
Accidentally Pregnant By Boss

An young sectreary in her busy day to day life accidentally discovered that she is carrying her boss's baby. Will he accept her or will she find solace in the arms of one of her handsome colleagues? What will happen when all the three handsome men fight to win over her heart and the fatherhood of her upcoming baby?

DaoistM0kcv3 · 都市
26 Chs

Met Again At Office

Sonia Sahni hurriedly went into her new office. She did not want to be late in the first day of her office. She had to report to her immediate boss, Mr. Richard who would introduce her to the Chairman. Even if she was directly appointed as the Secretary of the Chairman, she had to report to Mr. Charles Kenneth, the beloved Head of the HR (Human Resource) Department. Her reporting time was ten am sharp and it was important to maintain her first impression. As it was properly said that "First Impression is the Last Impression". She clicked her heels and run towards her office. She came to the office directly from the Airport and she did not get a chance to change her sticky clothes. It was good that she had some spare clothes in her handbag ready for such urgent situations, but for this first she had to find out the ladies restroom here.


Met with Luke: Caring Friendly Guy

She tried turn around when she collided with someone in a great force. Both of them fell down on the floor. Her handbag slipped from her and with a loud thud sound it opened its mouth. She looked at the person with whom she collided just now angrily when she found out that it was not she, but he. A handsome man of her own age group sat on the exact opposite side of hers by scratching his head. He had a puzzled look on the face. Perhaps he was in great hurry to go somewhere hence he also did not noticed her rushing towards him with such a force.

He had a boyish charm on face with oval face, big blue eyes, long eyelashes, strong cheek bones, pink cheeks, double chin, long straight nose, red pouty lips quite contrast to his strong torso, six packs abs (visible through his white shirt too, "Oh gosh, why all the men around me have to wear just white shirts with such great physique" she thought by herself), small waistline and hips and long sturdy legs. His dreamy looks of eyes made him much more desirable to any woman. ("Stop gawking him like that" Her brain shouted inside.)

All of a sudden Sonia became aware of her surroundings. They both were still sitting just outside of ladies toilet. Ladies toilet??!!! What was this man doing in this area??!! Was he a pervert or nerd??!!

He lifted his eyes and stretched his hands to her. "Do you need a lift?" He asked politely.

He had a sweet yet manly voice not deprived of boyish charm. She blushed hard and took his hand. He helped her to get up. She got up and stretched her legs to check they were alright or not.

He cleared his throat and uttered "Listen Miss whoever you are, I am truly sorry. I have an urgent meeting to attend. So I take this road. It is a shortcut to the chairman's office." All of a sudden he lifted his right hand and watched the time on his wrist watch. "Oh my god, I am so late. By the way, are you new here?"

Sonia nodded her head in agreement.

He made an intelligent face and then again stretched his hands to her. "that's why I do not recognise you. Hi, I am Luke. Lucifer Jones, Head of Marketing Department."

She took his stretched hand and shook it gently. "I am Sonia Sahni. Secretary of the Chairman."

He opened his mouth agape. Then after some more time slowly whispered "Ms. Sahni, sorry I don't want to be rude but I think you should hurry then. You shouldn't want to be on the bad book of the 'Devil' then."

Now it was her turn to be surprised. "Who the hell is the Devil?!!" She asked him.

He gasped in fear. By looking around him he leaned on her and whispered more slowly - "Your immediate boss, David Anderson, our beloved Chairman."


Met The Devil: David

Sonia changed her suit and wore a formal attrire. She dashed to Mr. Richard's office who was pacing restlessly here and there.

"I am so sorry. I am late." Sonia apologised to him.

He immediately ushered her to the Big Boss's cabin by saying - "Don't apologize to me. Do it to the Boss."

The room was big but empty except a lavish Mahogany wooden curved table with just two wooden chairs before and one after it. The table was well equiped with every modern facilities of a Chairmans office. Laptop and desktop computers, four landphones, one intercom, one newly launched smart phone and a table lamp. Another lavish curved floor lamp was just behind the man who was sitting on his chair with a pen in his mouth and seemed too much absorbed into his pending works. He must be her boss.

By reaching to the Boss he announced her presence. "Sir, meet with your new Secreatary, Miss Sonia."

A shiver run down her vein when she heard his chilling voice. "She is fifteen minutes late. Tell her not to do it once more. Unless I have to search for her substitute very soon."

Mr. Richard with a curt nod of head went out of the room and her boss tilted his face to her. He recongised her immediately and twisted his nose in disgust.

She gasped aloud. She also identified him. This was the same co- passenger of her. He was her Boss???!!! God knows what would happen to her now?!!

"Sorry Sir" She managed to tell just this while shivering hard infront of his stern stare when he abruptly stopped her by lifting his right hand to her.

"No need of excuse, Miss Sonia. Go to your cabin and start working right now. Raymond will help you to understand your duty."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, her boss pointed towards a own small cabin attached to his own. She rushed to the cabin and took a look of that room. It was a small room with every modern equipments. The wooden desk was neatly arranged with one desktop and one laptop computers, two landline phones, one of them was intercom to contact with her boss, one table lamp and some writing pads and pens. A brown revolving chair was behind it for her where she sat down with a sigh. There was only a Buddha statue with a large flower vase (decorated with white lilies) on a mantelpiece far behind her. The room was more or less empty than her boss's lavish cabin.

Sonia sighed hard. Now onwards she had to work here. Her new job suddenly lost all its colour and turned out to be boring to her.