
Abyss Hell Training System

Our protagonist a fat otaku having a normal and tranquility life. He died due to symptoms of asthma having a difficulty breathing while masturbating on a 2D porn. Wakes up in a white room but Trying to recall the day when he was in his young adult age . Wishes to be reincarnated Then A mysterious voice echoed the white granting him his wishes And Telling him that his memory of his young adult age isn't his own memory but another. Find Our protagonist seeks his memory and get stronger by His Wished System ABYSS HELL TRAINING SYSTEM (This is my first novel. This novel might take long and my plot ideas are still developing maybe sometimes cringe or repetitive but love writing this and If you think there's mistake please tell me. I don't know if my writing quality is good or bad so please tell me what you though and a honest review Please do give me some pointer as this was my first story. English isn't my native language but I think I will do good enough. And I will do my best!. )

Aalino · ファンタジー
5 Chs


[ Name: Vicente

[ Level:1/ 100

[EXP: 0 /1000

[Race: Abyssal Asura

[Status: Undead

[Strength: 50,000

[Defense: 45,000


[ Luck: -10,000

[ Charm: 10,000


[Abilities: [ Reincarnation] [ Body Creation ][ Training System] [ Summoning and Necromancy] [ Absorption ]

[ Skills: Boxing LV 5, Reading LV 9, Human Regeneration LV 4, Human Physique LV 9 ,

New Body LV 2, Young Asura Physique LV 1, Ouroboros LV 2, Summoning & Necromancy LV 1, Undead Body LV 2, Soul Absorption, Synthesis LV 1, Bottomless Stomach LV 1, Insatiable Hunger LV 1, Mana Absorption LV 5]

[ Titles: Boxing Champion, Fat Otaku, Reincarnated, Vicente, Variant, Asura, Ouroboros,


Am I seeing things?! What with those high stats? A whopping 50 thousands strength, a 45 thousands defense, a ∞ stamina, 45 thousands mana, a 10 thousands charm then a 10 thousand negative luck?!

Bad luck aside, Isn't that pretty high for a Level 1?!

Why is other stats is so high and has a negative luck?

Didn't I created it to be have a strength for a young adult? But I didn't to have it as a luck of minus ten thousands. Why my lucks stats so low.

The stats of a newly created character where you just enter the game is supposed to have a 10-20 strength at least, a 15 defense, 10 stamina then a 10 mana and that's the stats I was expecting to get.

Not a hundred thousands stat and a unlimited stamina?

And why the level cap is so high a whopping 1000 to reach level 2, Well, I guess it's understandable with those stats but still why my stats is so high?! That aren't the stats of a young adult, That's a stats of a middle boss. Bad luck aside Isn't that means I was already strong as those mini boss?!

No, But look at those skills I can already be the last boss with those skills and stats.

If you throw me where the place the last boss is, I can just beat the boss to level up and then beat everyone with those stats and skills alone.

Just look at those skills I already have a lot of them just after creating a new character.

My boxing skills is already level 5.

I don't even need to train, I just need to eat and farm a bunch of low levels mobs.

Woah, Calm down right there don't get arrogant, I was already at Hell.

I was already unlucky enough to reincarnated on Hell.

Talking about Hell, Why I am a Undead? Oh yeah, I was already dead.

So that's why I have a unlimited stamina, so I was akin to a zombie huh, eh no I think lich? No, I'm not a lich, Lich are skeletons and I'm not, I still have a flesh. I also still have a pumping heart but I'm already undead though?.

I'm a race called Abyss Asura?

Like those Asura? The one who fight buddha? Whoa, That's awesome. How Though?

Ohh, Yeah is it because I have a four arm? No, I don't think so, and I'm a variant though?

How does that even make me a variant?

As of now I can't think of any ideas, I still don't have any knowledge about those but maybe in the future I will meet another asura in the future.

" System, can you please explain to me why my stats are high and I have a lot of skills already and show me the other function"

[ Yes, Your stats is half of the stats of a young adult of a Asura. You only have a half of stats of the young adult asura because the host isn't a descendant of the Asura Race. I advice the host to accumulate and cultivate the blood of another Asura. The skills on the other hand is the skills of your wishes. You learn the other skills by meeting it's requirements You created some of it and learn because of your new body.]

