
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Unknown Slumber

The morning sunlight creeps through the blinds of Asia's bedroom as she sleeps through the morning it like a bear, from outside her room she gets called for by Issei but she still sleeps through her name being called, Issei calls her name again telling her to wake up, still no response, Issei gets worried and opens the door to check on Asia.

He sees that she is sound asleep and begins to let out a sigh of annoyance, Issei starts shaking Asia in hopes of rattle her awake.

Asia finally starts opening her eyes and waking up but even after sleeping for probably 9 hours she still seems extremely tired, Issei yells at Asia to wake up, telling her that it's the 9th time in two week that she's been oversleeping and that she is usually the one that wakes up the most early out of them all, Asia slowly sits upright and apologizes to Issei for sleeping in late.

"Asia this slumpness of you have been going on for more than a week now, I'm even noticing you sleep in class now that's not like you and honestly it's making me worried, are you sick or something?" Issei worryingly asks Asia

"No it's nothing it's just bad sleep that's all I'll probably feel better I drink a glass of water." Asia politly denies Issei's worry

Issei goes downstairs to go fetch Asia some water, but as soon as he left the room Koneko, Zenovia, Irina, Akeno, Rossweisse and Rias all enter the room to see Asia sitting on the bed looking defeated and worn out.

"Asia we have a feeling your not being completely honest to us on why you've been sleeping in for these past 9 days." Koneko concernedly tells Asia

"Huh? Not being entirely honest, It's not a big deal guys I promise don't worry about me." Asia tiredly informs Koneko

"You aren't very good at lying Asia so I'd suggest that you don't try that now, we know that your reason for oversleeping has more detail to it and we get that your trying to not make us worry but we're your family, you should come clean so we can help you" Rossweisse calls Asia out

Being called out and forced into a corner like this makes Asia feel like she is running out of options, she clearly notices that everyone can see right through her excuses, feeling as if she has no other choice she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath

"You guys want the truth? The truth is, that I've secretly been sneaking out for parties with my friends, I'm so sorry it's just they were so persistent in me being involved that I couldn't bring myself to turn them down." Asia sadly explains to everyone

This statement shocks everyone

"I guess it would make most sense why your so tired everyday but Asia you need to understand that we don't forbid you from going to parties so why sneak out?" Rias curiously asks Asia

Rias's questions only make Asia look more suspicious and she realises this fact so she doesn't answer

"Asia for the sake of your health I'm afraid I'm going to have to forbid from going to any latenight parties from now on, sleep is important"

Asia just sits there not knowing what to say next so she just agrees with Rias's orders. That same moment a memory crosses her mind of her latest private conversation with Ayanokōji

Issei returns with the water he was fetching for Asia then notices all the people in Asia's room, so he pushes everyone out the room telling them Asia is too tired to deal with this many people.

After Issei puts everyone outside he then gives Asia her water that he promised, but he notices a change in Asia's behaviour, she is just looking down with her elbows resting on her head as she sits on the edge of the bed, feeling somewhat concerned Issei calls out to Asia but receives no answer, Issei wonders If she has fallen asleep so he puts his hand on her shoulder to try shake her awake, but before he could do that he feels her body shaking wondering what's wrong he calls out Asia's name again but this time louder, Rias's ears catch that Issei is yelling out Asia's name and runs to her room to see whats wrong with her.

Asia finally decides to lift her face up to look at Issei, when Issei sees Asia's face his face turned pale, Asia is crying and softly whispering, Issei asks Asia what's wrong, she doesn't reply and instead she just starts loudly crying catching the attention of everyone in the house, Rias enters the room and immediately asks what's wrong with Asia

"I don't know, she just suddenly started crying out of nowhere, ASIA SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Issei screams with panic and concern in his voice

That same instance Asia suddenly stops crying and calls Issei's name

"That's right I'm here talk to me Asia what's wrong!!"

With fountains of tears falling down her face she mutters to him the following words:

"Issei, I- I remember"

Asia immediately passes out after she finishes talking

Issei rushes in and catches Asia from failing of the bed, he calls out Asia's name but sees no signs of a response, Issei calls out for Rias to help him with Asia, to which Rias abliged and helps Issei try to wake Asia the rest of girls enter Asia's room to find her laying past out in Issei and Rias's Arms, they immediately sprint towards her unconscious body and ask what happened to her, both Rias and Issei have no valid explanation of why she fainted.

