
Fire can’t burn

Fire stars POV

My brother blood claw was acting strange, and not just because we're Nekos. Hi my name is Firestar, I'm a five year old cat person, I live in gravity falls. There's some weird stuff here. Fortunately nekos are the most dangerous thing in this forest. "Fire I'm busy! Go play in the woods or something!" He growled. I decided to play near the cipher statue, it kept most things away and many were afraid of it. After an hour of playing three shadow clan warriors started to beat me up. I fell on the ground in front of the statue, my hand touched his outstretched one, then his hand closed around mine, and the statue started laughing. The three warriors ran off. Then I noticed the statue was coming back to life, starting with it's arm and spreading from there. Then it woke up. "So..." He said, "you're the one who let me out... guess I can't kill you....." I shivered, this guy was scarier then most people. He started laughing, hard, it freaked me out. "Well I always wanted a pet....." he muttered "maybe you'll be a good one......" He snapped his fingers and a red X appeared in the sky, nightmares started pouring out of it and I whimpered. "Awwwwww..." the triangle said. "Is my new little pet afraid of their new home? It'll get better...... I promise." I tried turning into a cat but he just grabbed my cat form and held it tightly. "No , no! Pets shouldn't run from their masters..... but since you are new, I won't punish you." He laughed. Then started flying towards a floating pyramid. "Welcome to your new home for all of eternity!" He laughed happily as he put me in a large iron cage near his throne. What I didn't know was that star clan was going to use me to save the other warriors of every clan, and they were going to do it very soon.