[ Reincarnation - A wished ability. The ability to Reincarnate ]

[ Body Creation- A wished ability. The Ability to create a New body ]

[ Training System- A wished Ability. The Ability to give you a unlimited potential, and to grow stronger by it ]

[Summoning And Necromancy - A wished ability. It gives the host the ability to summon everything and the ability to bring back the dead. You can summon as long as you have mana and You can bring back the dead by the use of mana.]

[ Absorption - A wished Ability. The ability to absorb and accumulate everything. ]

[ The abilities you have are connected to your soul. A Lice can have a heavy defying abilities and A Dragon can have a trash abilities. Every being has a abilities as long as they have a soul. It doesn't differ much of those a skill. ]

[ The skills in the other hand is a nutrients.

There are skills that can learn by practicing it, inherited, studied, born with it or was blessed.

If the skills was learned it will become a nutrients of your soul then strengthen your soul. Every skills can be upgraded to a higher grade and possibly strengthen your soul.

However there are various requirements to required before the skills strengthen the soul.

There was a lot of different skills. There's a skill that strengthen the body or the soul.

There were two type of Skills, Active and Passive.

There are different ways to learned a skills those are just a simple way to get it and to strengthen your soul ]

[Boxing LV 5 - A martial arts where you use a certain stance and different body movements to throw a lethal damage. A simple and straightforward way of fighting. ]

[ Reading- Enable the host to read a different kind of writing. ]

[ Human Regeneration- Being a former human, You still have the human Regeneration as some of your body is still a part of a human. However being Asura also strength your regenerations to another level. ]

[ Human Physique- The skill that enable to turn your whole physique as a human and gains a advantage and disadvantage of a human. It was also another part of your strength.]

[ New Body- A skill that can creates a New Body. You can create a new body for yourself or for another by using mana or eating yourself and a different materials. Because of your summoning and Necromancer abilities it was increased to another level. The mana needed for creating is lessened and strengthen if used a materials. ]

[Young Asura Physique- The physical body of A young Asura created by a physical body of a human. It only gives half of the stats of pure blood Young Asura.

To further strengthen the Young Physique of the Asura, It was necessary to accumulate another Asura.]

[ Ouroboros Level 2- Upgraded skills of Self- Cannibalism. Because you were already dead the skill self- cannibalism is upgraded because to create a new body, The host physical body eats itself to nourish and create a new body and then absorb mana resulting of you having the Young Asura Physique. You can now eat your physical body and souls infinitely to nourish yourself.

This skills gives you the " New Body" and " Young Asura Physique".

You can also eat yourself to create a new body, However the body will be weakened and will only gained half of the stats of the created New body. ]

[Undead Body Level 1- The Body of the Undead. Because your body eats itself and it was already dead. It gives you a Unlimited stamina but will result in insatiable hunger ]

[ Insatiable Hunger Level 1- A Skill to those of undead or special being. It will gives the owner a bottomless hunger and needs for food. However you can just eat yourself every time you feel hunger]

[Soul Absorption- A skill to assimilate and consume a soul. With the skill Ouroboros you can also eat your own soul to nourish or to heal your self.]

[ Synthesis- A skill that allows you to combine a two being to upgrade it or to enhance it further. You learned this skill because another souls get combined to yourself.]

[Bottomless Stomach- It allow you you to have a bottomless stomach.

To absorb everything, You need a bottomless stomach.]

[ Mana Absorption- Another absorption Ability however instead of absorbing or eating yourself it absorbs Mana. Instead of accumulating mana or storing mana inside you. This skill allow you to absorb it and nourished yourself. However this does not means you have a infinite mana. Treat Mana as a Food, if you didn't eat mana, for days or years you could die but you are already dead. It will just nourished and strengthen you ]

[ A title is given by meeting it's requirements.

There's a various requirements to gain a title. There are title that can be given just by being birth. Titles can also gives benefits and disadvantage. ]

[ Boxing Champion- The boxing champion. It gives you the charisma and charm of a champion. It also boost your learning capabilities to learn different martial arts]

[ Fat Otaku- The title Fat otaku gives a boost for your mind that can survive in loneliness.]

[Reincarnated- The title of someone who gets to have another chance and get Reincarnated.

However being Reincarnated will cost you a -10,000 luck. ]

[Vicente- A title given by the Unknown, For a parting gift. The title boost your EXP gained by 1000 % and the EXP Cap will be half.]

[Variant - The title of someone who's different. However being a Variant meant great as it was akin to a new one.