Akeno tries healing Asia back to consciousness but her magic doesn't seem to be doing anymuch of a effect, Issei starts panicking and starts yelling at Asia to wake up still to no avail, Koneko suggests taking Asia to a hospital but Rossweisse intervenes Koneko's suggestion

"Don't be stupid medical help is the least of our concerns, Asia is just overly tired that's all, she must have passed out because of extreme exhaustion from all those late nights, so it would be best if we left her to rest till she can fully recover."

Issei follows Rossweisse's suggestion and lifts Asia then puts her back in bed to rest.

Everyone leaves Asia's room in silence and closes her door, Koneko and Akeno tells everyone that dinner is ready and that they should sit in the living room and discuss the situation further there while they eat their food, as the rest sit in living room and discuss on Asia's health and who these friends were that has been inviting her to these parties, Issei sits and daydreams in his own inner monologue, repeating the last words that Asia told him before she went unconscious; "I-I Remember".

'What the hell was Asia trying to say, what did she remember?' Issei questions in his inner monologue

As the conversation drags on Rossweisse notices that no one has dressed themselves for school yet

"Aren't you all supposed to be ready for school? I'll stay home today to take care of Asia, the rest of you should further focus on your education, it wouldn't make me a good teacher to just let you guys stay home with nothing wrong with you"

Rossweisse's suggestion is met with alot of very hesitant agreements around the table.

Issei, Rias, Irina, Zenovia, Koneko and Akeno gets themselves quickly dressed for school and quickly heads out as to not be late, they arrive at school together then heads their separate ways once they entered the school yard but with only Issei, Zenovia and Irina walking to class together.

As they enter the classroom Zenovia spots a group of girls who she always notices Asia sits with and approaches them

"Hey you three!!! How could you pull Asia along to go to your horrendous late night parties when you know she's not that type of girl!!" Zenovia shouts as she storms to the girls

The girls stare on in confusion, as Zenovia angrily approaches them and yells at them with an angry tone. The more closer Zenovia gets the more confused and petrified the girls get until she stood only a few steps away from them, only then did the girls look at Zenovia with extreme fear in their eyes.

One girl in the group tries to convince Zenovia that she's mistaken

"We- We never took Asia t-to any party" The girl stutters of fear as she tries to explain to Zenovia

this only infuriated Zenovia evenmore, to the point where Issei and Irina pulls her back

to stop her from attacking the girls that are now shaking in fear,

"Calm down Zenovia that's enough, violence at a time like this isn't gonna make Asia feel any better so just let it go!! Issei tells Zenovia as he struggles to hold her back.

Zenovia slowly starts to calm

"I think you guys should let me go, I want to go to my assigned seat, I promise I won't hurt this girl I don't even feel like it anymore" Zenovia says speaking as if she's been defeated

Only very hesitantly did Issei and Irina let her go, Zenovia ends up doing exactly as she said she would and goes to her assigned. Issei and Irina apologizes to the girls on Zenovia's behalf for her sudden outburst on them.

Irina goes to sit next to Zenovia to discuss the situation with her and Issei returns to his seat but he is suprised to see that Ayanokōji isn't in his usual seat, as a matter of fact he isn't even in class.

The bell rings for break and Issei is left staring out the window thinking if Asia is awake yet, then his friends Motohama and Matsuda approach him and asks him if he wants to chill with them behind the girls bathroom,

"I don't know you guys, I kinda have a lot on my mind right now"

Matsuda tells him that peeping with them through the girls bathroom will definitely make him feel better and promises that he will be amazed at where the hole is

Matsuda's words instantly grabs a hold of Issei's hornyness and consumes him.

"You know what count me in!!!" Issei shouts out with enthusiasm

The perverted Trio starts sprinting out of the classroom to get behind the girls bathroom, as they are moving at full speed Issei's peripherals catches a familiar figure standing behind a nearby tree, he immediately notices that it must be Ayanokōji but before he could get more thought of it he bumbs into someone landing on top of the person aswell, when Issei opens his eyes he sees he ran into Koneko.

Issei's blood turns cold as he realises he ran into Koneko and is now laying on top of her, the look he is seeing in Koneko's face says pain, Issei starts mentally and physically preparing himself for Koneko to give him the meanest gut punch, and that is exactly what Koneko does and sends Issei flying 5 feet away from her and he lands on his neck.

