
Abyssal Idiot

Do bear with me I’m no expert at this so if you have any advice please feel free to share. *** Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes. *** Don’t feel offended by my use of mythical, fictional and religious beings in this novel Btw not my cover art

TheAbyssalOne · ファンタジー
18 Chs


Azathoth was preparing the realm that the competition would be held in while ereberus dealt with the trivial issues such as giving the outer gods their invitations.

While all this was happening 2 years had already passed to the lower life forms.

Meanwhile in a realm called the telos realm. The reason for its name dates back 1 origin cycle ago when one of the gods from the greek pantheon fought one the 72 elite demons of hell and came out with his life ,while , also managing to wound the demon by cutting its horns off which fell into the world xavius lived on resulting in a contamination of the mana creating several strong demonic beasts and lesser demons and devils.

While all the sovereigns and the Pre-existential Entities under the 3 titans of creation were preparing for the tournament ,Xavius was on a certain planet in the telos realm meditating

In his room in the palace.


1st person pov: Xavius

How strong was uncle Az really for him to make a sword like Amaterasu out of thin air and give me divine level comprehension and talent as a mere meeting gift. Haaa that's beyond me what I need to do now is think of my future until I meet the person uncle az wants me serve.

As I was finishing my meditation I see my parents and personal maid her name is Levine she's older than me by 3 years but she always acts shy infront of me it's kind of cute to see her act that way tho.

I wonder what my parents who are usually busy are here for , thus I say ," greetings mother ,father may I ask what brings you here." I say this while bowing my head slightly.

They both look at each other as if deciding whether they should tell me what they are here for they then try to hide the fear on their faces it but I can see hints of fear,helplessness and dread in there eyes as if remembering some unspeakable but unforgettable being but in the end they decide to tell me why they are here as mom says," child there is someone in the throne room that wants to meet you".

Curious as to who I t is i then say, " mother, father who is it that could make you come all the way here to call me personally." . Father then says ,"he called himself a servant of someone you should know by the name of uncle Az"

I suddenly freeze up as I couldn't help but remember that seemingly perfect being as I think -is it time for me to pay for deal already no it can't be it's early but what else could it be?- I then turn to the side only to notice the white cat I've known to never fear anything shiver while looking towards the direction of the throne room.


3rd person pov:palace throne room

Ereberus was sitting on the king's throne thinking about why his lord wanted him to come down to this lower realm filled with non-entities, when he sensed a cute child and a cat that seemed to have an ancient bloodline belonging to the divine tiger race but this was still nothing special to him as these cats weren't even worthy of being the food of his lord servants.

When xavius arrived in the throne room he saw a being with a body as dark as night and aura as vast as the heavens. The beings aura suddenly shrunk to the point it was almost negligible while the being looked at him with a profound gaze. Ereberus was shocked to find a shred of his lords aura on the boy.

Ereberus spoke up and said, "I am here on orders from lord azathoth, THE $#*¥#?! , The chaotic twin of $#*! And #%¥+, the second great titan of creation…" the more ereberus spoke the more horrified the people in the throne room got as the realm failed to withstand the pressure brought about by those titles, ereberus ignored this as he continued speaking," to tell you to prepare to go to his to his megaverse/outer realm to train for 1 millennium when you turn 999 years of age."

As everyone apart from xavius had passed out already due to their souls failing to comprehend all the profoundities of those titles, however xavius was still in shock trying to grasp what had just happened ereberus suddenly turned in to an infinite number of motes.

He then heard a sound in his head saying

<would you like to activate system?>.

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