The titles gives you a different potential and variations of skills.]

[Asura- Title given by the same race Asura. The title Asura identify you as a Asura. ]

[Ouroboros- A title given by those who managed to eat itself and still nourished by eating oneself. The one who eat itself.]


Woah,.. so that's the reason on how I get to acquired a lot of skills.

Wait, so I have the ability to Reincarnates myself. That's pretty much overpowered. Wait if I have the Reincarnation ability, how I am going go Reincarnate?

Do I have to Die to Reincarnates ? Well.. Reincarnation is pretty much having my soul Reincarnates so I guess I have to die before I can even used it. However I don't think I will use this for now as I haven't even still live a day yet. For now that is....

I pretty much understand the reason of my stats. What I mean to have my stats points is the stats of the young adult 'human'. I didn't really say the stats of a young adult human so the system make the stats of a young adult Asura and it's not the full stats of a young adult Asura. It was just half of the stats of a Young Adult Asura. Since my body is that of a human I didn't have the full capacity and stats of a real young adult Asura.

What if I have the real body of Asura? How much my stats would be?.


I guess for now I don't have any idea it can be hundred thousand or so.

Yeah, I was also pretty much undead now, reincarnating again but for now it seems impossible.


For my Other ability it was pretty much what it says. All of them is wished ability, What does the wished ability even mean.

Hmm.. System?..


It seems like the system won't me. The ability description says that it was connected to the souls then why don't I have the Abilities when I was still alive?

I don't have any other abilities other than the wished abilities. I guess I don't really have the ability since I was still alive or it was absorbed by the world?.

There's no point in thinking about that now the past is past. Let's focus on the present.

The new body ability gives me the ability to creates a new body. I thought I will just have go create my own new body but I guess since I wished for it, It became one of my Abilities.

And the training system also became one of my Abilities. That means it was connected to my soul. So as long I'm still alive I will be forever with the system

[ That's correct]

Hehe, that's sweet isn't system?

We're going to live as one forever. And if I die your still connected to me. That's kind of sweet isn't it?


The system tiny voice said. The system is a tsundere. I can't help but smile the way the system is acting. The system is connected to my soul so I don't feel any romantic feeling to it. It was just a system that will helps me to get stronger. Well... If the system is a beautiful young lady I might started a romantic feelings to it but it doesn't, it's just a system. For now my first priority is to survive.

Summoning and Necromancy ability is so overpowered. Yep so overpowered, I can literally summons everything to it as long as I have a many and a different materials to it. Necromancy to summon undead and uh... Well thinking back to it I don't have enough knowledge about Necromancy. There's no other uses of necromancy as of now as I still don't have any knowledge about it.

I just think it's cool being able to summon skeletons and have them do different things and they have a unlimited stamina.

Then the abilities absorption one of my overpowered abilities. I can just eat everything I want and absorb it by my bottomless stomach. Most of them are passive but since I just Reincarnated I don't

a lot of active skills for now.

In fact all of my abilities and skills are overpowered. I have a high stats with a new self eating undead body, a training system, a absorption, I can summon everything I want to, I can summon the dead despite being dead, a bottomless stomach, a fighting style, another memories. I'm pretty much invincible. I'm going towards the path of greatness.


Enough about feeding my ego, I'm going to check the other system functions.

"System, Please show me the other function"

[ For now, There are only two other functions ]

What only two? I though it will be a lot.

Anyway, this better be something can help me survive in Hell.

"What it is system?"

[ Training Session, Mission System]

"Training Session? Mission System? Please explain it to me?"

[ Training Session is the Time where You will do your training.

Every time you finished a training there will be a reward given if you finished a session however there will be a punishment if you didn't finished.

You can not refuse or stop the training session or else there will be a punishment.]

[ Mission System is where a different mission will show the host to do. There will be a missions everyday. There's a possibility of mission showing up base in a current occurrence where you are in.

There will also a reward every time you completed a mission. A punishment were given if you failed the mission. You can choose to accept and refuse a mission]

Ohh, I guess it's about training huh, of course that's what I wish for.

It's to get stronger by training.

It's reasonable enough not to stop it since the training might become a waste. About the punishment and reward I don't know what will it give it to me. I guess it will probably a skill or a item. Still at the end of it, I'm still going to get stronger so it doesn't really matter.

But for now it's not the time for the training session.

It's time to see what and complete my daily mission.