

The first version of the novel was written into 8 different languages depending on the character, such as the first chapter being in french. But, for the sake of time consumption I decided to spare everyone’s time and write this in all English. —

AnonyAmateur · アクション
2 Chs

Modified Soldiers

Beep... tap.. beep.. tap.. beeep... beeeeeep... beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

The final line screeched from the heart monitor like a child throwing a tantrum.

The heart monitor had it's wires wrapped around a exposed young man. His frail body had scars all over, mainly consisting within the abdomen.

A feminine figure and a small male figure entered the lab...

They had dark blue denim jumpsuits on along with black full-face gas masks and heavy boots.

A small symbol on the breast of their suits assigned them to their lab point, as well as a small number underneath.

The navy lights of the lab that strung along the floors to form paths tinted the figures with said color.

The gloved hands of the more feminine masked figure grabbed the railing of the white and blood stained hospital bed. She then tugged on the rollable bed, pulling it towards her and out of it's assigned placement as the wired flung off the young man... and down the rows of many more bodies that lay useless until their timer runs out...

A young adult woman entered the room, wearing black scrubs. Her face looked petite wearing the plastic cap as she approached the so-called 'assistant janitors'.

"... so he died today... that leaves me with about 103 guinea pigs..."

Her voice was as light as air and as hollow as peanut shells, though quiet.

-This lab room is filled with many resting soldiers... it'd be a shame if any were to wake up before the one month period. This period of time is required for all to enter the next stage of this experiment.

"We won't have enough for the next batch..."

She placed her rubber covered fingers upon her chin as the orbs of her eyes met the ground with thought and disappointment, yet the janitors could sense a subtle nervousness arouse itself in her emotions.

"Well, I suppose. You two are dismissed for the day, though if another perishes let me know. Okay?"

Of course there was no vocal response, but a in synced nod from the duo.

"Good night."

She waved off the janitors as they quickly left, more hop to their step than the rest of the day.

-The second generation janitors aren't allowed to talk... in fact, they had their vocal cords removed due to certain circumstances of the first generation janitors.

The Italian female gracefully made her way down the many isles of resting male bodies with a tapping sound that highlighted her very existence in the current lab which soon came to a very sudden stop.

Her slanted gaze shined down on a sleeping girl.

She pulled off her black rubber glove, running her fingers through the knotted golden hair of the girl.

Her touch stopped at a balding spot on the scalp, pulling up the long strands away from the balding.

The older female hummed, examining the spot closer.

"Nothing too serious at the moment..."

She backed away, gazing down at the girl's hands.

She picked up her right hand, poking at the rough and rosy skin.

"Nothing different here..."

A small rattling from the other side of the bed interrupted her examination, which startled the woman.

Her head shot towards the cause.

She moved to the left side of the bed, seeing that the girl's left hand was shaking vigorously.

From where she was standing, she pulled a tray table towards her with a small kit that sat upon it.

The woman opened the plastic kit, grabbing a clear tube that was capped.

Inside the tube was a liquid of green color that seemed opaque.

She then carefully grabbed a syringe with an already prepared needle, which she used to extract the liquid.

Hesitantly, she took the smaller hand of the girl into her own and pressed the syringe against a vein and through the skin slowly.

She watched as the girl's body goes limp once more...

Though her breathing does not cease.


She stood in silence as her full attention stayed on the limp girl, then away she walked... further and further towards the exit just to enter another despair inducing day full of regret and shame...