Koneko seats herself off and gets up

"Hey Perv, I think you should use your eyes more to watch where your going" Koneko tells Issei with an annoyed expression

Issei slowly starts getting up in agony while favouring his stomach

"Ahh-ah that hurt like bitch, you really didn't have to hit me that hard and besides why didn't you notice me running towards you"

Koneko looks away with an embarist expression

"I was just thinking about Asia and if she had woken up yet, she seemed in a pretty bad state back home and it keeps bothering me." Koneko explains to Issei in a soft tone

Issei then looks at Koneko with a face of understanding

"I understand how you feel Koneko, I thought of the same thing this morning but I don't let the thought keep me too down in the dumps, Asia is strong and I bet she is probably getting the moment we speak" Issei says with passion and hope

Koneko starts forming a smile across her face at Issei's faith in Asia

"For an annoying pervert you never siece to amaze me with your positive attitude, that's the attitude that made me become so interested in you, by the way who stole your gaze that made you bump into me" Koneko politly asks

"Oh that's because I saw Ayanokōj-" Issei stops mid sentence in the realisation that Ayanokōji had vanished

'He's gone' Issei says in his inner monologue

Koneko snaps her fingers to get Issei to answer her question, Issei snaps back to his senses and apologizes for not answering her and tells her that he must have been hallucinating because he thought he saw someone at a tree, Koneko looks and sees no one and tells Issei that all the porno he watches is driving him mad and just walks off

Issei shows an appalled facial expression to Koneko's insult

"Whatever Koneko your just a Hater" Issei softly mumbles to himself as he walks off

He walks back to his friends Matsuda and Motohama who are probably already getting good peaks without him, the thought comes back to his mind when he saw Ayanokōji, Issei tries convincing himself that he couldn't have been hallucinating and that he must have seen Ayanokōji, but his mind is so unsure he just drops the topic, as he turns the corner behind the girls bathroom where his friends are supposed to be at, he instead sees them badly beat up and roped up by a group of girls wielding kendo sticks, the moment he saw their situation Issei immediately takes off.

Back at Issei's house

Rossweisse is looking after Asia as she lays in bed still unconscious, she cooked up some food for her and brings it her room, Rossweisse puts the food she made for Asia on a silver platter by her night stand next her bed, she then notices that Asia seemed to move a bit and now has her bedsheets only covering half her body.

Rossweisse then slowly lifts up her bedsheets to cover Asia's whole body till she hears Asia mumbling something, Rossweisse is caught in a suprise that Asia is saying and listens closely,

"No, no please don't, isn't there another way" (Asia says in a tired and worn-out tone of voice)

Asia again goes silent and begins softly snoring, Rossweisse is left puzzled on what the meaning of what Asia just spoke was, was it just a dream or a real conversation she had with someone? Whatever it may have been Rossweisse can crack the code and just leaves Asia to rest further.

Back at school

Akeno stands under the shade of a tree by herself and watches as the students play football together, her mind starts wondering on Asia's current condition and if she had awoken yet, which makes her release a sigh of concern and helplessness.

Akeno hears footsteps behind her to which she almost immediately reacts to but is suprised to see Ayanokōji standing behind her,

"Ohh it's you Ayanokōji you startled me a bit, what are you doing in this side of the school?"

"I was just strolling around school as I usually do then I happened to see you, I actually had something I'd been meaning to discuss with you so that's why I decided to approach you" (Ayanokōji tells with Akeno with a calm voice)

Huh discuss with me??? What is it that you've been wanting to discuss about" (Akeno curiously asks Ayanokōji)

"Akeno do you by any chance listen to music??"

"Huh music?? Not really I've never been really interested in the music culture, maybe when I'm alone or bored I'd probably listen to a few jams to pass the time that's all, and may I ask where that question came from Ayanokōji??"

"I noticed the moment I saw you for the first time that your looks resembled that of a Idol so I was just curious if you'd want to become one"

Akeno is suprised and also flattered that Ayanokōji compared her looks to that of a Idol and starts to smile a little

"Ayanokōji if I may ask what kind of music genre are you into" (Akeno politly asks Ayanokōji)

"We'll just like you Akeno I don't have a real interest in such things aswell but if I had to choose I'd have to give it to Jazz"

"Jazz You say, please explain your reasoning for selection for such music"

"Don't know, it's Jazz fits for almost any situation, Extreme, sad or even Romantic situations" (Ayanokōji calmly explains)

"Ohh Romantic situations you say, tell Ayanokōji what place would be the best setting for your Jazz music to be playing" (Akeno Intrigly asks Ayanokōji)

"That's a rather ominous question but if I had to be honest and specific about, it would have to be a nice setting where the stars shine bright, the moon is full, fireworks are launched and where 2 two people are alone while listening to some smooth jazz playing in the distance"

Ayanokōji's specific and detailed description of a perfect setting all of a sudden makes Akeno's body feel a subtle spark igniting a gentle flame deep within herself

Akeno's takes notice to her sudden change of inner emotion and tries explaining it away as herself just being very taken away by the beautiful scenery Ayanokōji just mentioned.

