
Abyss Hell Training System

Our protagonist a fat otaku having a normal and tranquility life. He died due to symptoms of asthma having a difficulty breathing while masturbating on a 2D porn. Wakes up in a white room but Trying to recall the day when he was in his young adult age . Wishes to be reincarnated Then A mysterious voice echoed the white granting him his wishes And Telling him that his memory of his young adult age isn't his own memory but another. Find Our protagonist seeks his memory and get stronger by His Wished System ABYSS HELL TRAINING SYSTEM (This is my first novel. This novel might take long and my plot ideas are still developing maybe sometimes cringe or repetitive but love writing this and If you think there's mistake please tell me. I don't know if my writing quality is good or bad so please tell me what you though and a honest review Please do give me some pointer as this was my first story. English isn't my native language but I think I will do good enough. And I will do my best!. )

Aalino · ファンタジー
5 Chs

A New body And A New Name

After picking the System difficulty, I began what body what would be the characteristic of my new body.

Let's start with the face first as this will cost my mental fortitude because I'm going to make sure I'm not going to fat bastard again.


First of all a soft, smooth pale skin like those of a vampire, A white long hair reaching down through my waist, then a two long sheep like horn and the tip is piece like a spear so I won't look like more a human and if the other look like at me they will think that I was a demon or some kind but I don't care because I really want to have a horn pointing upward. Hell it might even help me to my future battles.

As for my face of course it's a handsome one who doesn't one to have a handsome face, anyway I decided not change my black pupil as I will look more handsome through it and a sharp not too big nose, a thick black eyebrows and eyelashes, a pointed ear, I change my rounded shaped ear to a pointed ear because it long look cool rather then animal type ear, A red pale lips and inside of it is my forty teeth, even and close, narrow shaped chin. Forty teeth because It's one of those characteristic of the perfect body base on buddha, I think forty teeth is too many to all of it to fit inside my mouth so I it make it a canine and I shaped it like a fangs, looking like those the fangs of a vampire use to bite to their prey. That will probably became useful in the future.

To sum of all the characteristic of my face, it result in making my face handsome and monstrous looking face.

After my head and face being done I began to create the body part of the new body that I will be living in after my reincarnation.

My body height is 10 foot tall weighting at least 300 kilograms.

In my previous world I will probably be the tallest man in the world.

They said the bigger you are the bigger target you are. But it's fine because if I was the tallest man in the world then I'm just gonna step them like an ants.

Anyways, I have a wide masculine shoulders a four arms, The other two are under my shoulder. I make it to have a 4 arms because it will me a lot of advantage on combat, and having a lot of weapons, and make it easier to practice and master martials arts.

A huge chest, a six packs of abs and a wide hips then finishing my new body with a pair of long legs.

Of course It also has a lot of muscle but then though if my new whole body is already full a lot of muscle then what's the use of the training system?

I said to myself that I was going to work harder than a diamond, but here I am creating a body full of muscle.

What training should I do then if I make my whole body strong and pack of muscles?

I want to train my whole body and gain a muscle.

You know what, I'm going to get rid of the muscle, and give it a the body of a young adult.

The strength, endurance, power, fatigue, recovery of a young adult but still having the same characteristic before.

I know I was being obsessed of a muscle.

I just a muscle but it's just me desire to grow stronger by working hard, even it's slow as long as I was alive. This time I won't me the same fat otaku anymore.

I know I was once a fat otaku and the memory of me having the muscle is aren't mine but I want to feel of what's it feels about having a strong body and my own memory I barely care about it as the being said that I will recover them through time. It will be the result of my own hard work.

Anyway Let's stop the cringe line

After changing my new body

( It's still has the same characteristic, a handsome face, four arms, then a body strength, endurance, recovery, fatigue of a untrained young adult. basically he just made his own body 18-20 years old )

( Depending on who you ask, the "young adult" age range could refer to people aged 12 to 18, or it could refer to those aged 18 to 30. )

My old fat body started shattered like a piece of glass, but it's not just my physical body even my consciousness.

It was a painful as if someone pinch your groin, but much more painful as if your the groin then my physical body started getting disassembled.

It didn't end there and even my mind isn't spare, twisting and I feel my memories being shattered. My mind started showing the blur memories making me lose consciousness.

After the physical body getting disassembled, It became a white radiance floating in the white room resembling like a human body having a four arms, two legs, and a two horn piercing upward.

The white radiance suddenly compress itself making the resemblance of the human body gone making a small fleshy root floating in the white room and then the root started rapidly pulsating as it was a pumping a heart but instead of heart it was a flesh root looking like a leech.

