
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Anonymous superhuman spoils the day

"Nice to meet you miss I'm Echion, you must be a friend of the red dragon emperor"

Akeno instantly gets a bad feeling about this man.

How do you know who I am, and how do you know Issei? (Akeno suspiciously asks Echion)

Echion just tells her that it's top secret, and that she should leave with him, Akeno rejects his offer and tells him to leave her alone, but Echion once again tells her that she has to go somewhere with him first, he quickly then grabs onto Akeno's wrists, Akeno feeling threatened warns Echion to let her go but Echion refuses to let her go, Akeno then uses a portion of electrical magic to let the shockwave seperate the two of them, but when she tries using it, it does nothing

Akeno's face then immediately turns pale from confusion and concern

"Why did nothing nothing happen, did I use too little, no, the energy I used should have been enough to seperate us so what happened??" (Akeno wonders to herself with a concerned look)

But to Akeno's suprise Echion tells Akeno that he temporarily cancelled out all of her magic as soon as he grabbed her wrist, Akeno is left speechless to such a unbeknownst ability, her heart even starts beating faster, Echion then tightens his grib on Akeno's wrist and starts pulling her up causing Akeno to feel pain, Akeno almost starts yelling for Siegfried to let her go but Siegfried just starts pulling Akeno even more.

Akeno grabs onto the table for leverage and it causes the both of them to momentarily stop, Echion then with a low and annoyed voice tells Akeno to let go of the table and that time is wasting, As Akeno is gripping onto the table ledge she then demands Echion to tell her where he plans on taking her, Echion then let's out a annoyed sigh then tells her that they are going to his leader.

Akeno then tells him that whoever his leader is, isn't gonna be seeing her soon, she lets go of the table and lunches forward to hit Echion directly in the face but Echion avoids the contact and then grabs her other hand, now holding Akeno in a handcuffed like position

Akeno again starts yelling for Echion to let her go, but Echion refuses to ablige and takes a few steps forward to leave.

But before he could take another step, he suddenly feels a hand touch his shoulder and and hears a stern like voice behind him say

"Didn't you hear her, she told you to let her go"

Akeno's ears hear the sound of a familiar voice, she turns her head around to see that it's none other than Ayanokōji who is now resting his hand on Echion's shoulder, a sense of desperateness and relief then washes over her.

Echion then unexpectedly swings his forearm back to hit Ayanokōji but Ayanokōji ducks under it, Echion gets annoyed and pushes Akeno forward making her fall to the floor, he then tries stomping on Ayanokōji's head while is still in his crouched down position but Ayanokōji once again avoids.

Ayanokōji then curiously asks him what he wants with Akeno but Echion refuses to answer but instead lunges forward and delivers a punch to Ayanokōji that he quickly dodges, Echion tries to quickly attack by roundhouse kicking Ayanokōji in the face but he ducks under and leg sweeps him, this catches Echion by suprise but in that same moment Ayanokōji pushes Siegfried away sending him flying a few feet away and landing hard on the floor.

"Look here mister, I think I'd be safer for you if you'd leave now or else I could seriously hurt you" (Ayanokōji nonchalantly warns Echion)

Echion then stands up from the ground and wipes off his clothes, he than randomly starts chuckling to himself

"My My, your a good one aren't ya, Guess I came here at the wrong time, so I'll take my Leave then because I can already see how this is gonna end"

Echion walks to the nearest wall and just magically phases through it, Ayanokōji lowers his guard and approaches Akeno who now sits on the floor in deep confusion, he then bends on one knee and asks her if she's okay, Akeno looks at Ayanokōji in disbelief and after a few seconds she responds that she's fine.

Ayanokōji then apologizes to Akeno for not coming to her aid sooner, but Akeno just tells him that it's fine and that he doesn't need to apologize or explain his reason for being late.

"Hey! Why the hell are you kids making such noise" (a angry unknown voice calls out)

Both Akeno and Ayanokōji then notices a short ugly lady with ginger hair and wearing a green V-necksweater standing right next to one of the book selfs and is angrily starring at them, it's the Librarian.

She starts yelling at  Ayanokōji and Akeno for all the disturbing noises that they are making, Ayanokōji tries reasoning with the librarian but she doesn't seem to want to hear his excuse, the librarian warns them to leave the library or she might call the cops on them

Akeno then attempts to come to Ayanokōji's aid but he stops her and tells Akeno that the librarian is very threatened and annoyed with them now and that any further lack of cooperation with her demands might force her to really call the cops and get them into trouble

The librarian then starts counting down from 10 to 0 but before she could start Ayanokōji tells the librarian that they'll be leaving immediately, Ayanokōji holds out his hand to and offer to help her up

Akeno slowly lifts her hand then puts her hand in Ayanokōji's, while gazing into his eyes

"You now have five seconds to get the hell out of here and do your little sentimental, whatever it is you two are doing OUTSIDE!!!"