The bell goes off and break ends

"Well it sounds like our conversation will have to be cut short, I hope we can continue this another time I really enjoyed it" (Akeno tells Ayanokōji showing a genuine smile)

"Yeah I agree, see you next time then" (Ayanokōji says while waving off to the Akeno)

The final bell of the day rings and Rias is on her way to the clubhouse to prepare for the others arrival but as she gets to the clubhouse she sees Ayanokōji sitting of the first step playing with pigeons, Rias finding Ayanokōji's early arrival strange starts approaching him.

Ayanokōji notices Rias approaching him then stands up and greet her, Rias greets him back and asks Ayanokōji why he is suddenly so early

"It isn't wrong of me to be this early isn't? If it is I apologise it's just I'm pretty hyped for the meeting that's all" (Ayanokōji boldly claimd)

Rias gives a little chuckle and a proud smile

"No nothing is wrong with being a bit early Ayanokōji, and since your here you help me get the place ready before the others come"

Ayanokōji gives Rias a thumbs up signalling that he'll be helping her

Ayanokōji gets the fire burning in that chimney and Rias cleans off the couches, after they finish

"Thanks for helping Ayanokōji, you sure are as reliable as you promised you'd be,

"No problem it was the least I could do for you for welcoming as a part of the family"

Rias and Ayanokōji both then hears a door rattling

"The meeting is about to start are you ready Ayanokōji" (Rias asks Ayanokōji)

"Yeah, let's have a good one" (Ayanokōji replies)

As the the footsteps of other people are heard in the other room

Out the blue Ayanokōji tells Rias that he himself also has a sacred gear, Rias, in shock takes a step back and almost falls

"It's kinda a suprise that I'll reveal to everyone in due time, until then be prepared"

Rias's face still in shock asks him why he is telling her this now, he tells to Rias he will explain everything later because their current moment is not the right time

The rest of the group enters the clubhouse with each one showing a suprised expression to see Ayanokōji arrive so early because he always arrives with Issei

Issei then also enters the room and asks the rest of the group if they had seen Ayanokōji anywhere, to his suprise he sees Ayanokōji standing next to Rias

Issei immediately starts shouting at Ayanokōji

What the hell man! You weren't in class the whole day and this where I find you, are you trying to pull something on Rias or something!?

"It's not what you think Issei, Ayanokōji just decided that he wanted to be a bit early that's why he's here before you guys" (Rias Embarrassingly explains to Issei)

Issei nods his head in understanding that Ayanokōji was early but he asks Ayanokōji why he wasn't in class this morning

"It's a long story that I can't get into detail for now" (Ayanokōji explains)

"I hope your is not purposely skipping class Ayanokōji because that would leave a bad example on the occult research club"

Ayanokōji tells Rias that it is a very reasonable reason that is too long to be explained at this moment

That same moment Rias notices a small portal opening by her ear she answers the person trying then to contact her, the rest of group is left standing there wondering what is being told to Rias

After a few minutes of discussions the call eventually ends

"Well Ayanokōji it looks like your gonna be in a hell of ride tonight" (Rias excitingly tells Ayanokōji)

Ayanokōji looks at Rias with his mind peaked with interest and asks what she means

Rias tells him that he is about to see what the house of Gremory is all about.

She then asks Akeno to open a portal to a abandoned factory that is located downtown, because a stray devil is wandering in that area consuming her victims, Akeno abides and makes a big portal for everyone to go to the factory together.

In a split second everyone gets Teleported to the factory.

The group is met with a utter darkness when they enter the factory and the atmosphere seems to be cold and damp, Rias throws a globe of light in the air so they can see more of their surroundings, a girl walks out of her hiding place completely naked with eyes her full of tears, the girl tells the group that she's scared and that they should help her

Rias calls her out and says that her innocent girl attitude won't work on them, the girl's sad face then turns into rage and begins transforming into a some kind of giant beast showing her true self.

She had huge breasts but had her hair covering over it, the lower half of her body was part goat and she had Three horns on her head with an evil vile smiling.