The leech like root started acting like a real leech and it the both end started connecting each other making it now a circled flesh. The circled flesh then begin to pulsate like a heart as if it's was mating itself.

As the circled flesh pulsate another flesh root begin to bulge then it bridge it self to the circled flesh. Another root started appearing then connects to the connection of the flesh. It now resemble a brain continuing it's pulsating and afterwards a tiny red root started coming out under the pulsating brain.

It started to become longer and after, another root came out next to it then it became longer as well, and after becoming longer another roots came out again.

The roots now started to resembled a humanoid body. A root that looks like a four arm, a head with two horns, a pair of legs.

The brain continuously release a root, then the root started connecting each other, a small roots connecting to a larger roots and the larger roots connecting to the pulsating brain.

While the pulsating brain release roots, in the middle of the roots. It then makes a enormous root forming a pumping heart. Afterwards the heart a liver, a lungs, a kidney, a spleen, an eye, then all of the roots started connecting on a one body part.

The stomach making it more larger, stronger, and all the roots and all of the organs started attached to the stomach. The stomach then started pulsating as if it was a heart.

It then started sucked a white, yellow, red, black radiance. The stomach glow in a different radiance, then the radiance started to flow within the connected roots and organs.

The stomach continuously pull a radiance as if it was not enough then the pull became stronger and a blinding radiance get pull towards the stomach.

The radiance then started compressing each other hardening the radiance.

After the compression the white radiance was now a pale white bones.

It forms all around the organs in the stomach covering all of them then it forms in the middle of the humanoid roots and become the skeletons and a skull covering the whole body and the brains.

The roots then started pumping it self then becoming larger, thicker, sturdier, and secure becoming a muscle, then wrapping the bones, creating a nerves system connected to the brain.

Then the roots became a skin less humanoid muscles, with a four arms and body of a human and a two horn.

Afterwards the stomach still continuously pumping, and then the white radiance started covering the whole body and the skeletons then a layer of pale white skin was now visible and the muscles, organs, and bones are now covered.

The giant body of humanoid with a four hands and a two horns was now motionlessly laying on the ground of the white room.


After losing my consciousness, I wake up and see myself lying.

Standing up, I feel my body lighter and I quickly stand up.

I take a glance at my new body feeling energetic, and my mind is much calmer.

I though I will recover my other memories but it seems like it doesn't because I still don't remember anything as of now.

Feeling my new body light, I quickly glance at my arms and see my arms with a black claw like nails and after glancing at it I feel my other pair of arm.

The other arm unlike the other is longer and much more stronger and it was rather easy to control as if it was just like the other arms or maybe because I was on my new body, I feel like I was born with it.

After closer inspection at my arms I glance down and see my dick hanging and remember I was still naked but then don't care about it anymore as I was the only one in here and I was now have nothing to feel shame about it in my new body.

I can call my new body a perfections as if it was made by a Gods but it was made my me though.

Anyway talking about body where's my old body by the way.

After thinking where's my old body at I immediately remember the time when my body was being disassembled, then losing consciousness.

Thinking what happened at my old body a reason all of a sudden an idea roll out of my mind.

Maybe my old body has been disassembled to create my new body as it was full of meat and fat. If that really what's happened then this body isn't really new it was just disassembled, and modified of my old body.

After thinking different reasons, I stopped myself of thinking about my old body as I was going now to get reincarnated. But how I am even going to reincarnate if I already have a new body? Isn't reincarnation are just a poor souls then reincarnating in copse or a soulless body?.

Then suddenly the feminine mechanical voice rang chime inside my head.

[ New Body Completed ]

[ You Will Now Reincarnate, Now you're going to reincarnate, I will also give you a new name for your new body. ]

I see, A new body a new name that's fine I guess. That was nice as I don't really recall my name or family. My memory is still fragmented.

[ The system will be responsible for your reincarnation and you can trust your life to the system as it was made by your wish. ]

So your not the one who will reincarnate me, but where though. Well.. Since the system will be responsible for my reincarnation I won't question and it will also be my own system.

[ I will Give you the New name ' Vicente' ]

Thank you,.. Uh, God.

[ Name "Vicente" has been granted]

After giving me my name " Vicente" I suddenly feel my new body being cleanse as if I the new made body again became new. It feels as if I was being purified and I have the feeling of excitement to start anew.

[ You will now Reincarnate..

[ Because the owner pick the difficulty of Abyss Training System. The System will reincarnate you to the Abyss]

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