(The librarian very annoyedly yells at Akeno and Ayanokōji)

Moving a little more quicker Ayanokōji then slowly begins pulling Akeno up then they immediately leave the library basically being pushed out by the librarian

"Looks like I'm not gonna be Enjoying my weekend with you at the library after all, that's a shame" (Ayanokōji confirms to Akeno as he looks back at the library)

Akeno embarrassingly tells Ayanokōji that it's fine and that they can hangout some other time. Ayanokōji the looks the Akeno and nods in agreement

"Hey Akeno, since we still have some daylight left, would you mind walking around with me for a while, I know it's not anything romantic but since the schedule has been changed due to an unexpected visit, I guess I'm gonna have to improvise"

"Sure I don't mind, as long as you promise to walk me home afterwards"

'Wait a minute what did he mean when he said 'I know it's not anything romantic', why would it need to be anything romantic' (Akeno quotes to herself Ayanokōji's mysterious choice of words)

"Yeah I'll walk you home, was planning on doing it anyway so let's get move on"

As Akeno and Ayanokōji leisurely strolls around different streets and alleyways, they start striking up simple conversations on each other's favourite hobbies, what they do when they're alone, what's their favourite foods and what beverages they like most. Their little discussions seems to be going smoothly, the longer they were discussing with each, the more comfortable Akeno seemed to be getting with Ayanokōji

"Hey Ayanokōji can I ask you something?" (Akeno curiously asks Ayanokōji)

"Yeah sure" (Ayanokōji shortly responds)

Akeno then brings up a very interesting topic

"A while back, when I asked you to give me a setting where you believed would be best for your favourite music genre to be playing, you gave a beautiful and Romantic description of a setting that I still remember till this day, to be honest on that day I envisioned it exactly how you said it, it's just the location part that I couldn't clearly envision, anyways I actually imagined myself being there with someone who's name I unfortunately won't tell you" (Akeno tries puzzling Ayanokōji as to not real her secret to him)

"You thought about me, didn't you Akeno" (Ayanokōji almost immediately states to Akeno)

Akeno facial expression immediately changes in shock of Ayanokōji's extremely accurate assumption

"What no!!?? It wasn't you it was someone else" (Akeno very hastily answers Ayanokōji to defend herself)

"Oh really you didn't? Well that's a low blow, (Akeno confusedly tries understanding what Ayanokōji ment) because I was actually envisioning myself being with you the whole time"

Akeno's heart skips a beat as she stops in the middle of the road, the look on her face openly says disbelief and confusion. She starts wondering if her ears may have played a trick on her but she still doesn't want to ask Ayanokōji to repeat himself, she then concludes that she wasn't mistaken about what she heard Ayanokōji say

Ayanokōji stops as he realises that Akeno isn't next to him anymore then turns around and sees Akeno standing still and looking lost

"Hey Akeno, are you ok?" (Ayanokōji asks Akeno as he calls out her name)

Hearing Ayanokōji's voice she snaps out of her trance like state

"Huh?? I zoned out didn't I? I'm sorry I must be feeling tired or something"

"Maybe I should walk you back home then, it's about to turn soon anyways" (Ayanokōji calmly suggests to Akeno)

Akeno nods her head in agreement and they start following the route to Issei's house

While Ayanokōji and Akeno follow the route that'll lead them to Issei's house, they once again start up certain conversations about certain topics

"Akeno, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Japanese Festival 7months from now, I'm kinda new to those kinds of things so I could be wrong?"

No your on the right track it is 7 months from now, do you have plans by that time, if you don't mind me asking?

"Yeah I actually plan on having you join me at that festival"

Akeno once again stops dead in her tracks her mind again starts ramming with questions, did Ayanokōji just officially ask her out, or is it just a friendly invite, questions that makes Akeno's body starts tingling as she struggles to think straight

Ayanokōji again notices Akeno lacking behind so he stops and turns around and asks her if something is the matter, Akeno then replies with; No nothing is wrong in particular it's just that you caught me by surprise by technically asking me out just now

"Oh so that's your reason for stopping, if it would make you feel more comfortable around me I also plan on inviting everyone else to join us, but I'll leave that decision up to you"

"No it's that I'm not comfortable around you, I actually enjoy your company, but inviting the rest of the gang wouldn't be a bad idea, it could actually be a lot of fun" (Akeno says with a crooked smile)

They finally arrive at the house, Akeno thanks Ayanokōji for walking her home and calls him a gentleman

It's no problem I'm taking the long way to my house anyways. Ayanokōji then waves off goodbye to Akeno and she waves back at him, but before he leaves he tells Akeno that on their next date that maybe she should approach him when she sees him instead of just staring at him from a far

Right as Ayanokōji finished his sentence he just walks off, Akeno's face starts turning red out of embarrassment, she tries explaining herself to Ayanokōji but he has already turned the nearby corner.

Akeno feeling embarrassed and defeated gives up trying to explain herself and walks to the front door with her head down

When she gets to the front door she let's out an exhausted sigh from today's unexpected events, she puts her hand on the door handle then gets flashbacks to when she saw Ayanokōji in the romance section, while he was reading through a romance book, she starts thinking to herself trying to figure out why he was in that section of the library but when a thought comes to mind her face once again starts turning red

The thought is embarrassing to her, she starts shaking her head in denial to the idea then enters the house.

In another part of the world Echion walks through a portal with his hands in his pockets and tells a Anonymous man that someone interupted their plan and that it wasn't any of the red dragon's friends but someone else

the anonymous man who's facing his back towards Echion then starts chuckling to himself and says;

"Well-Well looks like we got another friend that joined party".