Rias tells Ayanokōji to watch close on how the team operates, Rias sends Koneko to fight, Koneko runs to the stray devil and avoides being stomped by her, she then takes the chance to attack her legs using her super strength making the fall flat on her face

The stray devil tries to stand up but Kiba and Zenovia intervenes and uses there sacred gears, Kiba uses sword birth and Zenovia uses her Excalibur to cut of the devil's arms leaving it once again face down on the ground but the stray devil still did not give up and still was talking trash

The devil uses its legs to stand up but unfortunately gets intervened by Issei, Issei uses his boosted gear to give stray a shockwave of punch sending it flying to the wall then collapsing to the floor again

Akeno decides to step in and uses her lightning attack on the devil to paralyze it, the devil now lays on the ground half conscious, then Rias finally decides to step forward to end the stray devil off once and for all

Rias uses the power of destruction to completely eradicate it to pieces.

Ayanokōji does what nobody expects and starts clapping his hands

"I must say I am impressed your strategies were flawless, that stray devil couldn't predict any of your movements nicely done"

Everyone looks at Ayanokōji with a look of appreciation and begins laughing, Akeno then again makes the portal and returns them back to the clubhouse

Everyone then heads out together to return to their homes

Kiba's turn approaches and he departs from the group saying his goodnights, Ayanokōji walks peacefully behind the group and just gazes up to the millions of stars, Rias then also walks to the back to confront Ayanokōji on what he told her at the clubhouse,

She asks him what his sacred gear is and how powerful it is, Ayanokōji tells Rias that it's too soon to tell her and that she doesn't need to worry about his sacred gear at the moment and that he will show to all of them his gear soon enough.

Rias is anxious and annoyed by Ayanokōji's answer but accepts his promise to show it to them one day.

They arrive at Ayanokōji's turn and parts ways with him, the group further proceeds to their home

"Hey guys you think Asia is awake yet" (Issei asks out of curiosity)

This sparks a candle of curiosity in the group and they begin sprinting to the house, they arrive at the house and open door, run up the stairs straight to Asia's door.

The group sees Rossweisse coming out of Asia's room, then Koneko asks Rossweisse if Asia's awake yet.

Rossweisse looks at them with a sad expression and tells them that Asia has not woken up at least once today

The whole group is shocked to hear the news and suggests that they might need to take Asia to a hospital

Rossweisse argues again against the idea and tells them there is nothing wrong with her health and that she even used the Phoenix tears on Asia but she still isn't waking up, this leaves confusion on everyone

"How the hell could that be, the Phoenix tears are supposed to heal anything what's wrong this can't be because of fatigue, someone tell me what's wrong with Asia!!" (Issei angrily asks Rossweisse out of curiosity)

Issei this is something that we can discuss tomorrow because it's getting late, the group with concern in their eyes get themselves ready for bed.

Issei stands in the shower and just looks into the oncoming streams of water wondering what could be wrong with Asia

"Damnit Asia why does this have to happen to you of all people, you never did anything to deserve this, it's not fai-"

that same moment Rias enters the bathroom and walks up to Issei and Gives him a hug, Issei gets starteld and accidentally slips and falls on Rias

They both lock eyes with each other then Issei apologizes for falling on her and says that he was just starteld, he tries getting up but Rias holds him down, Issei's face is now blood red and so is Rias's,

"Issei I'm sorry for bringing this up now but I feel like we haven't been spending enough alone time together like this and it actually makes me sad" (Rias tells Issei with her heart skipping a beat)

Issei embarrassingly agrees to what Rias is saying, Rias pulls Issei closer and tells him he shouldn't worry so much about Asia and that she will be fine, Issei gets starteld again on how Rias knew he was thinking about Asia

Rias explains to Issei that when she came in to hug him she felt that his whole body was tense then she came to the conclusion that something was on his mind.

Issei admits that he was been worrying over Asia and questions why it had to be her, before Issei could get another word out Rias pulls him in and kisses him, something that quickly silences Issei, she then tells him that it's time for them to go to bed and that they can talk about Asia's case Tommorow

They both get up and exits the shower then gets themselves ready for bed, Rias decides to go bed with Issei so she can cuddle together with him till they fall asleep.

Thunder and lightning strikes with loud winds howling, as Asia lays in bed with her whole body sweating, she grinds her teeth and silently whimpering something to herself, she softly mumbles the words;

"Please don't, please don't, It doesn't need to go in that direction, it can't end like that."

Barely was able to Publish this chapter but her it is


Never let one's Ego get ahead one's true drive

Jayden_Swartzcreators' thoughts