
A Vó da Maria José

作者: Best_2429
連載中 · 4K ビュー
  • 11 章
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What is A Vó da Maria José

WebNovel で公開されている、Best_2429 の作者が書いた A Vó da Maria José の小説を読んでください。Em São Miguel, uma pitoresca cidade onde a tradição encontra a inovação, a Vó da Maria José, Sovaco, e Janelinha desdobram suas vidas como notas de uma melodia. Enquanto esta narrativa sazonal se dese...


Em São Miguel, uma pitoresca cidade onde a tradição encontra a inovação, a Vó da Maria José, Sovaco, e Janelinha desdobram suas vidas como notas de uma melodia. Enquanto esta narrativa sazonal se desenrola, a cidade enfrenta desafios, celebra descobertas e tece laços que resistem às estações do tempo. Num cenário encantador, o leitor é levado a uma jornada pela árvore centenária, testemunha silenciosa de romances proibidos e segredos enterrados. À medida que cada estação se desdobra, músicas de Sovaco, danças de Janelinha e histórias da Vó da Maria José se entrelaçam, criando uma sinfonia única que ressoa nos corações dos moradores. Neste conto envolvente, descubra como a cidade de São Miguel transforma desentendimentos em harmonia, valoriza tradições enquanto abraça a inovação, e, acima de tudo, celebra a força dos laços comunitários. Prepare-se para uma experiência literária que aquece o coração e deixa uma melodia duradoura, como a infonia das estações que ecoa nas ruas de São Miguel.


The Most Kind Shadow Monarch

The first Shadow monarch of the Chaos realm, Ashborn, filled with repentance and peace of mind, passed over all his power to next sovereign Sung Jin Woo. With that decision, Ashborn went into eternal and peaceful rest, as that is which he had desired long ago. But little did he know that acheiving peace is not that easy and it would only be the first step of repentance for all the misdeed he conducted in his blind hated and ignorance, After which he would be known as the epitome of kindness among mortals. . . . The Slug Senin, the most battle-hardened maiden of all five elemental nations, Tsunade Senju had enough of war which took away all from her life. Her family, friends, love. Having succumbed to sorrow and having confidence destroyed by haemophobia, she indulged her self in world touring, gambling and drinking. Little did she know, seeing her wretched state, someone would take pity in her and forcefully send her away at a foreign world meet a kind man which would change her forever and also for better. ************* I don't own Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Solo levelling. . . . . . . . . Okay, this MC, will be a completely good guy. Lately, all I have been seeing 100% selfish MC both in original works and fan-fics, and I can't take it anymore. So, I am going to try my hand at writing a tolerant and merciful MC. But don't mistake kindness for mental weakness. MC would dish out due debt to those who cross his bottom line. If you don't like a good guy, helpful MC, I respect your opinion and you are welcome to differ. But if you want a change of pace and ok watching a good guy, you are at the right place. Now, at the question of harem. Well, I originally wanted to not include harem, and wanted to make it a monogamous romance type. But due to certain reasons, I ditched that notion because, I personally doesn't hail from a monogamous background and I know that harmonious polygamous relation is possible. (My grandfather had 2 wives, go figure. And I also hail from the only son of the second wife.) So, ya. But the member count would most likely won't exceed 4. So, enjoy. Peace.

Cidny_Remon · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Red Blossom System (BL)

Completed. “Flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on, and so will I.”  For over a millennium, Cillian had shouldered the role of a guardian, or as he would jest, a glorified gardener. In his recollection, he'd emerged in an endless expanse known as Blossom Central, his memory a mere fragment with only his name. He was bound to the Red Blossom system Bloom, where an annoying flying entity named Bliss, the personification of Bloom, materialized as his assistant. Cillian's duty centered on nurturing the Red Blossom trees and safeguarding the cherries from falling. Each Red Blossom tree represented a distinct world, relying on his care to prosper. One day, Bliss mustered the courage to disrupt Cillian's nap despite knowing it could be risky. But he had a compelling reason – numerous Red Blossom trees had lost their cherries, a situation that had never occurred before. The fallen cherries meant that the worlds connected to those trees were in danger of collapsing. It was all because a mortal's destiny had been altered. To prevent the impending calamity, they needed to restore that mortal's fate to its rightful course. --------------------------- Cillian, desperation etched across his face, pushed the man atop him, pleading, "Please, enough, I can't take it anymore." The man swiftly reclaimed his position, his lips trailing along Cillian's Adam's apple. He whispered sensually, "We're just getting started; I'm not finished playing with you." Internally, Cillian urgently reached out to Bliss: *Bliss, get your ass over here!* *Yes, Master?* *Who the hell is this man, and why does he persistently follow me from world to world?* Bliss responded with feigned innocence, *I truly have no idea, Master.* Cillian issued a dire threat, *Tell me what you're keeping from me.* Before Bliss could utter a word, the man's lips descended upon his own with a hunger. Their tongues intertwined, and he emphasized dominantly, "I've told you, darling, don't address me as anything other than Gege." Cillian was on the verge of tears. Stuck in Blossom Central, he'd always harbored disdain for his circumstances, but now he was relentlessly pursued by this shameless, tofu-eating stranger who insisted on being called Gege. Like a fool, he thought he would get to play with Alterers, but he's the one getting played with over and over again... Arc 01: Abo (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 02: Vampire (20 Chapters)✔ Arc 03: Celebrity (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 04: Mafia (21 Chapters)✔ Arc 05: Piano Virtuoso (18 Chapters)✔ Arc 06: Ancient Era (17 Chapters)✔ Arc 07: Future Era, Final Arc (39 Chapters)✔

TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
150 Chs

The Dark City - Life Underworld

Wedding Night December 2016, India She was removing her big nose rings from her delicate hand with beautiful henna on it while looking on the man in the bedside who was unbuttoning his sherwani. Her long red silk lehenga was swaying on the floor with all its majesty. She went to washroom and looked at her bridal get up for one last time while her tear and water droplets rolled down her cheeks together. "Are we ready?" She asked in a low and gentle voice after changing into her casual outfit with tears hidden. "Almost" He said swapping his hands after closing the chain of his black suitcase. Hayati and Shayleen left the hotel room together. "Good Bye... Take care" She said desperately hugging him tightly for the last time with all her spirit. A tear rolled down her eye and fall on Shayleen's shoulder making him hug her even tighter. He pulled her head away pressed his lips against with dominating force. She tip toed and and kissed him back almost bitten his lips. Her waist long hair was kept loose dancing in the sky. Under the dazzling moonlight he could see the long eyelashes up close where her tears were sparkling like pearls. "Go before I change my mind" He gently removed his lips away and took his hands back from her waist. She let her arm loose which was hugging him tightly as it was leaving the most precious thing. She turned back immediately and left running and wiping hard tears away. Shayleen stood there without moving an inch, watching her silhouette disappear. She boarded her cab and left without turning back. May be she was afraid if she stood a second more she would start regretting her decision. ... But it was decided. She had prepared herself for this day a long ago. Her ambition was in front of her. The man stood there still opposing the wind, he was wearing golden-framed glasses and his slim-fitting black tuxedo emphasised his broad shoulders and slender waist. His muscles were well built emitting an aura like of king of frost. Before getting into his car the black haired man looked down at his ring and slowly said. "We will meet again."

_divineheart_ · 現実
2 Chs


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  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


