
A world where an otaku could

An original story inspired by the #system genre i love so much. the story is mostly about a young man who travels to another world. due to a split decision. Travel with him as he discovers how small he is in the grand scheme of things.

X3la_lord · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Easy town ch3

Next thing I knew, I was in a small village in the forest with bows, spears and swords drawn on me. I still had my bags, and weapons, but reaching for them was impossible. I may have leveled up my skills a bit, but I needed time to cast magic, and my guess was that I couldn't draw a sword before I was riddled with holes. I said "Thank you for bringing me here, if you couldn't tell I was very lost." I wasn't lying, I was lost just with a magic arrow helping me out. Which had disappeared after they entered the town.

A tall Elven man walked forward; he had a beard which was stained grey, and his eyes showed age. In weak English, "Not many can understand the old human tongue, please speak the common language." I stared dumbly, Oh no a language barrier. I spoke softly "I hope this works. Assistant changes default language to common tongue.`` The assistant did not respond but then I could understand the elves talking. 


A strange human entered the village today speaking the old human tongue. The elder was sent who still could speak it, then after some time, and the man speaking to himself he spoke in fluent Elvish, "Hello, as you can tell I was very lost, due to what I can only imagine as magic." He spoke in not a pretty voice but a voice that made you feel welcome. Like the merchants that visit the village on occasion. "Well to tell the truth I'm not very sure, but I ended up here with my stuff and I walked down the river until I saw signs of life and followed. And then somebody shot me and scared me." He looked around not at the people but in each and every person's eyes. "It looks like Humans like myself aren't really welcome here. But you see I'm not from around here so I have no knowledge or grudge against any of you." He spoke loudly but in a soft way. Making you believe what he spoke, I walked forward. "I'm the captain of the hunters. Your circumstances are not very good, but you trespassed. Especially close to the village, walking through the forest as easily as some elves. Our grudge against the human village would normally mean you would be shot on sight. But you got lucky and the branch I sat upon broke and I slightly missed you." His eyes shifted to the left, slightly membled something then looked back at me, then to the elder. "Well, I apologize for the trouble. I'm sure I bothered you all. But you see I have nowhere to go. I know it's a lot but it'll be dark soon and I've avoided the forest mostly so i'd like to just stay near the village for the night. And some water, Maybe some food." 

The elder then who was standing still staring intently at the man spoke up. "I can see you have magic in you, and that attribute is something unique. If you're willing you can show me your magic, I will shelter you for now. I do feel bad we treated someone so badly, who's just like a lost goblin, far from its nest. So I, Drannor, the magic instructor of the village will help you." 

Everyone froze, the elder has never offered help to someone. From outside the village, seeing as humans have a weak magical core no one thought they would ever have signature magic. Another elder came forward, this one people knew was a bit out there. "Those swords you hold look well made, let me look at them and I too will shelter you, and the head blacksmith and head nurse."  The madam's eyes glowed for a moment. "I see your condition isn't the best. I'll fix ya right up". Her rough speech came out. 

The man said "I'm afraid I'll probably disappoint you. These weapons were just decoration and gardening tools where I come from. I'll be able to hand you the sword in my bag and the larger one in my waste. But I won't depart with my sword here from the forest's edge. See since it was the first time I used it for its purpose, when I arrived here and it's tint was slightly green I gave it a basic name." He slowly drew it. It shined elegantly in the light. "I also found this is the only weapon I can infuse my magic into."

I ran in front of him and grabbed his hand, surprised, the technique to infuse spells has been lost in our village for some time. A skill used by heroes, and my late father. "Please show me if you do, we will give your redenance here," I knew I was getting ahead of myself, but I would do anything to learn that ability. "Show me?" I begged. 

The man's face flushed red like he wasn't used to talking to people this closely, he looked away and said ok. "Okay, but my magic isn't good in small areas. I need a better spot. Maybe with walls you can hide behind."  He turned towards Elder Drannor. "I don't suppose that you can use barrier magic." Elder nodded. "Ok then set up a strong barrier. I only know how this will react with water, trees, and animals." 
