
Abandoned Hero (Archived)

Kids all around the world were sent to a ship where they travel the seas without technology while being commanded by 3 beautiful captains. They all Recieve Codenames to further more abandoned the names given to them by their families and what their mission Is, to Find the secrets of the sea but doing that, they face challenges on the way. Our Protagonist's, Codename Steel, was sent to get himself some fresh air and some freedom, his parents agree and they leave him just like everyone's parents does. All the participants get to stay in cabins of 4 while Steel is with the captains. That's when he meets, Thea, Lucy, and Hope. Thea - The Captain of the ship and is more serious when it comes to participants but when meeting them, she gives a scary smile to them to which it creeps them out. Lucy - She loves messing with the protagonist, turns out, she's just trying to get his attention from the others, more strict like with all the participants but really worries that something happens to them. Hope - She's more worrying about those in her surroundings and is considerate to others but when people take advantage of her, she snaps. More caring on the people who have participated but will play games when messing with her. Created by TheUnknownBoy Written by The UnknownBoy The Participants: Main Protagonist: Steel = Swordsman/ Assassin Hiro: Ninja = Clan Member Suzy: Twilight = Magician Hanzo: Chanter = Spiritualist Max: Nitro = Racer Emma: Striker = Veteran Brook: Gadget = Inventor/ Mechanic Paul: Skull = Painter Marcie: Unknown = Hacker Lucy: Chica = Gunsman Rex: Rico = Runner Akako: Crimson = Vigilante Akemi: Dawn = Virtuoso Andre: Rhino = Wrestler Alexis: Shield = Defender Wendy: Trickster = Manipulator Mat: Brainiac = Genius

MrRejex · Realistic
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The Blackened

As everyone agreed to those conditions, Crimson and Gadget were there Struggling on what they needed to do to prove that they didnt even Kill Steel, nor that Steel was even dead.

The trial would begin at around 5:00 PM and it was currently at 2:31 PM and Crimson and Gadget had no idea on what to do, they needed to prove their innocence but how could they?

May 3rd 2021

As everyone was prepared, the only ones that weren't prepared were Crimson and Gadget, they had no evidence that Steel was murdered, as it started, Hiro began with the quick summary.

"Alright, what we know is that Steel was murdered at around 12:03 AM while most of the members were going to bed and the closest to the crime scene were captains and Cabin 4".

Crimson then objected on how he would've been there while Gadget was still trying to make sense of the scene, "We truly don't know if Steel was dead or not, he might be in some kind of Coma".

The rest began to think twice about Steel's current position and how he wasn't found with any murder weapons besides him nor any blood was around, "Hold it!!!! He might have been decapitated".

Crimson still had some ideas in his mind and a will to prove that him and Gadget were innocent, the captains looked on as everyone pointed fingers while looking after Steel's body.

"These Participants are doing their best to find whoever is this person that may have murdered Steel". Lucy then objected by saying that he couldn't be dead.

As it came around 6:00 PM, so did time, Crimson had no clue of what he was going to do next, he ran out of ideas, as the trial came to an end, they all said, Crimson and Gadget.

"Looks like we have our criminals, it's time for you to to". In Unison: "Walk the Plank, Walk the Plank, Walk the Plank". Soon after Steel came back, the captains told everyone to hold the punishment.

As Steel ran down, so did Crimson and Gadget as they went and hugged their friend, "You big idiot, we thought you were dead". Everyone else came and hugged him.

Everyone looked embarrassed that they blamed Crimson and Gadget, they asked Steel of what happened, "Well what happened was that ... I remember".

They all looked confused by what they were hearing, "Remember what?" Asked Rhino, he looked at the necklace that he saw before, he took it and explained everything.

"What I remember is who I really am, my real name and where I truly am, my real name is Z and I forgot everything that I used to remember back then when I was 8".

The captains all screamed, "WHAT!!!" then came running down to hug 'Z' and told them how sorry they were for what they did to him, and that they have missed him for years.

"When we saw your picture, we knew we found you but when you acted differently to the Z we used to remember, we thought we were misunderstood but the truth was that we were right, you are Z".

"Its okay, but for now I have to stick with my codename, Steel and I like it because it was the name that was given to me ever since I lost my memories and it's better like this".

Hiro, Rhino, Dawn, Rico, Skull, Brainiac, Twilight, Shield, Chica, and Striker all went to apologise to Crimson and Gadget for what they were about to do to them and bowed.