey the depths of my appreciation, a recognition of the impact his guidance had on my journey.

In that defining moment, all doubts were cast aside, replaced by an unyielding resolve that radiated from within. It no longer mattered if this shows ends up flopping and it makes securing roles harder. I won't be tormented by the relentless whispers of uncertainty. Instead, I would persist with an unwavering determination, pouring every ounce of my being into this job—because I really love acting after all!

In the midst of this resolute mindset, unbeknownst to me, a radiant smile began to bloom upon my face. Aikara, standing at a distance, caught sight of that expression on my face and let out a small smile of his own.


(Author's note)

This is such a long chapter, it's 3792 words, almost as long as my prologue.

I find it weird that my chapter is this long even though I promised in the early chapters that my word count will only be around 1500 and to not expect more, but here I am with a 3000 word chapter, more than double of what I promised.

I really wanted to divide it up into parts, but I also didn't want to lose engagement as you guys read, so I decided to keep it at that word length.

Now, let's talk about the chapter.

In case any of you noticed, Aqua, had started to get sick. Manga readers should know why.

Kana, thought of quitting acting, something that never happened in the original because she knows the show can't be redeemed anymore with Aikara's character ruining the manga scene since he's an OC in the drama.

And Kana realizes she loves acting after all and can't quit.

Oh yeah, I also started a new fanfic recently, and I want to do a shameless promotion if you guy's don't mind. Currently, there are only four chapters and I plan to upload at least once a week. Don't worry, uploading this won't affect the upload date of this fanfic, since my other fanfic is more like a hobby unlike this where it's actually somewhat my job and how I get some money.

Synopsis below(Spiderman Fanfic):

In the bustling, dynamic streets of New York City, a singular figure swings between the towering skyscrapers - an emblem of hope and justice known as Spiderman. The city's residents adore their friendly neighborhood hero, their cheers echoing in his wake.

On the flip side, life for Andreas, a high school misfit, couldn't be more different. His academic struggles paint his report cards in bold red, and his social life is as barren as a desert.

Andreas's world takes a seismic shift when he stumbles upon Spiderman's discarded costume in the murky seclusion of a forgotten alleyway. Donning the suit was meant to be a playful gesture, a temporary escape from his life and the chance to feel closer to his idol. But when the city's beacon of hope, the real Spiderman, mysteriously vanishes, the mantle of responsibility threatens to weigh heavily on Andreas' ordinary shoulder.

Faced with growing chaos, he must rise to the challenge. Armed with nothing but the costume and his own courage, Andreas must fill in for his vanished hero. He may be a counterfeit, a fake Spiderman devoid of any superpowers, but the city needs a Spiderman.

It's time for the unlikely hero to save this city, proving that sometimes, it's not the superpowers that make the hero, but the heart underneath the suit.