
The Beginning

Young Izuku's POV: 

    "Mommy I'm so excited for preschool today. I get to see Kacchan and play with him." I started bouncing around on my bed. 

"Sit still silly so I can get you ready to go to school so you can play." Mommy said. 

I sat still and got dressed then I ran down stairs to get my Allmight hoodie and put it on. "Look Mommy I'm Allmight!" 

"Ok sweetie, its time to eat breakfast or your gonna be late." 

I hurriedly ate my cereal. "Mommy lets go." We ran out the door and got in the car and mommy rushed cuz we were a little late. We got to school and I got out of the car and went to my teacher Miss Caty.

 "Hi Miss Caty, look I'm Allmight."

 "Awe, that's cute Izuku."

My mommy walked up and said "Hi Miss Caty, I just want to inform you that I will be working late so Izuku will be going home with Miss Mitsuki and Katsuki. Miss Mitsuki already knows and will be expecting him."

 "Ok" Miss Caty responded. 

Then Mommy said "Great. Ok bye sweetie, have a good day." 

"Bye Mommy." With that we went inside and I immediately ran over to Kacchan. 

    "Hi Kacchan" I said as I ran up to him and gave him a hug.

 "Get away from me nerd" Kacchan yell at me. I was startled because Kacchan had never treated me like this before. 

'Maybe he's just excited cuz got his quirk and he didn't mean what he said' I thought. This happened every day for a few months until my birthday.

    'Its July 15th, My birthday. I am so happy. I'm supposed to get my quirk today I wonder what it will be.' I thought as I was getting ready for school. Mommy took me to school and once again the same thing happened, Kacchan bullied me. I had kind of gotten used to it by now but I still didn't like it. Class started.

 "Today is Izuku's birthday and he is supposed to get his quirk. First is there any one here that already has a quirk that they would like to share with the class?" Almost everyone raised their hands. They then showed their quirks to the class. Kacchan was the only one who did not show his quirk. 

'Maybe Kacchan is to shy to share it' I thought.

 "Ok Izuku its your turn" 

"Ok I'll try" I tried but nothing happened. 

"Hahaha he's quirkless" the rest of the class started chanting.

 "Ok ok now calm down class he may not even know what it is yet so don't judge him" Miss Caty said. "Lets start now ok." 

A few hours later "Ok class time for lunch and recess." 

I ate my lunch then ran outside and started playing in the sandbox. Soon I heard a lot of commotion and ran to find out what it was. 

    Other kids were picking on Kacchan and calling him quirkless.
